
ffs my partner ordered the shopping got it in lots of subs never checked it properly anfd got loads of vegan products unbelievable,don't eat much meat anyway very rarely but vegan pizza :thumbsdown::thumbsdown:..
ffs my partner ordered the shopping got it in lots of subs never checked it properly anfd got loads of vegan products unbelievable,don't eat much meat anyway very rarely but vegan pizza :thumbsdown::thumbsdown:..

I did wonder what vegans would be eating at the moment. I don't eat much meat usually but when I did my survivalist freezer/store cupboard a few weeks ago I bought in far more meat than usual because beef keeps very well.
ffs my partner ordered the shopping got it in lots of subs never checked it properly anfd got loads of vegan products unbelievable,don't eat much meat anyway very rarely but vegan pizza :thumbsdown::thumbsdown:..

I did wonder what vegans would be eating at the moment. I don't eat much meat usually but when I did my survivalist freezer/store cupboard a few weeks ago I bought in far more meat than usual because beef keeps very well.
I did wonder what vegans would be eating at the moment. I don't eat much meat usually but when I did my survivalist freezer/store cupboard a few weeks ago I bought in far more meat than usual because beef keeps very well.

Just had it,was ok would probably eat it again i don't really eat meat maybe chicken once a week tops was s vegetarian for 20 years,was only when i met my partner and had my first child that started eating meat again,has tailed off again after watching the way animals are farmed everywhere..Being a vegetarian would be easy for me,being vegan would be another thing though.
Not vegan but I'd recommend tinned fish: sardines, skippers, pilchards, herring, mackeral are all cheap, very nutritious and keep forever. Salmon the treat for sunday lunch. There were masses of these tins languishing on the shelves at a Sainsbury's Local I was in the other day
Not vegan but I'd recommend tinned fish: sardines, skippers, pilchards, herring, mackeral are all cheap, very nutritious and keep forever. Salmon the treat for sunday lunch. There were masses of these tins languishing on the shelves at a Sainsbury's Local I was in the other day

Have always eaten these,trouble is everyine else in the house hates them and moans about smell of fiosh..
January 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” Taken from a Trump interview with CNBC.

February 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.” Taken from an interview with Fox News.

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!” Taken from Trump’s Twitter.

February 25: “CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.” Taken from Trump’s Twitter.

February 25: “I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away.” Taken from a press conference Trump delivered in India.

February 26: “The 15 [US COVID-19 cases] within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero”; “We’re going very substantially down, not up.” Taken from a press conference led by Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

February 27: “One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.” Taken from remarks Trump gave during an event commemorating Black History Month.

February 28: “We’re ordering a lot of supplies. We’re ordering a lot of — a lot of elements that, frankly, we wouldn’t be ordering unless it was something like this. But we’re ordering a lot of different elements of medical.”

March 2: “You take a solid flu vaccine, you don’t think that could have an impact, or much of an impact, on corona?”; “And we’re going to be very successful. A lot of things are happening. A lot of very exciting things are happening, and they’re happening very rapidly.” Trump made these remarks during a public meeting with leaders from pharmaceutical companies.

March 4: “If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better.” Taken from another Trump interview with Fox News.

March 5: “I never said people that are feeling sick should go to work.” Taken from Trump’s Twitter.

March 6: “I think we’re doing a really good job in this country at keeping it down … a tremendous job at keeping it down”; “Anybody right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. They’re there”; “I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it”; I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault.” Taken from a press conference Trump gave at the Centers for Disease Control.

March 8: “We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus.” Taken from Trump’s Twitter.

March 9: “This blindsided the world.” Taken from Trump’s remarks at a press conference

And if that wasn't catastrophic enough he ended with this little beauty

March 17 2020, journalists asked Trump why his tone had shifted so quickly and dramatically regarding the epidemic. He told reporters,

“I’ve always known this is a real — this is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic. I’ve always viewed it as very serious.”
:lol::lol: Comedy gold.
A 36-year-old woman died at her flat in south London of suspected Covid-19 a day after calling 999 and being told to look after herself at home.

Kayla Williams, a mother of three, died on Saturday 21 March, a day after paramedics were called to her home in Peckham.

Her husband, Fabian Williams, a refuse collector, said his wife was suffering from a cough, high fever and had severe chest and stomach pains when he called 999 on Friday.

Documents seen by the Guardian confirm paramedics were treating her as a suspected Covid-19 case.

Williams said: “I called 999 because my wife was breathless, she was vomiting and she had pains in her stomach. As I was talking to them she was getting worse and they told me to put her on the floor and to make her body flat.”

When the paramedic arrived at 8.32am she carried out some tests, Williams said. “She told me the hospital won’t take her, she is not a priority. She did not stay very long and she went outside to write her report and posted it through the door.”

Williams said his wife’s condition deteriorated the next day. He ran her a bath in the morning and helped her to get dressed, before feeding her some soup. After taking a short rest himself, he went into the front room where she had been resting to find his wife slumped head down. “She was already dead,” he said.

“I put her on the ground – because that is what they had told me to do before – and I rang 999 again and they told me to put my hand on her chest and pump her chest.”

Three cars and an ambulance arrived at his home a short time later, he said. The crews tried to revive his wife, but were not successful.

Williams, 49, said the police later visited his home, but would not enter his flat. “They stood on the doorstep and would not come in when I asked them to,” he said.

They were followed an hour later by a funeral director. “They put on full forensic suits outside, with full masks, visors and gloves. They covered their feet as well. This is when I thought; ‘What’s going on? This is not right,’” he said.

Williams said the undertaker wrapped sheeting around his wife’s face, before wrapping her body tightly and placing her in a body bag – all procedures required in an infectious disease death.

“I have heard nothing since,” he said. “They have left me here and said I must isolate. They haven’t told me anything else. I am a diabetic. I take insulin. All I know is I am supposed to isolate. No one has mentioned her body being tested or anything.”

Documents seen by the Guardian completed by the London ambulance service after their first visit show Kayla Williams was suffering from “?Cov 19”. Symptoms were listed as: “non-productive cough … headache … chest pains all over”.

The advice given was “self-care, use antipyretics, increase food/fluid.”. Fabian Williams was advised to use “999 for emergency, use 111 online for advice. Family also advised to isolate.”

A spokesperson for the London ambulance service said: “We were called at 8.32am on Friday 20 March to reports of a person unwell at an address in Peckham. Our clinicians treated a patient and advised them to call back if their condition changed.

“We were called the following day at 3.24pm and sent a number of resources, with our first medics arriving in under seven minutes. Sadly, the patient had died. Our sympathy is with the family at this time.

“We are working incredibly hard in these unprecedented times to look after Londoners.”

Another tory catastrophe,people aren't getting tested the figures stink to high heaven we were on Italies trajectory and yesterday remarkably recorded half the deaths of day before,reports of doctirs and nurses saying that hospitals are not testing, and recording the deaths as pneumonia when obviously the virus..And you just knew this was going to happen,it stunk as soon as they said the NHS had the capabilities to cover the whole what with no ppe beds,ventilators,can only hope doctors and nurses and familires speak out otherwise will be a whitewash..even the tory BBC exposed them tonight about ppe etc.
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Utter utter madnes wtf is going on,they simply don't have any real intentions of doing anything just waiying for people to pop pff,three weeks ago MEC applied to government to make ventilators,they ignored yjem and now the production for them is weeks way..This just looks like genocide,how can you explain it..purely deliberate.
?Tory BBC? FFS :lol: :lol:

I thought I'd come onto the canary website by mistake for moment :lol: :lol:
Interesting how the UK government line in why they cant release daily trackable death figures is out of gaining consent from families. Even when no personal data is at stake and it is completely anonymised. But CHINA can't be trusted cos of their innate dirty communism.
I think we are reaping what we sow, in respect of the government. You elect a government led by a man who has got were he is by a combination of lies, bulls**** and bluster (and who was, by general consent, the worst Foreign Secretary in living memory) and how can you expect honesty or competence. I have a daughter-in-law who is a nurse and she and her colleagues are incandescent with rage at Hancock`s "spin" on things like PPE, masks, ventilators, etc. In war, as they say, truth is the first casualty.
Interesting how the UK government line in why they cant release daily trackable death figures is out of gaining consent from families. Even when no personal data is at stake and it is completely anonymised. But CHINA can't be trusted cos of their innate dirty communism.

Absolutely stinks out trajectory seems to be completely off whst everyone elses is

Just watched the full Newsnight report.

The NHS started off with 5,900 ventilators, this was subsequently increased to 8,175.

On 15 March, Hancock put out the call for firms with suitable engineering capability to dedicate resources to the manufacture of ventilators.
On 23 March, Hancock stated that new ventilators had been made, increasing the total numbers to 12,000.

However, at a government briefing on 24 March, the figure was stated as 8,000.
This was subsequently confirmed as correct to Newsnight on 25 March.

On 20 March, Hancock stated on BBC Breakfast that new first time manufacturers would be able to provide ventilators "in a matter of days".
Parts suppliers, such as MEC Medical, say that this is simply not true, it will be weeks rather than days.

Clearly, these ventilators require to be fit for purpose, firms making them for the first time require to adequately test their prototypes. As such, the public are fully capable of understanding that this will take time.

So why does Hancock feel the need to mislead the public?
Is this an honest mistake, or is he deliberately inflating the numbers from what he knows to be the true figure?

When you then watch Nadhim Zahawi wriggle like a worm on a hook when being asked to answer some very straight forward questions on Newsnight by Emily Maitlis, you find it difficult to imagine anything else but Hancock is deliberately misinforming the public..

Then you see hancock just lying with stuff like this caught red handed,then they say the NHS will be able to control the virus under current conditions,absolutely stinks to high heaven i hope someones looking into this,why do i get the feeing government are about to cover up these cause of deaths and inactions..on ones dying untested...
I think we are reaping what we sow, in respect of the government. You elect a government led by a man who has got were he is by a combination of lies, bulls**** and bluster (and who was, by general consent, the worst Foreign Secretary in living memory) and how can you expect honesty or competence. I have a daughter-in-law who is a nurse and she and her colleagues are incandescent with rage at Hancock`s "spin" on things like PPE, masks, ventilators, etc. In war, as they say, truth is the first casualty.

We need medical staff to speak out and reveal the truth,we and others know it, but through lack of everthing they palm peoples deaths off as collateral damage they will be held to no account again,they've got away with everthing due to our pathetic media mainly the BBC tory enablers and SKY somones got to do something,where will it end?

And this today,why change and what's the change he can't tell after figures reducing by 50% and reports from hospital staff..

Here are the main points from today’s Downing Street lobby briefing.

The spokesman confirmed that the way UK coronavirus deaths are recorded and made public is changing, but he was unable to give details of how.

He said Public Health England is moving to a different reporting time.

Yesterday was “a cross-over day” in the way they were recording the numbers, he said.
But he was unable to explain what would change

And the excuse for the above last night was relatves permission,guess what? it's a tital lie so now we know its about not recording the right figures..

Chris Smyth

Death figures update: last night only 28 new fatalities recorded.
Alas this is not good news, it is because there are now so many deaths NHS using a 7.30am cut off instead of 1pm.
So govt looking at changing how they are reported.

We may not get any death figures today, as they are looking at moving to publishing first thing in the morning.
Aim is to give more time to collate NHS data and inform families before ages and locations made public..:(
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This virus must have knocked the negotiations with the E.U into the long grass.

If Labour had waited and not called an election (given the fact Coronavirus has taken such a political timeslot), I am sure Labour and Corbyn (or moreover staunch E.U remainers within Labour) wouldn't have agreed to an election last December.

If they'd waited this certainly would have made leaving the E.U (deal or no deal) harder for the Tories.

Hindsight eh...
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Doesn't matter. They can do it because they were rewarded for doing so in the past. Why shouldn't they?
There is a disturbing rumour doing the rounds up here in Scotland.

Apparently a whistleblower has alleged that NHS Scotland staff have been told 'Do not resuscitate over-70s'.

Hopefully the allegation is being investigated.