
Gawd had no idea what an awful time you were having DG. Please send my best to Mrs DG and wish her a speedier recovery. Must be a very scary time for you but know that your TH family will all be thinking about you.
We began self isolating two days before The Festival with all good intentions. On the Wednesday Mrs DG started to go down with an infection so I had to dash to our pharmacist in a major superstore which at that time was heaving for some antibiotics. Then I discovered on the Friday her monthly prescription which we had ordered through Pharmacy2U so it would be delivered had also been sent to our local pharmacy so I had to go back in there again. On the Saturday she had deteriorated so after ringing NHS111 we were told to go to an out of hours doctor in Cheltenham General who in turn sent us round to A&E where we were for most of the day before she was advised to go home and given extra pain killers. On the Sunday she was even worse so I rang NHS 111 again and they sent an ambulance to us which meant letting two paramedics into our home. The said it was too risky to take her into the hospital and told her to take her painkillers more often.
Fast forward to Wednesday and I had to call the ambulance who this time rushed her into hospital but I wasn't allowed to go with her nor,I was told would I be allowed to visit.So would I ever see her again ?
Later that day I had a phone call to go and fetch her home as it was "too dangerous here" not withstanding the staff who had been with her had hardly any PPE. I had to go through a packed dept to tell them I had arrived and a member of staff wheeled her out to the car. Next day she was still very ill so this time we rang our practice and a GP prescribed more antibiotics which meant another trip into the supermarket, albeit a much quieter one.
We have now been self isolated for the last three days and thankfully there are signs of improvement in her condition but Lord knows how many people we have been in contact with in the last two weeks so I guess we wait now to see if anything develops. I have a slightly runny nose and a hint of a sore throat but no sign of a cough, can only hope and pray.
Luckily have been able to get slots for grocery delivery by having two or three accounts with them all and getting out of bed in the middle of the night to take pot luck attempts and luckily being online more or less at the exact moment they released them. Medication, papers and milk deliveries working OK, touch wood.

Take care DG my mum hss terminl lung cancer and have been told to stay in lockdown till june 6th hve you not been told the same with your mrs medical prob;ems,also i thin k Asda or Tescos are doig a special delivery service for people with medical conditions..
Boris tests positive for Corona.

Cleared in three days,almost as though he never had it who knew pathetic..?

Meanwhile Cuomo different gravy,why can't we have someone like that instead of the bluffers crazy..
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Cleared in three days,almost as though he never had it who knew pathetic..?

Meanwhile Cuomo different gravy,why can't we have someone like that instead of the bluffers crazy..

Yeah Coumo superb. Just have a press conference and demand more supplies. Could he not have had the most important city in the world better prepared? Of course he's a Democrat so gets a free pass...
So the Mrs aunt died yesterday from coronavirus - diagnosed on Wednesday, died Mon. She had been ill with cancer and COPD for the past 3 years so it's no great surprise, but just shows how quickly it can down a person
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Cleared in three days,almost as though he never had it who knew pathetic..?

The one thing that surprised me about BJ's announcement today was, as far as I could see, he talked about his persistent cough yet he spoke for five minutes about his symptoms and never coughed once.

I do hope he doesn't have it (despite the report of the positive test) as I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

The brother was on the phone the other evening just checking up on us.

BJ's situation came up in the conversation. When I said I had my suspicions about whether he actually had it at all, his response surprised me. Basically he thought I must have been off my head to think BJ would go so far as to lie about something so serious and that BJ would have to be off his head to think he could get away with such a lie. And he holds BJ in far greater disdain than I do.

I still hope he never had it for the same reason as before but if he didn't have it the truth needs to come out at some point.

Same brother, by the way, has just been put into quarantine for 14 days because he went to hospital to collect our 90yo uncle who had been taken in due to breathing difficulties. He has long-term lung issues and goes into hospital at least twice a year when he has an episode of difficulty. The hospital seemed to think it wasn't Covid-19 (no word about whether they tested him for it) but because the brother had to physically help him to the car he was told he now needed to self-isolate for 14 days 'just in case'. When he argued with the doctor that no-one told him in advance he'd need to self-isolate (effectively putting his entire family into lockdown) the doctor replied that she thought he'd have known. The alternative was to have the uncle wait a few hours for an ambulance home and the brother was trying to free the ambulance up for real emergencies.

I can't see anyone in the family now volunteering to take any relative there or back.
So the Mrs aunt died yesterday from coronavirus - diagnosed on Wednesday, died Mon. She had been ill with cancer and COPD for the past 3 years so it's no great surprise, but just shows how quickly it can down a person

Condolences, simmo.
So the Mrs aunt died yesterday from coronavirus - diagnosed on Wednesday, died Mon. She had been ill with cancer and COPD for the past 3 years so it's no great surprise, but just shows how quickly it can down a person

My condolences and I'm sure all our forum family.
Sorry to hear your news, Simmo.

I went into town to do our weekly shop at 8.30 this morning to avoid as many people as I can. As I drove in (small town only a mile away) there was an ambulance, police, air ambulance and paramedics in full hazmat suits outside the Co-op. Apparently an elderly gentleman had collapsed in there. Sadly I think it was a heart attack and he didn’t survive. But the medical response was quite sobering. We have had minimal impact down here with only three deaths so far in Taunton hospital. A friends daughter is a doctor in A&E and she says it’s eerily quiet. They are just waiting.
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So the Mrs aunt died yesterday from coronavirus - diagnosed on Wednesday, died Mon. She had been ill with cancer and COPD for the past 3 years so it's no great surprise, but just shows how quickly it can down a person

Condolences. Simmo.
There are going to be a lot of ongoing problems over the next year or so because people are not able to work through the grieving process. I know of someone who, in one week lost their wife from cancer and then their mum from the virus and can't physically contact their father who is having to self isolate. Lets hope the warmth and kindness that is emanating from this terrible pandemic can somehow cloak people in some way. I put a box outside for my postie with a note on it saying 'one less letterbox to negotiate' and he left a small parcel that I was expecting in it but drew a kiss on it. It cheered me up but made me cry at the same time. It did go straight into quarantine [ie the garage] however. [I'm going to put another box outside in the shape of a dustbin with the words 'for Boris's letter on it....]
So sorry Simmo :( x

Brother number 2 who is 75, had bowel cancer 16 years ago, has had prostrate cancer for the last 7, has an a 'problem' since just before Christmas, four lots of antibiotics have failed to solve had an appointment for this week for a scan to try and solve this issue. It has been cancelled with no date given for when he can have it. He's not moaning about it, as not his nature, but he is struggling. I despair that he does not have an appointment after struggling for 3 months. My sister was diagnosed a couple of months ago with stage 4 bowel cancer and this week is on session 3 of chemo. We were worried, those that are left out of 7 of us, that she my sister, would not have the greatest mental attitude to this but has been amazingly positive so far but today I spoke to her daughter , who I am very close to, and she has told me about some chemo being cancelled, and she is worried sick. This is the 'hidden' impact of this virus and it's going to get worse.
This virus is AIRBORNE and it can last in the air for up to 3 hours. It can travel 60 feet, not 6 foot..China blowing "stuff" in the air from trucks. Our social distancing isn't enough....thats why Euro countries are literally locking people China did
Listen and follow the people that will save your life!
@LinseyMarr would be a good start! Over here John Campbell on Youtube daily is far more accurate than our "government " updates
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