Departures 2010

He was beautiful, so sad for you. Had lovely head, alert, and kind eyes. Colic is such a horrible thing.

Obviously we all love horses or we would not be talking about them, but for sure nature gave them some great disadvantages along with their many attributes. Seems so unfair they have fragile legs and so much can go wrong in their digestion.

I've lost one to colic too, terrible.
Sleep well my little Bungle.

Without a doubt one of the most traumatic and unfair things I've had to go through.
Star de mohaison finally retired.

Good news. He deserves life after racing. Wonder where he will go?

So sorry Shadz, it's awful to watch something we love suffer. Life is a bitch quite often. I hope that eventually the awful end will no longer ruin your memories of all the great times you and UG had with him. Was it Hemingway who said about a loss that the hard part is not forgetting, it's being able to remember?
Hi LE. That's how I found out, via his lad. I was chatting to him Saturday via networking about the claim worry and all that then this went and bloody happened. Couldn't believe it when he told me ....:( Hope G bounces back soon, poor fella.
Didn't realise you know him Soba, I will becareful what I say :lol:

UG/Shads :( can't say much more, but send you some hugs just like you did for me after Bronxy last May rip bungle
Thanks everyone, and I'm sure I can speak for UG to say he says thanks too.

Bungle wasn't retired, he was just starting. He was only five years old (in fact he hadn't reached his 5th birthday yet) and was to be named shortly. He was an enormous character who was incredibly vocal; the yard is silent as the grave now, even the others who tend to make themselves known on a regular basis are keeping quiet at the moment.
as said, so sorry for the two of you :(

and as for Star de Mohaison, glad to read too. would have hated so see him break down in some petty little race ...
Gary O'Brien just announced on ATR that Tiger Cry broke a leg on the gallops. He was a decnt horse given his conditions. The faster the grond the better.
That awful to hear about Tiger Cry - he was in my TTF a few years running and earned me a few quid.
Smashing horse, being aimed at the Festival, so very sad for all, especially those out on the gallops with him. That's got to be a horrendous moment for the lad or lass exercising those who come to grief at home.
Did Rock Celtc survive that fall today? Some horrible falls all round today. Rock Celtic stumbling after the hurdle like Marley Park.
No 'dead' in the RP Analysis, Canto, not that that's a very reliable yardstick these days. Let's hope he's okay. Yes, there were some very horrid tumbles, especially in Ireland, where the jockeys took quite a battering. Some very sore legs tomorrow among them.