Dominic Cummings

UK is getting what it deserves

I don't think that's fair but I see where you're coming from. As a nation, we voted in the Conservatives but plenty of us didn't vote for them, especially here in Scotland. I've said privately that I have no sympathy for people in the former Labour heartlands in northern England and Wales who voted Conservative, who buy Tory rags and are taken in by the Tories' empty rhetoric and promises, that they get what they deserve but we're all being made to suffer.

Mrs O said last year that the election of BJ was going to cost lives but she's sick at how true that prediction has turned out.
In the greater scheme of things, what does it all matter?
The guy hardly saw the journey as a jaunt, and its gravity is being judged by peoples' political persuasion.
Nobody died, and the whole issue has been blown out of all proportion, imo.
Storm in a teacup; and nothing more.

and meanwhile Israel in annexing the West bank and not a headline is being written about it.
We got an insight only a few months ago when Cummings wanted more control of the Treasury's advisors

Johnson had to choose between Cummings and his Chancellor. He chose Cummings! and Sajid Javed resigned

This should be a seriously salutary lesson to everyone in Johnson's cabinet and the parliamentary conservative party. When a PM values his special advisor above his political allies and those who serve, then every single one of them is a diminished person of lesser authority and standing. Any single one of them can be dismissed if Cummings deems that he doesn't like the way they operate

Clinton used Dick Morris, it's not that unusual.
The parents are people with full time professional jobs. I presume this means they have ample child care available when they are working and socialising or needing opticians appointments.
I don't think that's fair but I see where you're coming from. As a nation, we voted in the Conservatives but plenty of us didn't vote for them, especially here in Scotland. I've said privately that I have no sympathy for people in the former Labour heartlands in northern England and Wales who voted Conservative, who buy Tory rags and are taken in by the Tories' empty rhetoric and promises, that they get what they deserve but we're all being made to suffer.

Mrs O said last year that the election of BJ was going to cost lives but she's sick at how true that prediction has turned out.

Unfortunately, not enough voted against the policies. It's what you chose. Scotland did choose to stick with the Union. There are still people who believe Cummings isn't lying. If lying works so successfully, why stop?
Unfortunately, not enough voted against the policies. It's what you chose. Scotland did choose to stick with the Union. There are still people who believe Cummings isn't lying. If lying works so successfully, why stop?

All true, I admit, and I voted against independence as I don't believe the Scottish economy is strong enough just yet to stand on its own and I don't believe there is enough political acumen in Scotland's politicians.

The word I'm hearing (don't know how true it is, I should stress) is that wee Nicola plans to stand down within the next year or so and that the SNP has lost its focus in general to internal feminism with NS at the heart of it.

Sadly, UK politics doesn't seem to be any better off for political acumen.

Then again, are any other countries any better off?
It`s all very reminiscent of Rees-Moggys comments on the Grenfell victims....anybody with common sense would have ignored the official fire brigade advice and made their own way out. So, family in danger of catching coronavirus and living in high risk London instinctively do a runner to nice, rural bolt hole hundreds of miles`s called being good parents, I believe. You only need a cursory knowledge of Johnson and Cummins to know that lying and treating us lower mortals with contempt has got them into the positions they are in. But, of course, it`s just a storm in a teacup...tell that to the hundreds of thousands of family and friends of the needlessly bereaved. And the millions who are suffering in this terrible time.
It`s all very reminiscent of Rees-Moggys comments on the Grenfell victims....anybody with common sense would have ignored the official fire brigade advice and made their own way out. So, family in danger of catching coronavirus and living in high risk London instinctively do a runner to nice, rural bolt hole hundreds of miles`s called being good parents, I believe. You only need a cursory knowledge of Johnson and Cummins to know that lying and treating us lower mortals with contempt has got them into the positions they are in. But, of course, it`s just a storm in a teacup...tell that to the hundreds of thousands of family and friends of the needlessly bereaved. And the millions who are suffering in this terrible time.
As OTT posts go, this qualifies as the most over-dramatic response I've ever seen on this forum.
It's good to see Tory MPs and right wing supporters in general (seemingly aside from those on here) standing up and saying what is right here, not just left wingers looking to score points.
It's good to see Tory MPs and right wing supporters in general (seemingly aside from those on here) standing up and saying what is right here, not just left wingers looking to score points.

I think in this era, its not about clarity or honesty, its providing your supporters an argument on which to hang their hats, no matter how ridiculous. Buy yourself a few thousand bots and let the cycle continue.
No one cared that Churchill cowardly left London before bombing raids because not every little thing was politicised.
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And does anybody believe that Johnson and Cummings were so ill when they had a meeting that neither can remember what they said!! You couldn`t make it up...well, perhaps you could:rolleyes:.
When Johnson talks about integrity I find it quite interesting to see how many people defend the indefensible even now. I know plenty of right wing voters who are angry at Cummings behaviour [and Johnsons defence of him]. So I have to question the integrity of those who defend both of them at this moment in time.
I understand that everyone believes that they're a special case and many people will have 'bent' the rules over the last couple of months. On what would have been her birthday, I drove 5 miles to where my late wife's ashes were spread to spend a few minutes with her. I live on my own and didn't come within 2 metres of anyone on that trip but, not only was it against the UK rules, it was also against the law in Wales. I would have been quite happy to cough up £60 had I been stopped and questioned and I would also have been quite happy to express regret that my own NHS area had been subjected to a marginal extra risk.

Cummings has expressed no regret at putting a different NHS area at risk and using their resources. He quite clearly thinks that the rules that he created for everyone else don't apply to him. By standing by him, Johnson is underlining the us and them gulf in our society and, with any luck, it will come back and bite him. His surly and truncated performances in the briefings on Sunday and Monday showed all the signs of someone who is losing it and a proper examination by this week's committee plus more forensic stuff from Starmer when parliament is back in session is the least that we are due.
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When Johnson talks about integrity I find it quite interesting to see how many people defend the indefensible even now. I know plenty of right wing voters who are angry at Cummings behaviour [and Johnsons defence of him]. So I have to question the integrity of those who defend both of them at this moment in time.

Integrity doesn't prevaricate, nor is it the preserve of the politically biased.
The government is now a complete laughing stock. And after Matt Lucas` destruction of Johnson there`s a brilliant destruction of Cummings. Don`t have the techy skills but if you google the Durham Dash - a song for Dominic Cummings all will be revealed. Governments rarely recover from being such a laughing stock.
Unfortunately this government seems to believe that "ghosting" a problem issue for long enough makes it go away, rather than addressing their responsibilities.
They do seem determined to tough it out.

Sadly, the British people, who have proved in the last few years that [collectively] they are clueless when it comes to political and economic matters, will probably let them.

To illustrate, check the front page of today's Sun (which basically runs the country, another pointer to the stupidity of British people). No mention of Cummings or Johnson's defence of him. Rather some feelgood headline about soon being able to get together again with family members.

I would like to see the Thursday evening clap for the NHS/Key workers changed to jeering this government.
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