Election 2024

I can’t believe how different I feel today ( albeit still shattered after staying up all election night). The past 14 years have been horrible politically especially post referendum when we suffered verbal abuse from people when we went on the people’s vote marches. The only downside at the moment is realising how many Reform supporters there are and having to see/hear Farage and Tice in parliament in the future. Many of the new cabinet are state educated; how refreshing is that! And most of them have been in those positions in the shadow cabinet for ages and are ready to just get on with the job: the cabinet will no longer be like a game of musical chairs. I just hope the Conservatives look beyond Braverman/Badenoch/Patel for their next leader. Even Bamburgh is now Labour for, I believe, the first time ever. Serves the Conservatives right for promising to put a dual carriageway on the A1 14 years ago and never doing it.
It's manifestly obvious that England do better in penalty shoot-outs under a Labour government.

Starmer didn't even put it in his manifesto and he's already off to a flier!
As has been said just feels better minus the tory lies and duplicity. Starmer is the ideal man to take the country forward and gradually pull us our of the morass we are in. The tory/reform soap opera can wait for another day and my view is that whatever labour does is will be a whole lot better than the shitshow we've had for the last 14 years.
Straight away the Mail are on the attack, appealing to the Brexit/Reform lot and already attacking the incoming government with (of all the headlines there could have been this Sunday):

'As we reveal Starmer plans talks with EU leaders over new relationship, Boris warns that UK is 'on the road to serfdom'

Don't get upset; there are five more years of this to come from the Mail
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Isn’t Johnson satisfied with just ( with a little help from Truss) destroying the Conservative Party?
All I can see is Starmer being Blairs puppet abiding by the WEF forums wishes. And Starmer will install a few of the relics of Blairs time into his admin. We are installed for some very rocky times this year around the world. And just 20% of the votes from the voting public has done it for our contribution. What a democracy we have.
Well, it will hopefully be a little less rocky now that the French public have seen sense and ganged-up against the far right, though there will undoubtedly be weeks of turmoil to come before a stable government is formed

Am I guilty of exaggerating Blighty's influence in Europe by thinking that our election result may have persuaded some 'right or left?' ditherers in France to vote left?
I don’t seem to remember everyone talking endlessly about the % of the vote previous governments had. Johnson only had the % that he did because he did a deal with UKIP and they didn’t stand candidates in many areas. It seems obvious now that for a long time we’ve had a government so obsessed with infighting and caring for nothing other than retaining power whatever the cost that they haven’t actually been running the country. Worryingly the far left in France are, I believe, as anti EU as the far left in this country are but that’s a minor concern considering we could have been dealing with le Pen.
A Labour MP has been derided on social media for being an attention-seeking hypocrite by swearing allegiance to the monarch under protest (he's a Republican).

Writing as a Republican myself, I don't think the creed should be a barrier to becoming a member of parliament and, while he might very well be an attention seeker for all I know, I didn't have an issue with what he did.
What the pollsters seem to forget is not all reform voters are ex tory voters. Over half according to one poll. Also a lot of those who abstained will be corbynites so the right actually have no chance in 5 years time especially as loads are now tactical voting. Starmer needs to have pa good few progressive policies to bring a lot of disillusioned left voters back onside. I suspect he will and that further reduces the tories chances. Labour had the oil crisis in the 70s and banking crash in 2008. If they avoid an event like those days hopefully I'll be a very old man till we get another right wing govt. Great,smashing,super.
What the pollsters seem to forget is not all reform voters are ex tory voters. Over half according to one poll. Also a lot of those who abstained will be corbynites so the right actually have no chance in 5 years time especially as loads are now tactical voting. Starmer needs to have a good few progressive policies to bring a lot of disillusioned left voters back onside. I suspect he will and that further reduces the tories chances. Labour had the oil crisis in the 70s and banking crash in 2008. If they avoid an event like those days hopefully I'll be a very old man till we get another right wing govt. Great,smashing,super
Maybe they have to do that because we don’t have a written constitution ( something imo we should now have because we used, prior to Johnson, to assume that politicians would have honesty and integrity).
Not really, it’s just a symbolic way of swearing fealty to our nation.
Just swear fealty directly to the nation, then.

We live in a country still so idiotic in some quarters, some actually say someone would make a good PM based on the way they hold a sword at a Royal event - the Royal Family epitomises everything that is wrong with this country.
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Just swear fealty directly to the nation, then.

We live in a country still so idiotic in some quarters, some actually say someone would make a good PM based on the way they hold a sword at a Royal event - the Royal Family epitomises everything that is wrong with this country.
Couldn’t disagree more.
Being a republic and having MPs' as the divine authority would bore the hell out of me.

What's wrong with a bit of tradition and history, plus all the income and interest they bring to this country.

Can you imagine it? An atheist like Sir Keir Starmer as head of the Church of England, ha.
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Starmer is hardly alone - in the 2022 census, 51% of the UK population said they identified as either aethiest or agnostic.

Church leaders, like the Royal Family, are unelected by the public, hence they have no legitimate role in running the country in a modern democratic society.
Ok, so followimg that logic to it's natural conclusion, if 99 percent associated as atheist in say 5 or 10 years, would that justify abolishing the Church of England in its entirety, Ian?

Do you see what I mean?

Should a historical institution that has helped shape the country we are now, for good or for worse, have to reflect the 'current outlook' of the country, whatever that may be at whatever given time. Or worse still, be abolished altogether.

I'd argue not.