I didn't mind it still existing even if hardly anyone still believes, I just don't think it should have any place, even if it's only symbolic, in the command structure of the country.
I didn't mind it still existing even if hardly anyone still believes, I just don't think it should have any place, even if it's only symbolic, in the command structure of the country.
Very polite barjon.Couldn’t disagree more.
Surely the common purpose of all sides of the political divide(s) should be to serve in the best interests of the people?
The royal family is a bunch of inbred imbeciles with the morals of a gang of alleycats.
The French had the right idea.
The Irish playwright Brendan Began came at the subject from a different angle, but made the same point, that the Church of England and the monarchy go hand in hand:Fair enough.
The privilege thing is the thing that I wish wasn't so prevelent. If it was up to myself, I'd have working class pitman miners grandsons and granddaughters as the noble order of this country. I guess I can't have my cake and eat it.
However, King Charles is the head of the Church of England. It's fine for people to be against this, but arguing the Pope or head of a form of Islam should be abolished is a more extreme view. All perfectly fine of course to have these views, but let's see it for what it is. People who want our Royal Family abolished will also want the Church of England gone next. And yes, this is many people's religion, however moderately or severely they may practice it.
Staggers me that people follow something that can't be proven.
What can I say, I'm a modern binary!Thank you, Frankel, for not expressing your comment as a criticism.