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Election 2024

I didn't mind it still existing even if hardly anyone still believes, I just don't think it should have any place, even if it's only symbolic, in the command structure of the country.
Fair enough.

The privilege thing is the thing that I wish wasn't so prevelent. If it was up to myself, I'd have working class pitman miners grandsons and granddaughters as the noble order of this country. I guess I can't have my cake and eat it.

However, King Charles is the head of the Church of England. It's fine for people to be against this, but arguing the Pope or head of a form of Islam should be abolished is a more extreme view. All perfectly fine of course to have these views, but let's see it for what it is. People who want our Royal Family abolished will also want the Church of England gone next. And yes, this is many people's religion, however moderately or severely they may practice it.
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I didn't mind it still existing even if hardly anyone still believes, I just don't think it should have any place, even if it's only symbolic, in the command structure of the country.

The King as Head of State represents a unifying force to whom all sides of the political divide can subscribe in common purpose which, surely, is a very good thing. Contrast that to the US where the President only carries half the people with him.
Surely the common purpose of all sides of the political divide(s) should be to serve in the best interests of the people?

The royal family is a bunch of inbred imbeciles with the morals of a gang of alleycats.

The French had the right idea.
Surely the common purpose of all sides of the political divide(s) should be to serve in the best interests of the people?

The royal family is a bunch of inbred imbeciles with the morals of a gang of alleycats.

The French had the right idea.
💯% and it is my lifelong curse that I love betting on a sport which could very well end up being the last bastion of all this nonsense.

Bastille Day on Saturday in France, I believe - the Grand Prix De Paris at Longchamp in Paris.
Fair enough.

The privilege thing is the thing that I wish wasn't so prevelent. If it was up to myself, I'd have working class pitman miners grandsons and granddaughters as the noble order of this country. I guess I can't have my cake and eat it.

However, King Charles is the head of the Church of England. It's fine for people to be against this, but arguing the Pope or head of a form of Islam should be abolished is a more extreme view. All perfectly fine of course to have these views, but let's see it for what it is. People who want our Royal Family abolished will also want the Church of England gone next. And yes, this is many people's religion, however moderately or severely they may practice it.
The Irish playwright Brendan Began came at the subject from a different angle, but made the same point, that the Church of England and the monarchy go hand in hand:

Don't speak of the alien minister
Nor of his church without meaning nor faith For the foundation stones of temple
Are the balls of King Henry the Eighth
If people want to have a faith in something greater than merely themselves then good for them I say.

Most decent folk live by a set of norms and values anyway. People of faith are just taking it one step further really. That's not to say all believers in a religion are good people of course.
All true, Marb, provided that the religion or movement into which people put their faith is capable of compromise and cooperation with others.
Yes agree, Grey. I'd say the Church of England is doing quite well at compromise and cooperation.

As opposed to some atheists who are absolute in what they believe and want, and aren't bothered by making people aware of this either.

Always seems to be Christianity that bears the brunt of the atheists beef aswell. They don't seem to be so vocal about Islam for example.
I have got absolutely nothing against people privately practicing any religion so long as it doesn't advocate violence, adversely impact on others, or tries to force its creed on others.

What I object to is living in a country which structures itself constitutionally as if it's still assumed everyone is religious and a monarchist.

I don't care what the monarch's view on anything is, I don't care what the clergy's view on anything is and I resent taxpayers' money funding either in any shape or form.
The world would be a safer place if we had no religion.
Staggers me that people follow something that can't be proven.

As long as it's peaceful!
Staggers me that people follow something that can't be proven.

The whole point about faith is that it cannot be proven. Faith = belief.

Away from the forum, I know people who regard me as a devout person, trying to get to Mass every day, trying to 'love my neighbour', turning the other cheek (not always successful in that one), etc.

I consider myself 'practising' because I know I'll never be perfect and I go to Mass as often as I can because I am full of doubt but I 'believe' nonetheless.

Thank you, Frankel, for not expressing your comment as a criticism.
While I've nothing against the royals they are irrelevant in today's society. I just don't get what folk see in it but carry on. It won't affect my life in one bit thankfully.
I agree - tbf no one has ever seriously tried to convert me to their religion.

Maybe I'm simply seen as an undesirable by all creeds, a bit like "George" in "Seinfeld," who was so universally reviled he was once snubbed by a religious cult: