Epsom Derby

That's just the sponsor's intrusion into the race's name, IS, like The Vodaphone Oaks, etc. or the The Bill & Bob's Debt-Buster Lo-Loan Services Call 0800 555 999 St. Leger... :confused: The race name has not been entirely re-named, thank God. I think that the sponsor's offices would be razed to the ground and tumbrils roll in the streets if such a proposal were to be mooted. Or is it only the French who have the balls to really show how they feel?
It's The Epsom Derby, there are countless Derby's out there, how do you know which one you're refering to, could mean the Irish Derby, Kentucky Derby, AJC Derby, Hong Kong Derby - there are too many too count.
Originally posted by Irish Stamp@May 15 2006, 11:32 AM
It's The Epsom Derby, there are countless Derby's out there, how do you know which one you're refering to, could mean the Irish Derby, Kentucky Derby, AJC Derby, Hong Kong Derby - there are too many too count.
They are all copies of the Derby . It is THE Derby not the Epsom Derby . If you say he won the Derby everyone knows what race is being referred to.
In case it proves helpful.

Past winners of The Donkey Derby run on Brecon Sands:

2005 Muffin The Red Roan
2004 Grey Dobbin
2003 One Cool Cat
2002 Champion The Wonder Mule
2001 Ass Of U
2000 Fatal White
1999 Eeyore
...an abundant local supply indeed. This of course helps to make it the internationally prestigious event that it is.
Originally posted by Colin Phillips@May 15 2006, 12:13 PM
..............even in countries outside England? :what:
Colin some Americans no doubt have no idea of the derivation of their Birmingham. Manchester and London for example . No reason to accept that we should name them with the suffix England.
If they knew what a shitehole Birmingham is they wouldn't want to know the derivation of their Birminghim either!!!
...The Americans do of course. London, England. The Derby that is run in Epsom, England (near London, England) and not like our one, etc.
Yes but they also now have the nerve to refer to " English " and " British English " hardly a good reason for accepting the failure to recognise the original - we should not pander to them by calling the DERBY the Epsom Derby
I once tried telling an American that our Derby was first. He looked at me incredulously and said, “fool, ours is run at the beginning of May”.
I was in New York the other day and this work colleague was trying to impress me with some historical artifacts under glass in the pavement. You know how we have Roman remains in London, for example, dating back many centuries. He told me triumphantly that these leavings preserved under glass dated back to the 19th century! I struggled to keep a straight face.

And that’s a true story.
Excellent effort from Visindar I think. Considering the lack of competition I think 2/1 on the day of the race is very fair.
There is no way whatsoever you will get 2/1 on the day of the race unless the wheels fall off Visindar or Pegasus emerges from the Dante. He's 6/4 with Laddies already so once the mickey mouse firms lay the 9/4 (which they will, and probably today) I reckon you'll be lucky to find 2s about in a few days, let alone by the day of the race!
I think 2/1 will be there on the day unless it's a less than 10 runners field. There's not much lateral form available, he's french and it's not a race where there are many short price faves.
No chance - can't see it at all unless something puts up a Pegasus display in the Dante. The field is falling to bits, Visindar has done nothing wrong at all and above all else, theere is good, strong money for him - even at 5/2 this morning. Now Laddies have gone 6/4 it won't be long before the smaller firms that have gone 9/4 get filled in at that price and cut the horse.