Dormant account
Yes; I always keep a list of horses that have placed in previous festivals and was surprised at how many didn't run the following year. What has been interesting has been reading the stewards reports that DG has posted; I do wonder how many of the horses that came back lame will be seen again. I'll never walk away from NH racing, as it has been an important part of my life since I was a child, but at times like this I do struggle with it. Feel very deflated today; rather hope the Skeltons will win the Midlands National to lift the spirits of the Skelton yard.
I lose track of years but not that long ago, around 9 horses were killed during the meeting and at least another 4 were put down shortly afterwards, and no idea how many never ran again, and there were no publicity about it, and I mean none, but Cheltenham never seems to create the same sort of 'outrage' or publicity that the Grand National meeting does even when the numbers there at lower.
Desperate for the Skeltons; fantastic scenes in the paddock/winners enclosure when Bridget won, Harry's reaction was a joy to watch. A friend has a horse with them, he told me this morning they are very deflated but relieved that Harry will be okay also obviously.
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