
Ballet puts stress on but again but not be anywhere the same amount of stress as fast bowling. Skateboarding and BMX riding would be up there though I agree.
Throwing your entire body forward isn't really done in any other sport.

You should watch a man serve in tennis then....the whole aim is to throw the body into the motion. And riding is similar....where do you think all the stress is centred throughout the race?
Galileo, in tennis, there is no forward momentum before the serve so the stress will be less. In riding, your legs are not touching the ground so there is still some give which lessens the impact.
Precisely, Gal.

In a race the stress is all centred on the hips, knees, ankles and lower back - all the weight goes through these joints.

I agree with Skyliner too that other forms of riding put stress on - and I also agree that sitting trot for 20 minutes is no walk in the park!!!

I'm surprised that you give no credence to race-riding (or other forms of riding for that matter) Mike when it comes to placing stress on joints - it is one of the most notorious for making cripples out of people! So many people who ride a lot for long periods of time end up having hip/knee replacements.

Ballet, also, is another sport which is notorious for producing cripples in a similar manner - although lithe & light in movement, whilst performing a jeté, a pas de chat or other jump, for example, the weight is thrown into the air and on landing concentrates almost entirely on the knees & ankles which places immense amounts of stress on them.
Galileo, in tennis, there is no forward momentum before the serve so the stress will be less.

In tennis, though, there are constant, very rapid changes in direction, which place ankles, knees, spine, etc., under a different, but probably equally severe strain.
Originally posted by ovverbruv@Jul 23 2006, 01:16 PM
In riding, your legs are not touching the ground so there is still some give which lessens the impact.
With respect Mike, that is absolute rubbish. Because your legs are not touching the ground there is a far higher strain on the legs as they have to support the entire weight of the body unaided!!!!
Was thinking the very same Shadow!! And agree with what you say about tennis as well Muttley, ankles can be so sore after a long tennis match...moving too and fro constantly.

Think we will have to agree to disagree with the brothers!
Ask anyone to try horse riding....a proper hack and test yourself by shortening those stirrups! If its the first time, or first time in a while the muscle and joint pain you will suffer the following few days is an absolute killer.
Although I will concede the point that a fat bastard cricketer landing all his weight on his knees & ankles will place more pressure on those joints than a lithe, lightweight ballerina!!!! :lol:

Shadow Leader how do you know so much about ballet.

Lets be honest any sport whatever it is causes strain on different parts of the body thats why only a few excell and like SL says most pro sportsmen and women are cripples and have a short career.
I don't know really - I gave it up when I was 8 as I wasn't very good at it!!! :lol:

Seriously, I've always admired dancers, in particular ballet dancers as they are so lithe and graceful. I'd donate a limb to be able to do that!!!
Fast bowlers do take a lot of hammer but there are probably 3 at most in any team so being classed as a ' cricketer ' is misleading.

I notice no one has even mentioned curling :D
can i just say i have been at work all day and havent posted anything, stay of my account please paul

I do have to say that I agree with Paul, fast bowling is incredibly stressful on the ankles and knees, although there are other sports that put less stress but for longer periods
So Paul didn't want to debate as himself so posed as someone else (and posted complete shite)? Interesting.....
Nothing like that at all. I went to my parents, logged on there and didn't check who I was logged in as. I refuse to believe that the stress on ankles through riding is the same as cricket. To put in in perspective, what would I do on a horse that would place 120 stone of pressure on my ankle? (unless I fell off)
I assume you took his number Markee??????????

I think you must have been born on the 13th ??? with all you have had to endure this year............ :lol: get well soon mate............... :rolleyes:
I played a lot of cricket and kept wicket for most of the time, so certainly a few regular knees bends at least. At the annual medical I was given all the usual things - too much red meat, cut down on alcohol, not enough exercise etc. The doctor asked whether I played any sport and I told him tha tI played cricket. He laughed and asked whether I played any other sport which might contribute to healthy exercise!
I believe the topic under discussion was whether or not "cricket places more strain on the knees, ankles & spine than any other sport" - not merely a discussion about the amount of pressure placed through the joint (especially where a fat bastard cricketer's weight is involved!!!!) However, we're never going to agree on this one as I'm quite aware that cricket is the be-all and end-all of all things; it is a highly demanding & strenous physical sport; you have to be a finely-tuned, exceptionally fit athlete to be able to compete and no sport comes close, yada, yada.

At the end of the day I'm happy that an orthopaedic surgeon would agree that there are other sports that can even (shock! horror!) come close to matching cricket with it's massive physical exertion and that the likes of (for example) riding [particularly race-riding] and dancing place immense strain on joints that often leads to their degeneration in later life. (now tell me that hip & knee replacements are common complaints in later life for cricketers the way they are for riders or dancers)

Except, of course - that I lie and race-riding & indeed, all types of riding, places no strain on any of the joints whatsoever as the rider's feet aren't on the ground or weight-bearing!!! :lol:
Of course other sports place massive strain on the joints. I have never said otherwise. The point that has been made (about 5 times now) was that 8 times your body weight may be the greatest strain placed on an ankle and knee in any sport.

Cricket is not the be all and end all, nor does it have massive physical exertion. Nowhere has anyone said that it does so where that comes from I have no idea.

I note that you didn't answer my question about what you can do on a horse that places 8 times your body weight on your ankles. Interesting........