Fallon Case Collapses

If you have, say, a broken bone, you are masking the pain thus allowing you to continue to carry out a daily task. It will not enhance your ordinary performance as it will not enable you to perform to a higher level than if you were operating as normal.
I think Shadow Leader is spot on there.

Also, as cocaine is illegal and not available in a controlled environment, there is no telling what it is cut with, whether the dose taken is above dangerous levels, and if it will have a detrimental rather than positive effect on the sportsperson's performance.

I doubt if any jockey has ever taken it to "enhance" performance. It will have been used as an appetite suppressant.
As an aside, it was good to see Dean Gallagher back riding over here at Newbury today. It was a shame, however, to see the journos hounding Deano for quotes on his way back to the weighing room after riding, merely to get quotes about the Fallon ban which was announced not five minutes earlier.
I was going to refer to that sort of journalist as a parasite but someone on the box this week described a parasite as something that takes without giving anything in return.

So, I suppose, it wouldn't be fair to call them that.
Whilst I agree with a lot of what's been said here, I also think a few people have been missing the point.

Firstly: The drug tests apparently, or allegedly, showed that Fallon had tested for 'pure' ie undigested cocaine, not the metabolites which would have showed if he he had taken the drug the night before. The implication, if what they found is true, is that EITHER the sample had been doctored OR that Fallon had taken the drug shortly enough before riding for it not to have metabolised.

Secondly: It's not true that cocaine doesn't improve performance. In the sense that it works on the mind to instill a feeling of utter self-confidence if not of invincibility, it would imo be a powerful help to both rider and horse taken just before a race. Self-confidence in a jockey translates readily to the horse, as does fearlessness. Both could make the difference between getting a horse to perform, or to go through a gap, etc etc, and losing a race. I can well imagine a coke high - which gives an incredible clarity of mind - or apparently so! - being a big help to a jockey.

And yes I have taken over the years quite a bit of the stuff, purely in social situations, tho not recently and never, God forbid, riding a horse [I used to inhabit the kinds of social worlds where it was fairly normal - still is probably]. So I know enough to know why jockeys might use it.

I doubt extremely that any jock would take coke purely as an appetite depressant - its effect is almost immediate and very powerful, which is why it's very addictive stuff if taken regularly - but on a psychological level rather than the physical. I've seen a few close friends' lives fall apart because of it. It's not a devil which is easily controlled, once you've made that pact; and there is little downside for a long time except the financial - which to a rich man takes a long time to kick in.

Jockeys are obsessives, they have to be to do the job. A few years ago when they were no longer able to drink to paper over the cracks in what must always be tough personal lives [the hours, the travel...], so they maybe turned to coke as an alternative 'high' and mental release, as the stuff was so readily available and prob not being looked for. It's no co-incidence to me that it's jocks of a certain age who have been hoist on this particular petard.

PS I'd add that friends who have imo become addicted to coke, have all been forced to forswear the booze for one reason or another - alcoholism or pancreatic failure.

As an addenda to all this I'll add that [following experiences of a few Brit friends] I am very suspicious of anything which comes out of a French Stewards' Room.

But what could Fallon do, if 'they' - whoever they might be - are determined to get him?
Cocaine is performance enhancing! You dont give a ###### about anything when you take the stuff and you think you are effing great!
I recall Fallon and his horse being brought down in one of the Derby trials in France. Perhaps the French stewards did as well.

My position on this would be similar to that of EC1. Ah well, I suppose the ban might give him more time to go after the BHB for compensation.
Whether Fallon ever rides again, suppose well have to wait and see. But one thing is for sure, if he can't ride in the UK for eighteen months that is very, very good news for UK racing.

purely on riding ability

how can it be good for uk racing not to have one of it's best riders in action Richard?

it's like saying that if federer were banned it would be good for tennis

how good would a fallon v moore title race be for racing for instance?
Clearly it is a divisive issue. For me it is one of the worst things that could have happened.

With Fallon on board, worrying about the jockey factor just goes out of the window. Now we all have to work a bit harder to find the winners.
i think he has been run out of the game..plain and simple

if you look at the trial...look how long it took...all that time... then thrown out

the trial was a BAN in itself...maybe they never expected a result...just used the charges as a form of ban
Originally posted by betsmate@Jan 28 2008, 10:38 PM

With Fallon on board, worrying about the jockey factor just goes out of the window. Now we all have to work a bit harder to find the winners.
That just not true Bets. I've seen instances where Fallon didn't even put the horse into the race, possibly because the connections weren't sufficiently fashionable. I agree he is the best there's been for a while - since Piggott in fact; but infallible? No!! I'd always back him in a top race tho, for top connections
Fallon needs to take responsibility for his own actions and so far he has not done that.

This is not good for horse racing not only in the UK but worldwide.

The man needs help and unless he gets help I doubt if we will ever see him in the saddle again.

I wish him well. The choice is his.
Heard it last night and thought I was half dreaming but I see its reported on TRF as well. BBC Radio 5 Live are running a report suggesting that Stoute has agreed to take Fallon on as an assistant trainer for this season. Bizarre!
It's a strange one. Aside from the odd handicapping run, you wouldn't have Stoute down as corrupt, yet it just seems to be one bent f*cker after another with him.