Fallon Case Collapses

Having said that his previous failure in France took a while to come through as well.

I got the suspiscion then that feet were being dragged so that the ban would coincide mostly with the off-season.
The Irish Field goes with reports today that Fallon may not face any suspension as his sample has tested positive for pure cocaine rather than the metabolite. Basically how I am reading it is that it is impossible for pure cocaine to be in your urine- it has to be a metabolite (the broken down form after it has passed through your body's system) so the test would come back as inconclusive or unreliable.
That's really interesting as it would tend to indicate that someone had doctored the sample, wouldn't it? How else would pure cocaine get into the sample? And it's impossible to buy to buy pure cocaine 'on the street', anyway, it's all cut with something. Pure cocaine is used in medicine ... hmmmmmm
The term I used "pure cocaine" maybe misleading.....basically whatever form it was in was it was not in metabolite form.
And it's impossible to buy to buy pure cocaine 'on the street', anyway, it's all cut with something.

True, but 'cutting' it with something else is essentially just mixing it, right? So at the microscopic level that they're able to examine the sample, it's possible to isolate the pure cocaine apart from whatever it was cut with.

Edit: Just to clarify, I'm talking about examining it before it's been consumed. I can only presume that it's impossible for it to remain pure after it's gone through the body, which suggests that the sample has been tainted in some way.

If the B sample tests positive for a metabolite, and the A sample tested positive for pure, can they find him in breach? Do both tests have to match? Is there a 'C' sample? Interesting stuff.
Btw found today a piece by the blessed Lydia on the subject, which I don't think has been posted up yet


Her acid comments on the deportment of Lynch and Williams in court is telling. I'm sorry to have to say Fudge that - much as you usually talk a lot of sense - I can't condone your and your colleagues' attitude that the lads will be welcomed back and stood by 'no matter what', no questions asked, for that is the implication of your post above.

That's a large part of the problem in racing, imho. There's a lack in some circles of adherence to a moral code, and I don't think loyalty to 'the lads' should blind people to the kind of behaviour which gets racing a bad name. I hope the BHA do have a good long look at Lynch and Williams.
I read another piece last night, from the Guardian this time, which suggested the presence of pure cocaine might indicate it had only just been ingested and had not had time to metabolise. Surely not even KF.....
What I'm wondering is, is it possible for pure cocaine to be found but no trace of the metabolite at all? Was any trace of the metabolite found, even if it was below the amount that would trigger a positive test?
Almost all euro bank notes have traces of cocaine, according to a study by German scientists.

Prof Fritz Sögel and a team from the Institute for Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research in Nuremberg studied 700 euro notes from across the euro zone between January 2002 - the month the notes were launched - and last August.

Three per cent were found to be contaminated with an average of 0.4 microgrammes of cocaine particles, just days after the euro's launch, and this figure soared to 90 per cent in seven months.

So Prof Sögel and his team take five and a half years to study 700 bank notes and the more they study them the more contaminated they become...
Im sat here with my nose in my wallet and i gotta tell you, its not doin much for me....surely i dont have some of the 10% ones.....just be my luck :suspect:
from Sportinglife:

Kieren Fallon is set to face a hearing before the French racing authorities next month after his legal team received notification a B test sample has confirmed a failed drugs test in August.

The six-times champion tested positive for a banned substance after the win of Myboycharlie in the Prix Morny at Deauville.

His solicitor Christopher Stewart-Moore told The Times: "I had a letter at the weekend that confirmed the positive findings.

"The letter tells me that the Medical Commission wish to meet in January to consider the case. I have instructed our French legal counterparts to request all the relevant data before we decide on our next step."

Fallon - recently acquitted along with five others of conspiracy to defraud by a jury at the Old Bailey - has previously served a six-month suspension imposed by France Galop for testing positive for a metabolite of a prohibited substance in June 2006. He was suspended from December 7, 2006.

As the Irish Turf Club, under which he is licensed, have an agreement with other racing jurisdictions to reciprocate bans of this nature, he was also unable to ride in Ireland.

Jump jockey Dean Gallagher was banned for 18 months by France Galop when he failed a second drugs test in 2002.

Well, does not seem to matter in which form, hm?
Anybody know exactly how long it would take cocaine to metabolize? I would have thought it would be almost instantaneous, but I'm hardly an authority on the subject..
by Graham Green

KIEREN FALLON is still awaiting a hearing before the French racing authorities following his failed drugs testlast August.

There was speculation on Monday that the six-time champion jockey, whose B-test sample confirmed the original positive test for a banned substance, reported to be cocaine, after Myboycharlie's win in the Group 1 Darley Prix Morny at Deauville on August 19, was attending an inquiry in Paris. However, this was last night denied by a spokesman for France Galop.

Christopher Stewart-Moore, Fallon's solicitor, was informed last month that the medical commission of France Galop planned to meet in January to consider the case. However, it is not thought a date has been confirmed.
Fallon, who was recently acquitted along with five others of conspiracy to defraud Betfair customers by a jury at the Old Bailey, served a six-month suspension imposed by France Galop for testing positive for a metabolite of cocaine in June 2006.

If suggestions are correct that Fallon's B-sample, taken after Myboycharlie's success, reveals the presence of pure cocaine, rather than the metabolites that would normally be expected in such a finding, Fallon's lawyers may opt to mount a legal challenge.