
Saw the Star Trek film last week. Enjoyable slick and first of many if I guess right. As much a positive update as the Bale Batman.
I can't bring myself to watch the recent Batman film. I saw the trailer and the batmobile just looks like a souped up 4x4, which kills the film for me.

I quite fancy the new Star Trek one though I doubt I'll ever get to see it on the big screen. It wouldn't be the type of film Mrs O would watch. I might get it on DVD in about three years.
What I always forget, when I rarely visit the cinema, is the level of noise! You might get the neighbours banging on the door if you put it up that high at home - it really does sometimes overwhelm the film. I was watching a soppy thing called 'The Hunted' last night (Tommy Lee Jones/Beneficio del Toro) on tv, and had to turn down the sound. Then I realised that for 50% of the film, I didn't need it anyway - it was just chase scenes over and over.
DO watch the new Batman, its unbelievably good!!

Sorry, Gal, I just couldn't do it. They started going downhill after the guy who did the first two chucked it. (Can't remember his name - on the tip of my tongue and all that.) He was well cast. Clooney was awful.

Trudij, you're such a temptress...
Sorry, Gal, I just couldn't do it. They started going downhill after the guy who did the first two chucked it. (Can't remember his name - on the tip of my tongue and all that.) He was well cast. Clooney was awful.

That's the whole point DO - they f***ed the franchise up so badly they had to completely "reboot" it. Actually hiring a decent director (a Brit, no less) helped...
I feel a bit old fashioned in my film tastes reading this thread! I really love the 'oldies'. I've been enjoying some of my favourites in recent weeks: North By Northwest, Strangers On A Train, The Big Sleep and Philadelphia Story.

I've got His Girl Friday, Charade and Arsenic and Old Lace lined up next. :)
It can make a real diffrance who is there when you watch a film, I saw one with Sting in it up North, and they crindged in there seats in one bit, Then having seen it I went again the second time I new what was comming and bust out larfing so did everyone else, it was in London.

The Film was, Brimstone and treacle, I think?
I feel a bit old fashioned in my film tastes reading this thread! I really love the 'oldies'. I've been enjoying some of my favourites in recent weeks: North By Northwest, Strangers On A Train, The Big Sleep and Philadelphia Story.

I've got His Girl Friday, Charade and Arsenic and Old Lace lined up next. :)

Not at all, Katharine.

I have most of those films and plenty more like them. I watched Casablanca only last week. It's a fantastic film.

(I apologise for any spelling mistakes here. For some reason my eyes aren't working tonight. Seriously. I'm only seeing bits of whatever is in front of me!)

My collection of oder fims includes the likes of The Song of Bernadette and Going My Way as well as the Frank Capra and Joh Ford/John Wayne films.

Arsenic & Old Lace is a favourite.
I had loads of films on betamax and VHS tapes that were surposed to last a life time. What a con that was, I still like old films, Even Todays TV "film on the busess" how cold make that now and there was no trafic even the add on the side of the bus took me back, "Go Pointinetal"
Went to see Gran Torino last night ... despite some funny moments, it really is a good pointer for how American movies have to remove subtlety and make their point in a very obvious manner. Overly sentimental, and the end was cringeworthy ... disappointing fare.

Looking forward to the new Charlie Kauffman movie.

Anyone have any interest in Cannes?
" American movies have to remove subtlety and make their point in a very obvious manner."

Would that be another example of the perceived need to dumb everything down?
Yes, very much.

So much can be learned from watching movies like Cache and any Kieslowski film.
No. But are Americans capable these days of making movies as touching and classy as The Lives of Others. Or as gorgeous as Amelie without them being trite and overly sentimental. I don't think so.