
That will mean leaving the house though EC

Andrew...Agree agree... Especially Hidden. French cinema still throws up many gems. Quite why British cinema is incapable or the same is beyond me. Its still a cliched mix of boring costume drama, cor blimey gangsters or (much as i often admire their films) Ken loach and Mike leighs class obsessions. Im a big fan of Shane Meadows though

But unlike with the French in film and the Americans in literature (think Updike and ford) we have a weird aversion to even contemplating the world outside of cardboard boxes or stately homes
Seen Elizabeth and Elizabeth The Golden Age recently....Elizabeth was better...Blanchet was legend in both of them though.
Frozen Land. A Finnish film now on DVD

Moving with many twists and turns. interlinking stories with sadness but not bleak.

Superbly diercted and shot and perfect performances
ok - it made me smile when I saw a trailer... it was the enchanted girl goign on about how wonderful life is then getting hit by a truck....

(or should I not be giggling about things like that??!?!!!)

I presume that you have seen Pot Luck (The Spanish Apartment) too?

Sorry Betsmate, just seen this now.

No, haven't seen Pot Luck as yet ... everytime I look to buy it in a shop, it's £20+. Should really order it online. As good as Russian Dolls?

Along with Hidden & Beat that my heart skipped, I'd say the Three Colours Trilogy is as good as film gets .. amazing achievement, and watching the interviews with Kieslowski on the DVDs, you really start to appreciate what his intentions were with that project ... the attention to detail and subtlety are beyond words. For the record, I think Blue may be the best, red is my favourite because of the relationship between the judge and the girl, but White is probably the most enjoyable to watch.

Really need to get around to watching more of Dekalog ...
Zodiac is out on DVD (the Director`s cut) Brill film, the best I`ve seen in a couple of years. James Ellroy (hero of mine) takes part in the commentary even though he has nowt to do with the film:D
Saw Burn After Reading this afternoon. As usual with a Coen Bros film you can`t go wrong and there are some good performances from John Malkovich and Frances McDormand in particular. As a comedy it isn`t in the same league as Fargo and Lebowski but I liked it nevertheless. McDormand is married to one of the brothers and she`s criminally under-used by other directors.
I was hoping I had stumbled across a whole thread dedicated to the splendid Gary Numan song from his seminal "Pleasure Principle" album, and more recently covered by the Wu Tang Clan. :(
Just watched the late night film, Unforgiven, for the 20th time.

"Yeah. I killed women and children. I killed just about everthing that ever walked or crawled. And I'm here to kill you, L'il Bill. For what ye did to Ned."

I wish I could write dialogue like that.
I say Gomorrah yesterday. Pretty grim (but deliberately so) with just a few touches of humour. I only read the book a few months ago and I think that added to the film.
I saw Bond last night. Verdict: Not enough DBS, too much shaky camera. The rest was pretty good.
I just watched the Russian film Voyna (War) and it was excellent. Set in Chechnya, an English actor and actress are taken hostage along with some Russians. The actor and one of the Russians are freed in order to raise a ransom for the release of the others. The actor can't raise the money to free his fiancee, so goes and finds the Russian for help. The two of them go back in to Chechnya illegally to do the job themselves (although the motivation of both is not as simple as that, as becomes clear).

I only hired it because it has the excellent Sergei Bodrov Jr in it and the same Director as Brother and Brother 2, but Bodrov was actually one of the more minor parts and the lead Russian actor Aleksei Chadov was absolutely superb.

Worth checking out if you have seen and like either of the Brother films or East -West or even if you haven't.
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Excellent film. Gorgeously shot, this biopic of Genghis Khan is far from the complete story and the word is that it may be part of a trilogy.
Had the misfortune to watch Bank Job last night. It is a long time since I've seen acting that bad.

Imagine creating a Danny Dyer role so Danny Dire that even Danny Dyer had the good sense not to take it. Instead cast a Danny Dyer impersonator and tell him to ham up his Danny Dyer act - with a 70s twist. Oh and call him Dave. Dreadful.

Statham wasn't too bad as per usual and it really shouldn't have taken me this long to discover Saffron Burrows.

The rest - possibly barring David Suchet - were like upgraded extras or soap opera rejects.

Based on a real story, but the portryal made it almost cartoon-like. One to miss.
I went to see Slumdog Millionaire last night. Hugely enjoyable, cheering and highly recommended. The lead actress, Freida Pinto, deserves a place on the Megan Fox thread.