
Bugger! In my dotage, celluloid's the only sort I can look forward to. That, or the occasional exposed pisshead in the park.
Or do what I did - sit in the front row of a state of the art screen and it's like there is no audience.

A truly wonderful film.

We sat in the front row of an old fashioned cinema. Better than your average multiplex, it was mainly the discussion overheard on the way out that made me smile/shake my head.
So glad I can't text..and no one ever phones me anyway. I might be a sad loner but at least I'm not an annoyance to people in cinemas [when I'm not coughing, that is....]. I just don't understand what people find to talk about all the time?
I'm firmly in the Luddite camp on this desperation for 24/7 communicating, too. I can't text and have no desire to, but people sometimes text me and then, when I say I don't, go into great detail as to how it's so easy, everyone does it, etc., etc., and then expect me to do it. I know it's easy, because even the thickest kid, who couldn't spell his or her own name right, can do it. I know a helluva lot - 'everyone' is a bit of a reach - of people do it. But it's still, as far as I know, a personal option and not yet mandatory! And most texters are annoying dorks who suddenly stand stock still in the middle of the pavement, gawping at the latest inanity on their tiny screens, dominoing everyone behind them.

Saw Hanna tonight via FilmFlex. Well, it was different! Took a while to unravel the storyline, and I'm left unsure as to whether, as the film finished, she was going to die.
I loved the bit in the theme park towards the end; very Brothers Grimm. I gave up long ago trying to understand what's happening/happened in films and tv series, and feel much better for it. Certainly not going to attempt to understand Tinker, Tailor..will just let it wash all over me.
Very Brothers Grimm! There were enormous holes in the credibility - how could a kid who'd only ever lived off shooting elk know intuitively how to work a computer? But I think you're right, Moe - just go with it and hope to figure out enough of a film to enjoy some of it. I never, ever understood Elektra Glide in Blue (it's a motorbike and the colour of it is the best I managed) or that American hippy-trippy thing where the house on the desert hillside is eventually blown to smithereens in slo-mo. (Memory Bank gone Lehman Bros again!)
Thassit! Thanks, Simmo. I always confuse Zabriskie Point with Vanishing Point, which isn't helpful. In fact, pointless. (Chortles inanely.)
I cant meet up with anyone without them checking their phone every 2 minutes...

You only say this because you always forget to charge yours. :D

Saw Tinker at the Extreme Screen at Vue Westfield, absolutely massive and the seating is like the San Siro but prefer smaller cinemas like the Everyman personally. Top class film and will be buying the novels to follow the story in the sequels.
The acting was superb and I was fascinated by the period detail [however, did they have speed bumps in London in the 1970's?]; didn't expect to undertstand it and I didn't, but that didn't matter. I wasn't exactly bored; in fact I felt quite mellow watching it [probably because I usually go to the cinema at 6 o'clock and the 9 o'clock performance was way past my bedtime....the S.O. nearly nodded off..I was just about to nudge him when he did that apes falling out of trees thing and woke himself up]. It was nice to watch Tom Hardy, because been madly in love with him ever since the Virgin Queen. I do wonder sometimes if trailers for films are so good that the films themselves can be disappointing, and I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would.
City of Life and Death. I wasn't expecting many laughs, but Schindlers List was almost a breeze in comparison. It's difficult to describe how hard a film this is to watch at times - but there are uplifting moments. Must see if you have the stomach for it.
Ah, that massacre. Read lots about it, and it is still a painful point with China that Japan has never fully apologised for its appalling behaviour. It's made some gestures, but the Prime Minister has yet to prostrate himself and ask for nation-to-nation forgiveness.
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Sounds it. One of the Japanese soldiers is portrayed quite sympathetically - something that didn't go down well in China.

My overriding feeling though is if the boot had been on the other foot the Chinese soldiers would have been just as bad. It's not a nationality thing, it's a soldier thing. Never trust 'em - no matter where they're from.
Only disappointment with Tinker, Tailor was that there wasn't more of it - felt a bit rushed at times, particularly the first hour. That, and I got sidetracked thinking about how there should be a series where British Intelligence is actually run by Lee Harvey Oswald, King George VI, Truman Capote, Julius Caeser, Charles Bronson (the insane one), Sherlock Holmes and Bob Champion.
Friend saw CONTAGION last night. Advice: avoid like the plague. (Boring, predictable, cliched. Bat shit in a Chinese pork meal (the pigs ate the shit, got the lurgy) causes outbreak of the nasties. Rush to find vaccine before the whole world implodes. Vaccine found. Hurrah.)
Animal Kingdom: Once you get past the Aussie accents, a superbly well acted, brutal, crime thriller.