
Went to see Margin Call last night, having been rather impressed with the trailer and the line up of actors in it [Kevin Spacey, Paul Bettany, Jeremy Irons etc]. Wasn't the sort of film I'd usually go to see, knowing that I don't understand anything about investment banking and never will, but I really enjoyed it. However, I spent a lot of the film being fascinated by one actors' eyebrows, the like of which I have never seen before and, looking in my film guide, one of the lesser known [to me anyway] actors is called Zachary Quinto; in brackets...Star Trek. Must have been Mr Spock. Problem solved. I'd also seen a BBC4 programme about psychopaths which said that those that didn't go on to perform heinous crimes could be very successful in business, being capable of great charm but also devoid of any feeling towards their fellow man. Apologies to any investment bankers who might read this; I'm not saying they're all psychopaths [but it helps....].
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Last Of The Mohicans on television tonight - brilliant if for nothing else than the casting of Daniel Day-Lewis. I would love to know the story behind him being cast for that role.

Superb film; Maurice Roeves outstanding.

Agree that the score is sublime.

Thanks for comments on Margin Call, Moehat - was thinking about going and that has persuaded me.

Mrs is after seeing Woman in Black - anyone been? Scared of DR contribution, perhaps unfair
My son, who has never been scared of a film in his life, phoned me up the other night to say the film had completely freaked him out, but he put it down to the fact that he kept expecting Daniel Radcliffe to be able to call on his magic powers when necessary. I hope you're not disappointed with Margin Call; the fact that I fancy Jeremy Irons like mad did sway my opinion.
DD Lewis did, in fact live as a woodsman for quite a while before making the film. I re read the interview with him the other night, but have since put it on the floor to catch the paint drips. He learned how to use a gun [which he carried everwhere with him], build log cabins, hunt etc. Can't remember what else he said, but did think to myself that he must be a nightmare to live with.
No matter how bad a weekends punting has gone, it can be turned around at the 11th hour!! Well done lad, you were never worried.
Mrs is after seeing Woman in Black - anyone been? Scared of DR contribution, perhaps unfair

Went to see it at the weekend. Never once did I think..look, it's Harry Potter..... The thing about this film is, you know something is about to happen.....but you still can't help but be a bit freaked when it does. Definitely worth a viewing
Just got back from seeing Red Dog; I defy anyone to watch this film and not cry at the end. I decided not to see The Woman in Black, but they're showing it this summer in the grounds of Calke Abbey; it's pretty spooky there when the mist comes down. I shall try to summon up what little courage I've got and go.
For Betsmate:

I have watched the best thing I have seen in a long time, the French TV series Braquo. Beyond words how good it is. Watched the first series with English subtitles, but went out the day after finishing it to buy the second series on DVD (with French subtitles, a good test!). Incredible viewing.

Also, as a result, bought this set of Olivier Marchal's films (had already seen 36 a few times)

Also, a new Jacques Audiard film due out in 2 weeks:
It's funny, I'm over in Paris in a few weeks and was just thinking that is a part of the city that I need to revisit. Thanks.
Been watching series 2 of Braquo. Waiting for series 1 on dvd to turn up on Monday.

Also, if you like Braquo, check out Olivier Marchal's films. 36 Quai des Orfevres is very good, but Les Lyonnais, not released (yet?) in the UK but recently out on DVD here, is excellent - the best thing of his I have seen. I got a very nice blu-ray set recently, and there are both French and English subtitles on all of the films:

Marchal also has another TV series out in France (I can't remember the name, it's gangs or something like that).
De Rouille et d'os is beyond words. Cotillard is fantastic, and the film takes something which could be straighforward and turns you upside down. Some scenes have a very strong effect. Mesmerising.

Euro, I think you should avoid this film - much too many shots of Cotillard's breasts ;)
Anyone seen Outside Bet? Only released at a few cinemas, its about a group of lads in the 80s in Sheffield who buy a racehorse called The Mumper - true story. I read the book which I loved.
Mentioned on the telly a couple of weeks back but doesn't seem to be on anywhere round here. Hadn't realised it was based on a true story. Must get the book.
Also, if you like Braquo, check out Olivier Marchal's films. 36 Quai des Orfevres is very good, but Les Lyonnais, not released (yet?) in the UK but recently out on DVD here, is excellent - the best thing of his I have seen. I got a very nice blu-ray set recently, and there are both French and English subtitles on all of the films:

Marchal also has another TV series out in France (I can't remember the name, it's gangs or something like that).

Cheers Hamm. Will look them up.