
You thnk films are "highbrow" because of the nationalities?

No, but some people do. Especially guardian-reading lefty types such as yourself :)

Hardly worth responding to.

You still did though.

Drugs dominated Belfort's life - it is basically a tale about drugs (like Human Traffic or Fear and Loathing). If you don't enjoy films about drugs that's fine, but to downplay them in this instance would be like making a film about Jimmy Savile without mentioning the kids. Oh wait, the BBC already did that...

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Actually, you are right of course on th first point. A box ticking exercise for the pigeon holing left. Lucky it wasn't precisely the same film made by an Israeli in America

We are often told how wonderful French cinema is, but what % gets released over here? Not much and then films such as little white lies were pretty crap

Believe me though. The past is a fine film

As for wolf, last word. Aside from very underwritten female characters (there's a bit of the boyish nerd about scorcese I always think) there was a real lack of cat and mouse or tension in the interaction between the character and he authorities. Rather than have 20 of the longest most dreary minutes in cinema watching him crawl to a car, that could have been developed a lot more.
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Watched Gravity on 3D last night.

It's technically very clever, but it could have been set to music with no script, and been just as good, imo.
Saw Under the Skin tonight and just read some very good reviews of it. Need other people to see it to tell me it's not just me that finds it unfathomable and tedius. I don't feel guilty asking other people to sit through it cause you will get to see Scarlett Johannson take her clothes off quite often.
Got round to watching The Descendants and found it very watchable. Having seen Under the Skin it's good to see the art form which is 'making a film in which nothing much happens but at no point does it become boring'. Obviously not as good as Nebraska, though. Now having a senior moment trying to remember if I bought Sideways at the same time.
Has no one else watched Grand Budapest Hotel yet? One of those completely oddball films that I thought was funny throughout.
Got round to watching The Descendants and found it very watchable. Having seen Under the Skin it's good to see the art form which is 'making a film in which nothing much happens but at no point does it become boring'. Obviously not as good as Nebraska, though. Now having a senior moment trying to remember if I bought Sideways at the same time.

I'm getting worried about you..

You will live sideways. One of those very rare films I've watched more than once. It's an absolute gem

Very keen to see Calvary this week
You will live sideways. One of those very rare films I've watched more than once. It's an absolute gem

Horrendous movie. One of those films which assumes that a series of set pieces about "emotions" is a reasonable substitute for a storyline.

Moehat will love it.
Well, I'll soon find out as, yes, I did buy it [just found it on the shelf behind the Beiderbecke Tapes which I still haven't watched, but at least remember buying!].
Hadn't heard of Locke till now but I think I can claim to have discovered Tom Hardy when he played Robert Dudley in a series about Elizabeth I; at least I was raving about him to my daughter who just said 'but he has wonky teeth'. But I could see beyond the teeth. Bought Nebraska tonight so I can pass it on to everyone I know. Saw the French film with Berenice wotsit in it; was very good except for something that happened at the end which I can't mention; it would have been very clever but I'd already seen it in another film. Reminded me of Biutiful.
I'm getting worried about you..

You will live sideways. One of those very rare films I've watched more than once. It's an absolute gem

Bizarre, I was feeling down the other night and actually paid to rent this film on iTunes to cheer me up (have seen it many times). A rare gem. 2 great acting performances.
would you have topped yourself otherwise?

damn... fcking itunes

But yes... ive watched it 4 times which is very rare for me. the scene where he describes the wines is magic. and the one where he repeats the ad voiceover "youre dead asshole!" and the wink at the end. list goes on. I love the film
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Well, the French film is still with me [sign of a good film I think]. Of course, will now have to see A Separation with the same actor and director. Brilliant as all of the acting was in The Past, it was the youngest actors that were amazing. I guess it's because I've been through the journey that is divorce and the complicated feelings that people have[especially the children finding it hard to embrace their parents having new relationships] that it's left me feeling rather sad; at no point [which happens sometimes] did I feel that these were actors 'acting' even though the director 'choreographs' each scene with meticulous detail.
I dont know why i used the word Colin. I dont even like it

I reckon its going to be one of those films that sticks around at the cinemas for the whole summer because of word of mouth.

But its a masterful film.
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Anyone watch the new series of Fargo last night? I loved the film and wasn't sure about them making it into a series but so far I thought it was good. And Billy Bob Thornton is mesmerising.