Findlay Warned off for 6mths

If he claims the BHA gave him dispensation against a rule he'll have to prove it, otherwise he's being at best very naive, and at worst malicious.

If he can prove his claims - a very big if - the implications are very serious for the credibility of the BHA.

The BHA have seen his Betfair account and they haven't charged him or said they intend to charge him-a de facto dispensation.
So it was Betfair that brought it to the attention of the BHA, and then they come out supporting him. If Roy's statement is correct (and I'd be inclined to believe him more than HF,given the Chief Exec and Board approved this statement), then HF has made a bit of a fool of himself as he was (a) warned, (b) did not seek legal counsel and (c) made sweeping statements about the BHA.
So now that ownership of his flat horses has been trtansfered in name only, he is free to lay the bollocks out of them next time out. An interesting spin on it.
So it was Betfair that brought it to the attention of the BHA, and then they come out supporting him. If Roy's statement is correct (and I'd be inclined to believe him more than HF,given the Chief Exec and Board approved this statement), then HF has made a bit of a fool of himself as he was (a) warned, (b) did not seek legal counsel and (c) made sweeping statements about the BHA.

The same Paul Roy who claimed HF as a friend.
I know nothing about Paul roy other than through his horses. Hamm has made some comments on another thread about him and Luke is making comments about him here. What's wrong with him?? And I'm not sure I'd fancy a pint with HF, he's full of himself. Entertaining to watch but in small measures and I'm sure I'd get bored of it after a while.
I'd need to do a bit of searching but for me what racing needs is Paul Roy and Nic Coward out, not racing for change. I'm not Harry Findlay's number one fan, and don't think it's them or him; what I do think is this case is ridiculous, and it is even more so if Findlay's claim he was allowed special dispensation to lay horses in yards which he had horses is true - if this is the case, Roy and Coward should be forced to resign.
if Findlay's claim he was allowed special dispensation to lay horses in yards which he had horses is true - if this is the case, Roy and Coward should be forced to resign.

Well roy has clearly denied it in the statement so he has to resign if it comes out HF is correct. But I'd be very surprised if he issued such a statement given that its been approved by the board.
Careful about confusing Paul Roy and Paul Dixon.
There's a bit of that about, isn't there? I don't think Nigel Twiston Davies is a fan of Mr Dixon either, judging by his blog...

A point I made elsewhere is worth repeating. If Paul Roy is to be believed (and given he's made a formal statement, he should be) then why was no action ever taken when Harry Findlay continued to lay runners from his trainers' stables openly and even wrote about them in the press? Surely, if such a continued breach was considered an issue by the BHA, then they had Mr Findlay bang to rights and could have dealt with him publicly in March 2009. That scenario makes the BHA seem utterly clueless.
By Racing Post staff 9:46AM 6 JUL 2010
HARRY FINDLAY will no longer have horses in training with Paul Nicholls after transferring his share of Denman to co-owner Paul Barberand removing his other runners, according to The Times.
Findlay, who was warned off by the BHA for six months after laying his horse Gullible Gordon on two occasions, has moved Beshabar to Tim Vaughan while Big Fella Thanks will be trained by Ferdy Murphy.
The other eight horses previously co-owned by Barber and Findlay will be sold at Doncaster's August sale.
Explaining the reasons for the removal, Maggie Findlay, Harry's mother in whose purple and silver colours many of the horses race, said: "Tim Vaughan and Ferdy Murphy have been vociferous in their support not only condemning the fact Harry was charged, but pointing the finger of blame at Paul Roy, Nic Coward and Paul Scotney.
"We have had horses at Ditcheat for eight or nine years and many people there will know just how honest and straight Harry is with his gambling. Yet the support, from the place where Gullible Gordon was trained, has simply not been loud enough or strong enough."
Sounds like there's been a major falling out with Paul Nicholls judged on that statement and the yards where Big Fella Thanks and Beshabar are moving to are probably more suitable for HF's activities.
A complete over-reaction by Findlay. I'd say Nicholls is not too displeased. If I was him, I'd have done the same thing and said nothing. You risk upsetting the other 40 owners in the yard and that's just not worth it. Findlay is now rewarding loyalty and it wouldn't surprise me if the likes of Ferdy played on this in the hope of getting horses in the future. Findlay and Murphy......god now there's a team. Might never know when Only The Best is trying!!
Absolutely - he is embarrassing himself now and Paul N has every right to keep his opinions/thoughts on the matter to himself.

A complete over-reaction by Findlay. I'd say Nicholls is not too displeased. If I was him, I'd have done the same thing and said nothing. You risk upsetting the other 40 owners in the yard and that's just not worth it. Findlay is now rewarding loyalty and it wouldn't surprise me if the likes of Ferdy played on this in the hope of getting horses in the future. Findlay and Murphy......god now there's a team. Might never know when Only The Best is trying!!
Is the big fat loudmouth going back on his pledge never to have a horse trained in this country?

What a tube.