First Season Sires 2019

There were no winners for first season sires yesterday.

The latest table by wins:

GUTAIFAN 14 wins from 92 runs

By prizemoney GLENEAGLES just leads from CABLE BAY.

The leaders in the Second Crop table are:

KINGMAN 40/184

By prizemoney KINGMAN well in the lead with NO NAY NEVER in second place.
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FSS winners Friday: Haydock 2.40 Treble Treble for BRAZEN BEAU
Nottingham 2.20 Ebony Adams for FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH

few evening meetings so maybe more
I am going to start flagging up the runners of first season sires at the head of this season's table.

Today, almost al the action takes place in the valuable sales race at Newbury 3.40.

GUTAIFAN who heads the table has three running for him, all at fancy prices:

Seraphinite 100/1
Ocasio-Cortez 40/1
Odyssey Girl 33/1

CABLE BAY has two runners:

Separate 16/1 (Rchard Hannon-trained, Hannon does well in this race)
Electric Ladyland 28/1

DUE DILIGENCE also has two:

Clay Reggazoni 50/1
Dynamighty 125/1

There is other today that gets a mention HOT STREAK has Between Hills running in the Curragh 4.00.
Two FSS winners yesterday:

Newbury 3.40 Betty's Hope for ANJAAL
Doncaster 6.15 Dalanijujo - NIGHT OF THUNDER (apologies for missing this one)

Couple for today:

Redcar 2.20 Thunderous for NIGHT OF THUNDER
Curragh 2.35 Captain Corcoran - ANJAAL
Two FSS winners yesterday:

Newbury 3.40 Betty's Hope for ANJAAL
Doncaster 6.15 Dalanijujo - NIGHT OF THUNDER (apologies for missing this one)

Couple for today:

Redcar 2.20 Thunderous for NIGHT OF THUNDER
Curragh 2.35 Captain Corcoran - ANJAAL

Dalanijujo looked very game.
Thunderous (NIGHT OF THUNDER) justified the 4/9 he was sent off at in the opener at Redcar yesterday.

Looks like being a blank day for the leading FSS.

BRAZEN BEAU has Woodsmoke Hill in the Windsor 6.15 and CABLE BAY - Gelsmoor Bay in the Beverley 6.25. Both are making their debut and both are available at 125/1.
Apologies to those who read and contribute to this thread (not many, I feel) but I have decided to end my input.

My health has deteriorated to the point where I can't find the enthusiasm to sort theough the cards and post the runners and results.

Back in October 2017 I was diagnosed with chronic leukaemia with a prognosis of 18-24 months.

I've heard of sufferers lasting a lot longer than that, 5,8 even 10 years. I hope I get that sort of result.

The main problem I have is a lack of energy, I sleep a hell of a lot, most afternoons I doze off in a chair. Occasionally I have a bad day, nausea, bowel problems and the relentless fatigue and associated depression.

I very rarely watch the racing now, even I find that hard to believe. Last Saturday I spent the afternoon in bed (on my own!). Saturday used to be the highlight of my week.

I have tried to help Gary (Eleonora Duse) to keep the thread going but I'm afraid it's becoming too much of an effort, mentally as much as physically.

I will keep on reading the forum but I can't see me posting a lot.

Lots of 'I's in this post, apologies for that.
Sorry to hear Colin but keep looking in and try to stay positive. Your contribution to this forum has been immense over the years and we don't want you going anywhere :)
Very sorry to hear that Colin-I always found this thread interesting and useful.I always know I'm sick ( with a small s)when I can't watch the racing.Wishing you the very best.
I can only echo the above. I doubt whether you are fully aware of the respect and affection forumites have for you, Colin. And, as G-G said, your contribution to the forum is immense. Take care and look after yourself....keep looking in and posting when you can.
havent looked in on this thread much this year, good to see gutaifan doing well, muhaarar not many have hit the racetrack yet, only 2 winners so far is a bit of shocker, sorry to hear about your health issues,
stay positive.
Apologies to those who read and contribute to this thread (not many, I feel) but I have decided to end my input.

My health has deteriorated to the point where I can't find the enthusiasm to sort theough the cards and post the runners and results.

Back in October 2017 I was diagnosed with chronic leukaemia with a prognosis of 18-24 months.

I've heard of sufferers lasting a lot longer than that, 5,8 even 10 years. I hope I get that sort of result.

The main problem I have is a lack of energy, I sleep a hell of a lot, most afternoons I doze off in a chair. Occasionally I have a bad day, nausea, bowel problems and the relentless fatigue and associated depression.

I very rarely watch the racing now, even I find that hard to believe. Last Saturday I spent the afternoon in bed (on my own!). Saturday used to be the highlight of my week.

I have tried to help Gary (Eleonora Duse) to keep the thread going but I'm afraid it's becoming too much of an effort, mentally as much as physically.

I will keep on reading the forum but I can't see me posting a lot.

Lots of 'I's in this post, apologies for that.

Nothing wrong with loads of 'i' colin,my mums in similar position to you col and has done ok as no cure lung cancer she has a limited time and have chronic illness myself so know how depressing things can be,hope you are getting plenty of support very important but mental well being..Take care my friend and hopefully you still get some further time than expected,i looked in the other day on thread and notice archielab had had a greatday from your input so someones always getting something off the thread..
So sorry to hear this, Col.
2yo's aren't really my bag but I'm always interested in what you have to say, and you have a wealth of experience, both inside racing and on the various forums you've graced in your time. Sympathise with your lack of energy, as I suffer the same syndrome, for not dissimilar reasons. Just have to do what you can, when you can.
Try and keep your chin up, anyways.
Respect; Reet
Sorry to hear you've been so unwell Col, and it's an understandable decision.

I'm sure when I say I've really enjoyed reading your posts over the years, many others feel exactly the same Col. You're an absolute stalwart.

I'd put good money on 10 years by the way. The guy up top's not having you anyway, and the guy down below reckons you'll cause too much trouble.
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