Five Live Programme on Racing

That's a very sporting gesture, Shadz (she says, imagining the other gestures Shadz has been making earlier), and one I will most happily take up, thank you. I'm dying to see your gee-gees, anyway. So, one elephantine voddie, and perhaps a bucket o'carrots for the horsies?

Will you be in the saddle, btw?
SL is probably right maybe Godstone were just slow on the uptake of single occupancy rules, but please do give it a go, the problem with the southern areas is by the time you get to your Godstones/Peper Harow the ground is usually fast, and there isn't a vast amount of horses left to go round after they've been racing since the turn of the year. So you do get small fields. So i'd recommend going earlier in the year, even if its cold and wet you'll get better racing :lol: I keep banging on about Yorkshire but (I am biased :) ) we have the best region!! The tracks (bar Middleton) are always in fantasic condition, and new horses are being brought in all the time so even in May we have good fields. Personally, we were unlucky last year as even tho we had them ready for 1st week in March we waited weeks for some rain, but when it did come we had no horses left :(

SL, i'll train her for you if you want to send her ooop north :D!!! think we used up al our bad luck last year!!
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No offence Ali, but you can bog off!!! I'm training her - and the others!!! :D I've two of my own for pointing this season.

I very much doubt I'll be in the saddle Kri, at least not this year. I'm not likely to be back in the saddle until at least Christmas and that's best case scenario! I'm not that bothered about riding them to be honest but I'd quite like to ride my boy at some point though, maybe in a hunt race.
No offence Ali, but you can bog off!!! I'm training her - and the others!!! :D I've two of my own for pointing this season.

Well :p to you tehn, I hope you have a drought and we have lots and lots of lovely rain next spring :lol: I bet it does as well now we lost our soft ground horse and have 2 good grounders (well they are bred that way but as yet unbroken:ninja:)
Oh, no! Pointing Wars! Aha, I understand now why the fields were so small (make that microscopic), LE. Yes, the ground was firm all right - there was a fair bit of dust kicking up and I thought the cut looked a bit on the shortish side, to be honest, in places. Now, let me see - rain and mud, mud and rain - I've got it! I'm at Plumpton!
The interval between races at Belmont tonight is 32 minutes and at Woodbine it is 30 minutes. But at the other north American tracks with racing tonight the interval is more like 25 minutes.

It could be worth trying to reduce it over here for certain meetings. Evening meetings could start a bit later, for example, giving more people time to get there after work.
Yes, and in the States they don't have far to go to post, their tracks being smallish ovals. European racing is an entirely different beast and at so many of our tracks it wouldn't be feasible to run races with 25 minute gaps. You'd probably get away with it on the AW tracks but on the larger turf tracks you'd struggle.