Forum horse connections

Well done roddy fantastic ride by Sean and a nice touch for you! Managed to get a few quid ew on @ 25s! Cheers pal
Photo by @ifandbutwhynot on Twitter

Young Sean Bowen has what it takes to make a go of it in the tough game of trying to make a living as a NH jockey. Well done to him today on both his wins at Cheltenham.

Here's to many more cheers-124.png
Brilliant Rod, fantastic day, landed a nice touch too. I'll get those photos to you and Sion.
Let's hope for a swift repeat today, good luck.
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Congrats on yesterday Roddy-I've probably watched the race more times then you have and I thought Sean Bowen was fantastic- I can remember him riding in a pony race at Sedgefield on ATR about 18 months ago.
Thought Sean might have been on the best horse today Roddy just a shame the starter allowed that 10 length head start!!!