Forum horse connections

She rode a very intelligent race, I thought, Flame, and KNF really went through with the job, again. He's a bonny wee soul and seems to love the AW, so they look set for some more good results together. I note that Al's procured Martin Dwyer for PLACE THE DUCHESS tomorrow night at Wolves. Good pilot, so I hope he can find just the right touch to give Team Lidderdale some more kudos. The yard really is doing very well this year, which is what they all deserve.
Two completely duff rides, first from Graham Gibbons on CARNIVAL DREAM, who seemed to find every possible obstruction in the race, ensuring she was covered up, particularly in dirt, and desperately hunting for gaps which came in time for him to recognise them, but not recognise that they were also closing. I think she came second last or near enough to that. She looked bursting with good health and she was let down by a useless feckin ride.

Next up, Martin Dwyer on PTD. Now this really was disgraceful - plum inside draw, yanked her back teeth out as if he was settling her for a two-miler (it was a sharp 5f, otherwise known as a s-p-r-i-n-t, Martin), stuffed her right to the back, where she could benefit from the kickback to the fullest extent, and wrestled her manfully into second last pozzie, having caused her to lose all impetus. This is a horse who must GO FOR IT - she's confused as to why jockeys want her to be held up when she's a sprinter. She's very confused when they nearly break her jaw to yank her from a lovely draw to the back of the field, which she clearly hates. She loves to get out quickly, get going, get as near the front she can. She is not a wait-up horse, she's not a closer.

Time for a rating system on jockeys, I think: these two definitely would earn "I" for Idiot on tonight's efforts. You can imagine a jockey's formline, can't you: GGBGE (genius, genius, brilliant, genius, excellent) and some others - TAPAS - (twit, arse, pillock, arse, shoite). I know how I'd rate these two tonight!

Not making excuses for the girls - they were fit as fleas, raring to go and give their all, and ridden by muppets.
I would like to put in my two pence worth on Place The Duchess as I was there last night and it was the first time it dawned on me what a pony she is, and that against big solid brutes of sprinters I dare say feel that she was unable to hold her pitch early and looked the type to me that was intimidated out of things. Secondly she was no where near quick enough for 5f, and recently over 6f except when she has had a break neck gallop she has struggled to see out the trip. Her size and stature to me counts massively against her, when taking on seasoned sprinters and whilst she has twice shown ability over 6f, both times came in very different races. The first time the pace was suicidal and she settled nicely for Nathan running on well into 2nd, the next time, she was allowed to bowl along by Nathan over 6f at Southwell and she kept on in good style showing a willing attitude despite getting tired. Make no mistakes last nights contest was very weak with only Cocktail Party & Nawaaff shaping with any scope for the future. For me I fear that Place The Duchess, now rated 47 and sure to be dropped 2 or 3lb for her run last night, will not only struggle to now get in a race but will almost certainly struggle to win a race. The clear exception would be in a 6f race where they go far too hard up front and give her a chance to settle, that will only come in an apprentice race and for my liking whilst Nathan Alison has done little wrong on her, I feel she could do with someone with a bit more noodle upstairs. I do fear she may not get many more chances however with the handicapper due to make his stance.
She's got a lovely big backside on her, Flame, and she doesn't need to hold her pitch if she's allowed to break sharply from the stalls, which is what she herself likes to do, without any giddyap from the jockey. She likes to get to the front early and now that Alastair has built her strength up, she can hold her pitch pretty well - she wasn't given the slightest chance to do that last night, and I think the ride was as wrong for her as it could have been.

As I've said several times, she needs to try 7f. Sheena gave up on her after one race, saying she couldn't find races for her; Al got her into excellent shape and while she isn't brilliant, he's conjured a couple of places out of her with the right sort of riding. If Martin Dwyer hasn't got the 'noodle upstairs' then I despair as to who would.

I did, of course, have a nice non-racing home all lined up for her, but Alastair's racing manager, Kevin McCarthy, felt they wanted to keep her going, as did her co-owner. Kevin and Alastair were convinced there was a good race in her. That's why she's still at the yard.
Hoping for a big run today from our promising novice hurdler Tequilla Bob in the second race at Lingfield. Only just beaten by a highly-regarded horse on his racecourse debut and if he shows the normal amount of improvement he will go very close today.
Thanks socks. Sadly today was one of my worst days as an owner. We went there with such high hopes for this horse, and now so deflated. He was just lobbing along having a schooling session and seemed to have them all beat turning in to the straight, and we were thinking 'how far is he going to win by?' Then he just stopped in a few strides and finished legless. Our immediate thoughts were that he'd bled, but the scope done after the race was normal. So we're scratching our heads. He'll have blood tests on Wednesday.....maybe they'll show he was sickening for something. Otherwise, it might be down to the dreaded "bounce" factor which I've always been a bit sceptical about.

Ah well, that's racing.
Yes Michael it did look that way.Going from cruising to emptying out 2 fur out.
Maybe the exstreame going found him out
.Always another day dont feel too downhearted.
Thanks socks. Sadly today was one of my worst days as an owner. We went there with such high hopes for this horse, and now so deflated. He was just lobbing along having a schooling session and seemed to have them all beat turning in to the straight, and we were thinking 'how far is he going to win by?' Then he just stopped in a few strides and finished legless. Our immediate thoughts were that he'd bled, but the scope done after the race was normal. So we're scratching our heads. He'll have blood tests on Wednesday.....maybe they'll show he was sickening for something. Otherwise, it might be down to the dreaded "bounce" factor which I've always been a bit sceptical about.

Ah well, that's racing.
Doesn't fit the description of "bouncing" Michael. I thought he may have emptied a little at Market Rasen when apparently travelling better than a notably weak finisher but being outrun close home. His capitulation today was worrying and he appears to have a hole in him somewhere, which is a terrible shame as he spent 85% of the race looking extremely useful. I hope you are able to identify the problem and fix it.
To be honest, the going's been a lot more extreme at Plumpton for the past couple of meetings, and given that Lingfield's a gentle track compared to Plumpton or Fontwell, with their killer uphill finish, it would be a worry for such a sudden weakening under today's conditions. Might be something like a palate problem, polyps in the respiratory system, or a low platelet count, but I'm sure your vet will check him out thoroughly, Michael. All the best for him, anyway.
He was just lobbing along having a schooling session and seemed to have them all beat turning in to the straight, and we were thinking 'how far is he going to win by?' Then he just stopped in a few strides and finished legless.

Commiserations, Michael. Bally Conn, who some of us used to be involved in, ran a similar sort of race at Wincanton on Saturday.
Commiserations, Michael. Bally Conn, who some of us used to be involved in, ran a similar sort of race at Wincanton on Saturday.

Maybe the horses' poor performances could also be due to something as simple as simply having suffered, like so many, from limited exercise over the past month or so ?
Maybe the horses' poor performances could also be due to something as simple as simply having suffered, like so many, from limited exercise over the past month or so ?

Plus the 'need' for a run with another target in mind perhaps? The ground pretty much everywhere is desperate at the moment but horses need to run and it's clearly not suiting all of them?
But however testing some of the going was at Lingfield, it suited some brilliantly - viz BALLYFOY positively sprinting for home under 11.12 in the 3-mile chase at 3.45 pm. Very pleased for his owners, Mike and Marina George, who've chucked vast gobbets of money at keeping their horses going. This one's been fired on all four legs and had various other problems, but his win is a tribute to his owners, Jamie Poulton's training and Mattie Battie's nonstop energetic riding - plus the enthusiastic screams from his attractive young groom. He is, though, a very wiry and athletic animal, with a well-defined and toned frame, and was still fizzing in the winner's circle. Heavier horses like TEQUILLA BOB might just have found their personal weight told against them, especially after sustaining a fast front-running effort for so long.
Extra fixture at Plumpton on Sunday - going currently Soft to Blimeythatsachange...
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Thanks, Rory - she was SO enthusiastic, and when she was holding Bally in the winner's pit, I said to her, "It was that last scream that did it" and she laughed. Lovely girl - seems to love the horse, who wasn't having any of the attention. Kicked the rubber matting a few times and couldn't be bothered with all the fuss!
KNOW NO FEAR (Flame) vs CARNIVAL DREAM (Songsheet/me) on the 29th @ 6.40 in the 5f dash at Wolves! PLACE THE DUCHESS also entered, but I doubt she'll be in it. Crikey, these scurries are getting a bit crowded with members' horses, aren't they?!
Vanadium (4.40) & Know No Fear (6.40) have a night on the tiles at Wolves with Amy Scott on board. Vanadium will also run at Kempton the following Wednesday.
Will run Ballyvesey at Ffos Las tomorrow and No Panic at Donny on Friday. Getting back to normal. Would have run Quattro in the Yorkshire chase but can`t get in.Never mind. Progressing nicely
Thankyou Socks, Krizon, Rory, and Grey for your good wishes re. Tequilla Bob. We now think we know why he stopped so quickly on Monday. He underwent a thorough veterinary examination yesterday and was found to have a loose soft palate. This was operated on this morning. He's come out of the anaesthetic well and will spend a week on the horsewalker before being ridden out again. He should be back on the racecourse in 4-6 weeks' time.

I must say it's a great relief to have a likely explanation for his poor run. We can start hoping again!
Thankyou Socks, Krizon, Rory, and Grey for your good wishes re. Tequilla Bob. We now think we know why he stopped so quickly on Monday. He underwent a thorough veterinary examination yesterday and was found to have a loose soft palate. This was operated on this morning. He's come out of the anaesthetic well and will spend a week on the horsewalker before being ridden out again. He should be back on the racecourse in 4-6 weeks' time.

I must say it's a great relief to have a likely explanation for his poor run. We can start hoping again!
Good to hear; let's hope he's back on track soon, in more ways than one.