Forum horse connections

I'm very grateful to Paul Thorman of Trickledown Stud, Grey, who mentored me through Goff's Sales at Naas, and found the mum, DANETIME OUT, for me, already i/f to MAJESTIC MISSILE. She's still standing at the Murphys' Redpender Stud, who bought TTC at the foal sales and sold him on. I wasn't sure if he didn't appreciated Matthew giving him a couple of spanks - slight turn of the head then - but he does seem resolved, as you say. Thanks - I'm honestly chuffed to bits as so far the only other foal which has gone on to have a win, and only one, is CARNIVAL DREAM, and she's still loitering in Class 6 levels, bless her.

We sold DANETIME OUT i/f to to PICCOLO and the Murphys took her on to some of Joe Foley's sires, and I've lost track of what she's produced to date for them, but they like her a lot. Although unraced, she was very sturdy and correct, no white markings, a pleasant head and no nasties.

Nice one Krizon, found the latest page for you. Captain Marvelous is a fine strapping horse and one I will be watching closely next year.

Lot 2
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No 1 in the second race at Laytown is an unraced Singspiel gelding out of Bosra Sham Purchased as a foal for 525,000 Guineas. Ouch !.
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Bangalore Diamond runs tonight in a 7f low grade handicap in Down Royal. Smullen was very keen to ride him after the last day. Wouldn't put anyone off even though 8/1 is skinny enough in very open race. Drawn in the car park but the plan is to jump and lead so hopefully it wont be too much of a disadvantage ... Good luck if you play
Thanks so much for that, Sheikh. They got a damn good price for the filly, considering what we got for TTC (minimum bid!!).

OTB: there really is no end - 'cos I don't think there's actually been a beginning!! :lol: At 95, I'm still waiting to find something I'm good at, although after joining with the Attwater Gang following STONECRABSTOMORROW's latest win at Epsom yesterday, I can tell you that doing winning connections' hospitality at Brighton has shown that the little, modest course is way ahead of Grade One Epsom and show-off Goodwood, glorious or not! So perhaps being an enthusiastic horse-loving 'hostess' is my best strength. Not much, but it's all about happy stuff, which is how I prefer life to be.
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Bangalore Diamond runs tonight in a 7f low grade handicap in Down Royal. Smullen was very keen to ride him after the last day. Wouldn't put anyone off even though 8/1 is skinny enough in very open race. Drawn in the car park but the plan is to jump and lead so hopefully it wont be too much of a disadvantage ... Good luck if you play

The 8/1 looked huge after he went off at 9/2. He gave it a go but the winner was too good. Fortunately for the OTB millions, which presumably were dispersed around the Down Royal betting ring, he hung on for third place.
The 8/1 looked huge after he went off at 9/2. He gave it a go but the winner was too good. Fortunately for the OTB millions, which presumably were dispersed around the Down Royal betting ring, he hung on for third place.

A little disappointing again as we think he is better than that but saved the stake with the ew part. It was a weak enough race and I would rate it no better than his previous run in Cork where he finished sixth.He is a bit of a monkey and believes he still has his man bits!! Pat Smullen reckons some type of headgear possibly cheek pieces to start and a drop back to six. Maybe Gearoid could help but where did the money come from to take him from a freely available 8/1 to 4/1 near the off???? Several McCourt horses have been slaughtered in the ring recently - whoever is backing them this way will go broke and fast!!
Btw OTB. A friend of mine who has forgotten more about the game than I will ever know was adamant that Robbie McNamara was the best jockey available for Copper Dock. Real shame you did not get a run but a good reflection on your own judgement in my eyes!
I am convinced he would have gone very close. We need to get him
up a few pounds to get into the better races coming up in Dundalk. Hopefully he'll pick up another little race along the way.
A few of us who had shares in Camira now have a piece of Elusive Fairy, who goes in the next at Listowel. It looks a lottery of a race.
Now that would be nice.... She's being backed today, but I couldn't be confident about her chances, but her trainer thinks she could well land a race before the end of the season.
A similar tale to OTB's Bangalore Diamond the other day, Elusive Fairy ran well but could do nothing about the runaway winner. She might have her day though.
Our synicate horse Simpson Millar runs today 1:50 Ayr - no news yet except this is his first race since he's been gelded and apparently he's better at home than he's shown on the course so far - I personally do not see him as a soft ground horse but will post any info I get later.