Forum Horse Connections

Fingers crossed for you, Paul, he should go well in this.

Meanwhile Getaway Gorgeous narrowly missed out on getting into the Galway Hurdle but goes for the 0-140 handicap on Friday instead, and Jazzaway goes for the stayers' race, also on Friday.
Those of you familiar with my "Cover of the Racing Post " blog will recognise the missing verse

"I have had to change my modus operandi as I want to be King for a day
So I joined the Whitegrass Racing Syndicate to try find a better way
I wont know what to say if Jazzaway wins a feature race at Galway racecourse
But in the winners enclosure I'll stand in for a photo for the cover of the Racing Post !"

Come on us
Good luck to both horses tomorrow and I hope whatever the results you all have a great day!

That said, I am backing both and the double, so I am expecting to be able to hear a good volume of encouragement

Thanks guys, Patrick has tipped both horses in his Irish Independent column. I’d copy paste it here if I knew how.
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Really impressed by the manner in which Jazzaway changed gear. A notable victory for a promising mare. So pleased for connections, hope you all survive the celebrations! Well done.
Our latest prodigy makes her debut at Tramore tomorrow. Her name is Tasiteasai (pronounced Thaw She Tyassy), which translates roughly as “she is hot-blooded”. She got her name after depositing several of her work riders in various parts of Closutton. Hoping she behaves herself tomorrow.
Comhghairdeas mor, gents. Green as grass, long way around and won easily.

(Never has an Irish name been butchered by so many commentators in such a short time. And two of them Irish!)