Forum Value Hunt..Join in.

i've no problem with it Marb..but if you have time for a bit of baiting..maybe the person taking that time to bait might also like to offer their figures too...come on Warbler..all that time you have saved writing replies to Clive..could be better spent:)
Warbler can speak for himself, I don't know if there's history between you two as posters, but from reading his contributions to this thread, he has added a couple of one line witty remarks. Nothing to get wound up about EC1.
Ps, I'd actually like Warbler to start sharing his opinions on the racing in the run up to Cheltenham!
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i like Warbler Marb...he doesn't do the racing now though to much of a degree i believe ..which is a great shame...maybe we could draw him into this..spark some interest

now if DT wins..he might get ino it:)
My guess is he sees the game as a bit of a triviality these days - he might have hinted at such a view in the past.

That's fine, a bit at odds with his posting in the cricket thread though.
well it is a trivialty in real terms..but it keeps me ticking over...keeps the mind my age you need that or you end up going out directing the traffic or starting a collection of tin cans or summat
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aye..i wouldn't have fallen out with him about it Marb..just seems a waste with the sharp mind Warb has that we can't get him back into the fold

anyway..thanks to all members who took part this week:cool:...come again next week..we will have another go..fingers xed for today
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This would work better with two simple rules. It would giving you a purer tissue.

1) All entries are blind and sent via PM
2) All entries are sent before 4pm Friday. This will mean there is no market to go on.
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Bloody hell. I only popped back from a 5 minute break from doing something else, and this is what its degenerated into already :lol:
This would work better with two simple rules. It would giving you a purer tissue.

1) All entries are blind and sent via PM
2) All entries are sent before 4pm Friday. This will mean there is no market to go on.

The elimination of influence is critical to trying to find value as humans suffer from group conformity (something like 52% I think in some survey I saw done). All you'll do otherwise is pick out the two market leaders with a preference for one over the other just about every week (having said that, I notice Yala Enki has gone fav):lol:. OK, you mitigate some of that by pricing up every horse, which means that value might lurk at 16/1 etc, ultimately though, to make money at betting you need to find a way of winning against the flow of the money, and that means being selective - (hardly a new insight admittedly)
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This would work better with two simple rules. It would giving you a purer tissue.

1) All entries are blind and sent via PM
2) All entries are sent before 4pm Friday. This will mean there is no market to go on.

thats not going to be a goer..people don't have time Slim..the market is always going to be available in reality

first result is decent,.the winner got handed a 5 length start and won by less..the market formed was very realistic imo

a good start
in realty..a good one..can't see practicality tbh Slim

the only thing you can do is ask people to not look..i know..probably not going to happen

what i would hope is that people might look back at horses they underrated..or overrated each time and try to correct that for future use..if using a systematic way of producing their market

its an excercise that can improve people's view of looking at races
For what it's worth, I think the form of the race might be very strong. It wouldn't have been the easiest race to price up in advance with several jobs lined up.
the problem is that most races we would look Slim at will be main races on a Saturday where there is always a market if you want to look some days beforehand..if you don't pick decent races..then the results aren't as good..on past experience
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