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Fox Hunting

I thought that it was terrific. First Batman and Robin, now this.

An issue that the nation is debating and there were about 20 MP's there. Ha ha.

Most of them appeared to be dead or asleep. :D :D

Bald bonks in tights fell over. :D

White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own
White riot - I wanna riot
White riot - a riot of my own
at long last this barbaric sport has been banned

after last night and the constant threats it members make that they will break the law perhaps its time the countryside alliance is proscribed and banned

perhaps as they like so much the use of dogs in furtherence of their sport the next time they cause a disturbance they could be taught an ironic lesson by the use of police alsations to keep them under control
just watched on gmtv another showing of the police trying to control these hooligans

it seems our police force are very inept and soft when it comes to controling rioting thugs

must be to many years of dishing out parking tickets
No prince they are just inept when controlling right wing thugs like themselves - a nice demonstarion of lefties or a riot of black youths then the gloves come off

I was appalled reading the coverage this morning in the Times . There can be little doubt that fox hunting is being used as a front for the deeply repulsive element amongst the right in this country which can't stand the fact that we have a Labour Govt and moreover know that the Uk does not want a return of their party the Tories .

Incapable of winning power by democratic means they resort to violence and unlawful disruption . The fuel protestors were plainly a right wing conspiracy to attempt to bring down the government by non democratic means and look at yesterday . In this time of heightened security and terrorist threat some rightwinger uses his House of Commons Pass to allow these thugs in .

The behaviour and tactics of this group and the threats of violence strike me as one thing - Fascist

If you want a ban on hunting reversed campaign for it at the ballot box . They know they can't win this they resort to violence and thuggery .

on many occassions i disagree with your left leaning views but i have to agree with you on this

im sure if the protestors had black faces the treatment would have been far harsher

which dosnt say much for our boys in blue does it

i would also agree that fox hunting just like gillicks campaign against the pill is being used by a deeply repulsive right wing organisation to further its cause

still lets hope that any of the tally ho mob that now break the law are not put up in front of a judge that shares their views and are given stern sentences as a warning to others that may feel like they are above the law
I wonder how many of these "peaceful protesters" back during the miners strike were demanding the police take action and not allow mob rule to triumph.
You guys sound so pathetic.

The ball being on the other foot - you lefties just HATE it don't you?

The only legitimate struggle is between the poor old 'working classes' and those nasty capitalist types. Yeah right.
I would suggest not that many, as quite a percentage weren't even born or under the age of 10 - Ferry's kid for one - Dom for another!!!

You know, those of you who have made the Tory/Thatcher reference above (with the exception of Ian) are just as stereotypical in your own way, if only you would step back and see it. If it makes you feel even happier that those of us opposed to the Hunting Ban are all right-wing, fat oafs and toffs who swill chapagne from noon til night - get on. You are just as guilty of sweeping, childish generalisations as you claim those opposed to be.

I agree with Ian - the vote has gone through and we live in a democracy (thank heavens) and those that break the law should be punished accordingly. However, the whole point of many of us opposed to it is the sheer hypocracy being practiced and the very real worry that it won't stop at hunting with dogs. Next will be any field sport that is associated with having a pereceived class issue - shooting being a prime example.

By the way, Halberton is about 8 miles from me - where the 13yo who was shot lamping foxes/rabbits died. Don't know the specifics yet but it really worries me that this activity will now increase and more accidents may happen.
Lamping by its very nature is done at night time, what on earth was a 13 year old doing out (on their own?) at that hour.

Is there a high level of accidents such as these your suggesting Julie in countries where there is not fox hunting?
Julie I don't think that the law is the law any more.

I think that this was probably the last significant attempt by the 'middle class right-centre' to determine the law.

From now on they will do what eveyone else has been doing for years and break the endless list of stupid laws when it suits them. It isn't a day to be celebrated although it made me laugh at the time.
Honestly don't know Aidan - he certainly wasn't on his own - his step-father allegedly shot him by accident and it is very traditional for teenagers to go out lamping with adults..

I have no idea how many accidents per year there are here or in Europe with regard to culling by shooting but this is the second one in a matter of weeks that I know of - the other was a gentlemen who was watching a badger sett and was also accidentally shot by lampers.

Just as an example, my own farm borders an SSSI area and one of my fields almost bisects the commonland. The numbers of people who believe they have every right to wander across this field is truly unbelievable (we had a big poaching problem last year) and just three weeks ago, I was hosting a very informal but properly organised clay shoot up there, a couple of fields away from the SSSI. We had one trap which is electronic and one other manual trap and about seven guns, four guns being able to stand at once. To my horror, leaning over a gate just 40 metres from the stand was some f*cking idiot asking if we should be shooting there!! Prat...

There is no public footpath anywhere near where he was standing, we have every right to hold such events (we carry full insurance) and are very careful never to shoot anywhere near where the public has a legitimate right to be. However, since the Right To Roam legislation was passed, the general public seem to think that access means everywhere, including cultivated farmland (which it doesn't) and it's downright dangerous. So incidents such as the badger watcher (who had no right to be there at all) may well start to increase - that remains to be seen!
Originally posted by prince regent@Sep 16 2004, 05:57 AM
at long last this barbaric sport has been banned
Who are you, PR....bloody Mystic Meg??? Hunting HAS NOT been banned yet, there is still a way to go. I also happen to take great offence at your bigoted views on the people that follow hunting; it just goes to prove that you don't have a bloody clue, mate, when it comes to this subject. I'd be willing to bet you are yet another ignorant townie who only sees foxes as cuddly-wuddly, fluffy-wuffy little creatures. Wake up & smell the bloody coffee, would you?

There's not a lot I can add to what Terry & Jules have said, they are both pretty much spot on. Where do you think it will end? Shooting will definitely go next, then fishing, then the whole country will be forced to turn vegetarian, it's a bloody travesty. So much for living in a Democracy too - using the Parliament Act is a disgusting act of cowardice & fascism. I do think that it is a shame that it got to that yesterday, but for those of you to say that was the intention all along are talking utter shite...for starters, I know of at least 3 forumites who were there yesterday; they went with the intention of showing their displeasure at what would be a breach of civil rights. If any of you bothered to read LE's post you would notice that she pointed out that a lot of it stemmed from sheer desperation; PEOPLE ARE GOING TO LOSE THEIR LIVELIHOODS, JOBS AND HOMES if this pathetic bureaucratic bullshite gets passed as a law. For chrissake, stop all your bloody whinging & bitching and think about those people with everything they have at stake, who are going to become unemployed and homeless. Puts it into perspective, doesn't it? If it doesn't, then it bloody well should do.
who are going to become unemployed and homeless

I want you to quote me right now how many you think will become homeless from the banning, I would suggest none.

So much for living in a Democracy too - using the Parliament Act is a disgusting act of cowardice & fascism

What are you talking about......seriously!? This is democracy at its best, it is putting through legislation that the MPs(who are actually voted by the people) have been trying to do for some time now.

You say hunting has not been banned yet, stating "there is a long way to go" but you have little hesitation in stating the likes of shooting etc is certain to go next.....thats just scare mungering.....why has shooting not been banned in other countries where hunting has been banned?
Off the top off my head I cannot give you numbers, Aidan.....but you ought to know that the majority of people working in hunt kennels and stables live in tied accomodation that goes with their job, thus making them homeless when their job ceases to exist.

How in the name of Christ is it democracy at its best??? For starters, it is being railroaded through the House of Lords as they keep voting against a ban!! The only reason Tony is pushing it through now is to save face, as stated at the beginning of the thread.

And please, Aidan....do you really believe that shooting will not be targeted after hunting?? After that (or maybe before) it will be the Grand National, followed by NH racing & on, & on.....

I really do hope that all you lot slagging off hunting have never been to a Point to Point before either, or you're all looking in serious danger of being hypocrites of the highest order......
I actually have not been to a point to point before but by your way of thinking simply going to jumps racing would be hypocritical!!

You suggest they will come after racing next, I am telling you they will not. Firstly it is not cruel and secondly it brings in far too much money. The only possible reason racing could come next would be if some of the idiot jockeys would stop broadcasting that anyone involved in horses suppports the ban. It does not mean that......far from it.

Indeed if racing had any sense it would be distancing itself from the idiots in the country-side alliance and open its doors for inspection of the world. If changes need be, fine lets go ahead and do it, but harping on about hunting etc will only cause trouble for ourselves
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Sep 16 2004, 12:33 PM
I have to agree to an extent with Shadow Leader on this point. I have always felt that the guards at the Nazi concentration camps who lost their jobs when the Allies shut down were really hard done to. I mean, I know that they resurrected their economy fairly sharply, but they must have felt the pinch for quite a while.

And in reference to Songsheet's earlier comment about badger watchers. I like watching badgers. Prefer beavers, but badgers will do.
If hunting is so abhorrent, Aidan, why don't we hear of similar campaigns being waged in Ireland along the lines of those held here?

I am interested to learn how much of a 'problem' hunt saboteurs are in Ireland. Is it a major problem - I can't recall reading about any instances but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen ?
Songsheet I wish to God it was banned here also, but I fear it will be some time for that to happen. Maybe the coverage of the ban over there might encourage it over here, I doubt it somehow though.