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Fox Hunting

Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Sep 16 2004, 02:01 PM
How in the name of Christ is it democracy at its best??? For starters, it is being railroaded through the House of Lords as they keep voting against a ban!! The only reason Tony is pushing it through now is to save face, as stated at the beginning of the thread.
How is it not? The House of Commons consists of the ELECTED representatives of the population. Point to me the part of the population that voted for the member's of the House of Lords..... who exactly provides their mandate to exclusively block legislation already passed? I thought that was precisely the reason the parliament act was first introduced. Just because you don't happen to agree with it does not make it a bad example of democracy.
While admitting to a lukewarm respect for democracy I do feel that unjust and bad laws should be voilently resisted, and this is bad law. Foxes are just vermin, unreasonably fashioned into loveable rogues by that awful Basil Brush. They should be executed on sight, and I am indifferent to the method.

If bad law was not challenged we would still be under the oppressive fist of the Crown Forces and not free to ban smoking or hang dogs.

Who are you, PR....bloody Mystic Meg??? Hunting HAS NOT been banned yet, there is still a way to go. I also happen to take great offence at your bigoted views on the people that follow hunting; it just goes to prove that you don't have a bloody clue, mate, when it comes to this subject. I'd be willing to bet you are yet another ignorant townie who only sees foxes as cuddly-wuddly, fluffy-wuffy little creatures. Wake up & smell the bloody coffee, would you?

shadow its hanging on a thread for dear life mate get over it

are all townies ignorant sl are we not allowed views on anything that goes on in the countryside i presume in reverse country folk should keep qiuet about things that happen in the city eh??

should only people whom live in iraq comment on what is going on out there

do u really think that every one in the countryside supports this barbaric sport

if u do you like the ca may get a big surprise cos contary to popular conception the country side alliance dosnt speak on behalf of all the population that doest live in the cities it just speaks on behalf of well its members the numbers of which fall far short of being representative what ever they like to spout

and finally to your last point another brainstormer from the countryside alliance no i dont think foxes are cuddly wuddly fluffy wuffy creatures as u put it

they are like pigeons vermin

and as for your insinuations of bans on shooting fishing nationalhunt racing etc etc its just as others have pointed out pure scaremongering which dosnt add a lot to your cuase

neither when mentioning your love of animals pointing out that if your sport is banned it will be the dogs that will be the first to go assiting your so called cuase

and please your threats and worries about unemployment seems a little one sided to me as i cant recall the last time people in the countryside in other forms of employment got any support from members of the countryside alliance when being made redundant

so pls dont get so excited it will soon be a thing of the past just like badger baiting cock fighting which no doubt got support from its version of the countryside alliance despite the unruly behavior of the countryside alliance its over mate get used to it
:o but suffice to say a lot of these banned sports STILL go on underground (excuse the pun?)................ will this also be the case? :o

I personally feel it will because it will be impossible to POLICE....just look at the law regards mobby phones and drivers... how many have you seen today alone ? on the road still breaking the law...............
Using a mobile phone whilst driving is perhaps a bit more inconspicuous then a troop of redcoated huntspeople (huntspersons?) on horseback accompanied by baying hounds and bugle blasts. But it's a big country :)
As stated elsewhere I dislike hunting but can any pro-ban tell me why angling is is different. I reckon a fish doesn't appreciate have a bloody great hook through the roof of its mouth or being stuck live on a hook as bait for a larger fish.Is it cruel or not?

If your answer is that it is cruel then please justify why angling is not being treated equally?
F/U I am not talking of a small few who are breaking the law on mobby's I am talking of the masses!!! doing it, not just one or two either and unless these people are in an accident the police won't bother to do anything.....................

I went past a row of traffic who were waiting on a red light and there must have been 12 cars and people on their phones with the police station less than 100yds away........... so this law as stated unless the said driver is actually in a pile up or serious crash nothing gets done, and like you say F/U its a big area to police the whole of rural England and Wales so it gets driven underground?................

not really a fair comparison

from what i recall of my friends fishing (it bored me to tears)

if the fish missed the bait and carried on swimming you didnt get 20 anglers jumping in the lake chasing it until it died of exhaustion

there were and are rules about angling of which as far as i am aware even though there is not a police presence the majority of anglers abide by

and if i recall rightly are the fish not returned to the lake/river alive
I may be totally wrong in this but it isn't it a commonly held belief that fish have no pain receptors? Therefore getting a hook stuck through it's jaw hardly compares to being chased cross-country for miles only to be mauled to death if caught.
The whole food chain is barbaric go one day to a slaughter house and watch how animals are put down (I doubt you'll eat meat again)

I went a few times also, to a ROSS FOODS factory in Sutton Benger (Chippenham) (taking steel there for an extension) its a chicken abattoir it will open your eyes to see chickens getting killed then come out the other end, frozen in bags, thousands killed every day, loads of lorries in line waiting to off load their live chickens.........

But I am deviating now as food(MEAT) is an essential part/commodity in the life cycle (or you become a veggie?)

But I can see were T/S (LAURENCE) is coming from these are deemed as sports? though again the fox is treated as vermin?(fish are not, they are only eating when hungry? So he has a point, do they ban this also?) And with out doubt the farmers staunch enemy by feeding on/off his/her stock by attacking them and carrying diseases too.............

Its as I stated in my opening thread on this subject!! it becomes so emotive ......
Originally posted by Aidan@Sep 16 2004, 01:09 PM
I actually have not been to a point to point before but by your way of thinking simply going to jumps racing would be hypocritical!!
I have said my piece repeatedly, & quite frankly I'm fed up with reiterating the same points over & over again. However, I have got to add that the reason why it IS so hypocritical to go point to pointing if you are anti hunting is that the minute you walk through the gate, all of the money you spend there goes to the Hunt hosting that particular P-t-P.

I'm worn out with this now - no-one is going to change their viewpoints on the subject & I'm all out of vitriol now, having used it up the last couple of days on this very subject! :lol:

However, it ain't over till the fat lady sings.......the countryside is not going to take this lying down, all hell will be let loose. And fair play to them!
It does you know its the WIZARDS!! spell checker AND START PULLING OTHERS WHO CAN'T SPELL EITHER :lol: ............................... what do you find wrong now?

Dont see you offering many threads/postings either TETELY, is spelling your problem too??? :D :D :D
A few points to add:

1. There were a pathetic (this is a literal description) 25 MPs sitting through the debate, yesterday - yet a majority verdict - Why? Its called the Party Whip

2. How many of you quite happily drive at excess speeds around the country which has been butchered for your pleasure, laying roads left right & centre, ripping up the countryside depriving the natural wildlife of their habitats - oh yes and the amount of roadkill on the roads at present is astronomic.

3. The fox has been reared into an environment whereby hunting is a normal occurence. Hounds are therefore its predator in exactly the same way that any other animal has a predator and learns to escape by its own intelligence. Just because people choose to follow this (of course they all happen to be called Tarquin & Cressida - which is a crime in itself), doesn't affect the fox one bit. How do I come to this conclusion - well if any of you bothered to follow a hunt, very often you will see a hunted fox stop, weigh up the situation, sit down, have a scratch/crap, whatever, and proceed on their way. Yes, sometimes, they get unlucky and are caught - bad luck, but then its bad luck when they go for a wander across the M4 and get mullered by your good self, driving on that road put their for our convenience.

4. Point-to-pointing - some pockets may survive BUT the majority will fold since they are funded by Hunts who put a massive amount of time and energy into organising them and fund raising - take it from one who stone-picked and litter-collected as a child.

5. To be honest I have a much harder time defending shooting - some of the large shoots, rear thousands and thousands of birds, stuff them silly with food over the autumn & winter then blow their brains out for sport. And when spring comes round - those pheasants that had survived are left to fend for themselves -their hand delivered food gone - many are too stupid to fend for themselves and so starve and yes this is something I have witnessed first hand.

6. Fishing will survive since it is classed a a working man's sport. However, the Grand National will quite probably be targeted once hunting goes, since the anti-brigade have plenty of other sports on their agenda and lets face it that's what the Grand National is - a sport - we run horses over a gruelling trip, over fences they are not used to, at breakneck speed (quite literally for some) and yes and at the end of this - the little bastards on top whip the crap out of them - but hey - its just for OUR enjoyment.

7. A few years ago I worked for a large arable farm in East Anglia - they had a hare problem. I suggested contacting the National Coursing Association, who "bag up" hares and repatriate them in areas where the hare is thinly populated. The farmer declined - instead he held a shoot - 800 hares were shot over the week! He is happy - he has no more hares on his land. Had he gone with my suggestion, yes a fair few would have been coursed, but the majority would have survived and bred in areas where they a in very small numbers.

So there you have it - I look forward to being shot down in flames - if it adds to the heat of the debate - bring it on!
BANG :lol: no JINNY well put together, like I have said its a diverse/emotive topic to discuss the country side! and all its everyday goings on, so yes we will or could go on discussing for ages to come!!!................
TETELY if you beleive its being SPELL CHECKED????? dont tell anyone else will you......... :o
they are just words mate TO WIND UP the persistant complainers who throw stones in a GLASSHOUSE they complain but make mistakes themselves......

no SPELL CHECKER ON HERE mate sorry if you really thought it was!

sorry but not threaded to try and lead you astray but me being facitious!! with the so called scholars?................ :rolleyes:

P.S they!!! have complained about me and my hyphenation, my use of smillies , my use of capitals, etc etc too.... so while they are doing this it gives others a rest ............. :lol:

So others post and none are pulled regards their smelling!!! so fire away mate and welcome.............
Thanks for that Merlin I can now post in 30 seconds instead of the 18 minutes it was taking me, cos I had to make sure everyfing was spelled right.
:lol: tanks mate enjoy it and as stated welcome, I am one of the old school!!! who came from CH4 I think there's about a dozen of us or slightly more from the original CH4 ..... :rolleyes:
My 3 year old daughter went to watch her first hunt this morning, and was in her element around all the horses and hounds. She now cant wait to take her little shetland along and join in, closely followed by gran on the end of a lead rein!!! Unfortunatly if things stay as they are she'll never get the chance although the MFH has said she can go along to the meet soon, she is most certainly not a blood thirsty killer, nor a member of the upper class she just loves being around ponies and dogs. And before anyone says, well she can go drag hunting, well no she can't as there isnt a drag pack anywhere near....there used to be but it had to close due to lack of interest from hunters and farmers
There's a drag that takes place in the village where I'm from, a meet of the Berks & Bucks - it's quite popular with the local racing yards, but the main problem with it is that the fences are very large and they go at breakneck speed as the route is pre-determined & the hounds have no trouble setting off at a gallop! It's a different sport to foxhunting because of this as I'm sure the usual suspects can confirm for me!! Personally, I'm too windy to go dragging as it can be a pretty hair rasing experience!

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