
Originally Posted by harry
Notice given today, 25 year life sentence over
What do you work at Harry.

Nothing to do with work. He's been behind the door for 25 years. Early parole despite the triple murder
What do you work at Harry.When I was in London I had any amount of jobs but as I get older I enjoy the stability and flexibility that my current job offers.

Area Bank Manager Luke.....job that means nothing....happy now:)
Wow, Harry! 25 years, well done! You probably won't feel as if the time is going very fast towards your last day until it is "in sight" on the calendar i.e. next week. Hope you still feel as good years from now.
Area Bank Manager Luke.....job that means nothing....happy now:)

I know a guy who managed a bank about 30 years ago and he got very frustrated looking at the pay cheques of people with less ability who were cleaning up every week.He packed in the bank and went off and made his fortune in Europe-can be seen at Cheltenham,Aintree and Galway-doing very well for himself.
Any chance of getting a large forum loan organised before you go...we could set up Forum Classic Thoroughbreds....nobody else has ever tried this...what could possibly go wrong???:whistle:

And I can think of several firstclass administrators with experience for this. We wouldn`t let you down. could have our own box at Chelt
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Mrs DG beat you to it by one week :lol:

Says she will catch up with you at the races in a couple of weeks time.
Mrs DG beat you to it by one week :lol:

Says she will catch up with you at the races in a couple of weeks time.

Oh, she is going to be feeling so much better, DG.

I hadn't heard she was leaving - unusual for our place as the grapevine is very efficient.

See you both at the races in a couple of weeks.
Good luck Harry - if only i was brave enough to do it.

Anyone want to employ me??

Dougal says he would.

Job spec as follows:

Mornings: ensure that all 4 food bowls are in place and full of fresh food;
if the weather is good, play in garden (race around lawn, snail
football and pole dancing on the washing line prop;));
if weather is bad, play indoors (football on the stairs is a great

Lunch: doesn't have a meal but does like a treat. He loves pork
scratchings, but they are a very occasioanl treat. (You must
remove the salt from the pork scratchings for him to save his
little kidneys - use your imagination!)

Afternoons: nap time. If sleeping in one of his (many) other beds, you
must remain in room to guard him from anything or anyone
that might scare him (i.e. the window-cleaner, bin men etc).

He would prefer a comfy snooze on your lap, wrapped in his
purple blanket. You may sit in Redhead's scruffy but very
comfortable armchair to do this and either read or watch TV.

Evenings: Depending on how he is feeling and how the weather is
behaving, Dougal will either go out to play, have some dinner
or sleep until your bedtime.

At 10.00pm you go to bed. Dougal will get very grumpy if you
stay up later as he needs his sleep.

When you go to bed, Dougal will escort you up the stairs and
will put you to bed. When he has left your bedroom, please
leave the door ajar so that he can come for a cuddle when he
has done his patrol of the garden.

Wages: Dougal says that as he doesn't have his own money he can only pay you pocket money, but you have the run of the larder and fridge, a large TV, 400 films, 500 books, 600 CDs; the use of both racing channels and a laptop with a very good wireless internet connection so that you can get your bets on.
Three weeks in my new job done. Glad I moved, long term it was a no brainer. Tomorrow us an 'induction day'. I presume they confiscate my red jacket and electrocute me everytime I say Magic Sign Knew etc
One month as self-employed. Sitting here in my cosy little office. Plenty of work but can down tools and wander off when bored, then catch up later.

Haven't been so relaxed for years.

Why didn't I do this before?!
Two years since I quit my career and went self employed.

Best mid life crisis I ever had:D
Getting on for 4 years for me. Could never go back. Never come close to enjoying work as much as i do now. Cant wait for Mondays sometimes and holidays are a non starter

Just running own diary makes such a difference.

My promo is here