
:lol:Imagine the stress. Even if I was good enough, which I aint, I don't see how punting would be enjoyable in that scenario.
Sorry to hear, Nick!
Sounds trite but take it as an opportunity to do something you enjoy. Go for it positively and avoid the temptation to sit on your backside for a while. Good Luck!
Have you kept a journal of all the events/conversations etc? I did that when I accused one of my bosses of bullying a few years ago; it's easy to forget minor but important things when something like this happens [just had to advise my daughter to do the same]. And if you do get to a tribunal you can take someone with you [always a good thing to do]. You probably know that anyway.
Last year I cleared £31k for basically answering questions and waving a baton at a Guard.


Maybe we're not on the same wavelength here but up here when we talk about 'clearing' [wages] we're talking after tax, NI, union dues, etc., otherwise we talk about 'gross' pay.

If I wanted to work for the train company who would I apply to? :)

(Seriously, though...)
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The last time I asked a chap on a platform at a station about the situation with todays trains (i.e - are they running or not) he said - "away and press that button over there and ask them".


However, I have been fucked over by my bosses in the same way in the past Euro, nearly lost my house as a result, so I can relate to your situation.

I sympathise and recommend this as a course of action.

Good advice here
No dessie, I meant gross pay.

I was basically dismissed even though the complaint against me couldn't be proven - Virgin go on "probability" this is something I'll be pushing in the tribunal assuming the appeal fails. The basic fact that it's completely wrong to dismiss someone with no pay off when there is a lack of proof. And I'll have a decent RMT guy with me so am ok there. They all hate Virgin.
The last time I asked a chap on a platform at a station about the situation with todays trains (i.e - are they running or not) he said - "away and press that button over there and ask them".

I had a better experience on Thursday evening. Having jumped on the wrong train at Glasgow Central low level (mistook Lanark for Larkhall - shows how seldom I use the trains) I got off at Motherwell to see if I could get a connection to Hamilton West.

The drivers were changing over at the same time so I asked the driver of the train I'd just got off if I could get a train to Hamilton West. He very politely escorted me round to Platform 3 (I think he was going that way anyway but he was polite about it all) and told me the time of the train.
Best of luck euro

I was fcked over too and started my own thing. Only now earning what I was in my admittedly overpaid position but believe me, nothing beats it. And the opportunity to do more and earn more is endless

If you have ever had an inkling in that direction, do it..

It's unfair but dwelling in what's gone is ultimately destructive
The complaint is of a sexual nature which is tricky - but the lass who made it is someone I've had in my home without any issues in the past and she's someone who I've had a good relationship with. But she's turned against me for a reason I just haven't got a clue about. She's been influenced by someone but has kept me as a friend on facebook despite the nature of the complaint. Doesn't add up.

Something you should make sure is brought up at the hearing...
Make some stuff up about how she likes golden showers, has a fantasy about being gangbanged by dwarfs and wants to do it with an Alsatian

Then make sure it goes public
Well, what happened was the guy who took the hearing did have doubts about her testimony and adjourned it to speak to her. Now, this girl (I say girl but she is 30 this year) is very mousy, quiet spoken and small/fragile and it's obvious the guy's heart went out to her and he believed everything she said. She painted herself to be this poor little innocent girl whereas since her marriage break up (she found out her husband was sleeping with her sister) she's been fairly promiscuous and was even caught giving oral sex to one of the Station cleaners in the multi-storey car park.

Ten years ago we had a bit of a to do in a locker room, I ended up with my hand on her breast. Totally consensual, just something that happens. But that was brought up in the complaint and she said she was frightened at that point. Frightened to the point where we became friends afterwards and visited my home. That doesn't add up. Neither does the fact that she has kept me on her friends list on Facebook.

Bottom line is that I want a pay off now. I really don't want to go back. And I will tell whomever takes the appeal that if they don't give me that I will be all over facebook with details of the case. Big companies have to realise that unless someone is caught stealing or hitting someone and it's witnessed or recorded on camera they can't just pot people on "probability" not even giving them the chance to resign and accept a pay off without some sort of backlash. Social Media is a good platform for setting the record straight. I have 40 odd friends on facebook who still work for Virgin and I know that the companies office in Birmingham have four or five people employed just to monitor facebook/twitter for comments about them.
Don't go to social (or any other media) until you've been through your hearing/tribunal, Euro. To do so might compromise your case.

However, if the hearing looks like it's not going your way, you should make them aware that you will consider it to be constructive dismissal and that you will hire your own brief to get both a pay-off commensurate with your length-of-service, plus costs. That usually focuses the attention of the type of mid-level management arsehole that will likely review your case.

Most companies pay lip-service only to individual complaints on Twitter etc, and the threat of reputational damage is a lot less scary, than the spectre of them being dragged into a courtroom to explain their actions.

Good luck - I hope you fillet the cunts.
Well, what happened was ... she's been fairly promiscuous and was even caught giving oral sex to one of the Station cleaners in the multi-storey car park.

Ten years ago we had a bit of a to do in a locker room, I ended up with my hand on her breast. Totally consensual, just something that happens.

Geez... you lost out big style there, din't you, Euro :(
The fact that the guy taking the hearing spoke to the girl in private could turn out to be significant-were you given an opportunity to speak to him privately.