
I am unemployed now but I have an appeal hearing in a couple of weeks.

They guy who fired me interviewed the woman who made the complaint and basically believed everything she said without asking her any hard questions. I can kind of understand his going that way because she comes across as this mousy, quiet spoken and fragile young lady to those that don't know her.

I mentioned her promiscuity in previous posts and it turns out I don't know the half of it - she had a one night stand with the manager she made the complaint to! I was told this by a co-worker she confided in. So I'm like great, but there's no way of proving this. So I text my union rep with the news and he said he already knew - someone had given him the heads up, and this someone is "a friend from an unexpected quarter." He won't tell me who but I'm guessing a fellow management figure.

I've also been told that she complained about another colleague a year or two back. This guy was accused of stalking her (all he did was ring her up one day to see how she was one day.)

The **** will totally hit the fan when this appeal takes place. And I think they'll want to come to some sort of settlement, they won't want the sort of things we'll say about management going to a tribunal.

Nice one.

You have them by the SQUEEZE until their fu*cking noses bleed. :cool:
My appeal has been rejected. They weren't interested in my allegations basically. The woman who took it just asked the people I was accusing and they of course denied everything.

I didn't expect anything else to be honest, my union guy thinks I was on a list of people they wanted rid of and they took this opportunity.

I put everything that happened into a mega Facebook rant, just targeted at the 40 odd friends I have on that platform. It caused a major stir, my line manager was seething apparently and when asked about it said it would now be a Police matter - slander etc. I then went back onto Facebook and said these weren't allegations I made up out of thin air, these were things that I had been told on messages via Texts and FB and that they were saved on my phone/computer. Bring it on I said. Not suprisingly the cops haven't been round.

Anyhow, I've applied to ACAS because it gives me more time to get a tribunal going (you're supposed to apply for a Tribunal hearing within three months of a dismissal and this appeal took just under that to be decided. They are such cnuts).

I expect a decent(ish) pay off when it gets there. I'll be printing all these allegations and letting them have it. Crucial thing is a Tribunal officer isn't a Virgin employee.
I'm a lazy fecker Trudi and without this I'd have stayed their till retirement. It was too easy and too well paid to do anything else.
Let it go. Its tempting to wallow in thoughts if revenge. Ive been there but ultimately its sapping abd wasteful

move on . Sometimes these things happen for a reason