
You can bloody talk. Always balthering about how everything goes wrong. Women. Money. Work. Nothing worth living for etc

Thank gof you don't live in london. I use the trains all the time and I would be well pissed off if they were scraping the bits from under the 17 30 to windsor.
I read somehwere that if the train hits them as the jump the head comes off first. Suppose it sort of bounces down the platform or something
You can bloody talk. Always balthering about how everything goes wrong. Women. Money. Work. Nothing worth living for etc

Thank gof you don't live in london. I use the trains all the time and I would be well pissed off if they were scraping the bits from under the 17 30 to windsor.

Absolute bollocks. You seem to have missed the people who are really depressed on here if you think I'm an offender.
Yesterday was my last on the railway after 11 years. I was pretty much forced out the door because my face no longer fits.

When Virgin Trains lost their WCML franchise a couple of years back only to get it back because First Group weren't financially viable they were told by the Government that they needed to up their performance in customer satisfaction surveys.

Not good. I was actually on the main platform last year when the main line was shut for a week due to engineering works and the management had their knickers in a right ******* twist about it. Complete paranoia about how the customers were going to react to it - to the extent that they brought in a couple of big freezers full of ice cream that they were handing out free of charge to all passengers. So, I was there on the slope answering questions as usual when my line manager approached me and said I wasn't being proactive enough - she wanted me to approach customers rather than have them come to me. She then sent me to an island platform, one of the busiest in the North West. So she wasn't happy with my customer service skills and sent me to the place where most of the customers were at. Brilliant logic.

I knew my time was done then really. You won't find many old style Railwayman on the platforms of the Stations up and down the country anymore - they are being forced out to be replaced by happy/smiling customer service drones with no Railway sense. Sign of the times.

I upset a colleague at work late last year who complained about me and they fast tracked it to HR and yesterday I was given my marching orders. But like the thread starter I feel free. A weight has been lifted from me.

Finally, I'm sure a lot of you travel on the trains and wonder at your ticket prices. Do any of you have any idea the money the staff are on? Last year I cleared £31k for basically answering questions and waving a baton at a Guard. The stewards on board - basically waiters and shop workers - are on the same sort of amount. Huge overhead's considering the size of the workforce.

Virgin and other TOC's have armies of managers on £40k+ who don't seem to do feck all. The Guard's/on board staff based at Preston have like 6 on board managers on that sort of money who you never see.
Sorry to hear about it Euro, but it sounds like you feel you best off out of it anyway. Without going into detail about how you "upset a colleague", is it worth trying to sue them for wrongful dismissal? Even if only to boost your coffers a little more from them.
I'm appealing the decision but that hearing will be held by a virgin manager so not much hope there. But if my union (RMT - quite militant) think we have a shot they will take them to an independant tribunal where I'll be hoping for a good pay off - and Virgin have a poor record at these hearings. So quite hopeful.

The complaint is of a sexual nature which is tricky - but the lass who made it is someone I've had in my home without any issues in the past and she's someone who I've had a good relationship with. But she's turned against me for a reason I just haven't got a clue about. She's been influenced by someone but has kept me as a friend on facebook despite the nature of the complaint. Doesn't add up.
Thanks guys. I'm a bit stumped as to my job options. I've been in customer services for almost 20 years and I'm burned out.

Luckily I'm at an age where I only have ten or so years of work ahead and not a great deal owing on the mortgage.