French Guineas

It`s the overall profile of a horse and his or her form that counts, not just the last race they`ve run in.
Fantasia has the old by Sadlers Wells out of a Darshaan mare thing going on. So the Nell Gwyn over 7f would most certainly not have been right up her alley.

I'd be amazed if the Nell Gwyn didn't figure in her market support.

No horse gets sent off favourite for any Gp1 based solely on their breeding. This consideration can only have been background scenary at best. Her strongest piece of form as a 2yo would have involved being beaten by Rainbow View in the Meon Valley. With Rainbow View subsequently running 5th at Newmarket, she could only really have strengthed her position at the head of the market based on her Nell Gwyn win, plus stable talk and media hype/ opinion.

You only need to check her Betfair traffic and the way her price adjusted after her Nell Gwyn win to see that punters (even if they might like to deny it) were clearly taking an opinion based on this run. Theoretically there might have been a slight shift against her in light of Rainbow View's failure to frank the Meon Valley, as she too was regarded as the archetypal penalty kick in a lot of quarters. That her price held and she was sent off as a short priced good thing (11/8) tells me that the Nell Gwyn was pretty well foremost in punters minds and had been etched there
Anyone backing Fantasia today therefore must have done so in the knowledge that Rainbow View had disappointed at Newmarket, and was therefore relying on the Nell Gwyn performance rather than the Meon Valley to underwrite their selection.

Not if you are of the opinion, like me, that Rainbow View was a fair way below her best at Newmarket.

Anybody have a video of today's races by any chance BTW?
So honestly, what is Dettori going to say, Warbs - that the filly was a bit crap ? Jeez, it might be what he thinks but he gave her as good a race as it was possible to ride and yes, she wasn't good enough but he can hardly say so in public, can he!?! He is being paid by the owner, after al and his loyalty lies with him, not the betting public!

I don't think Warbs is saying that, he's pointing out that the defeat wasn't the shock that the majority of punters betting in the race thought it was.

Dettori's explanation is nothing. It's a 'non-explanation', and therefore i wouldn't even seek to invoke it myself. Horse wasn't good enough. Simple as that. Some people will struggle to re-assess her because they will won't want to abandon what they think they know about her. I've seen nothing to change my initial assessment, and if anything I think she's run a tad better than I thought she was.
Silver Frost going to the French Derby instead of the St James Palace. Disappointed with that to be honest, he would have been comedy good value at Ascot against the Guineas hard luck stories, also not sure how he'll get on over the longer trip.

Be interested see how my fellow speed raters had him on the clock? I had him on the exact same rating as Sea The Stars.
I've had a flick at them and am even more confused by Dettori's assertion that the race wasn't run to suit. Initially I'd assumed that he was complaining about a fast pace, it transpires that he was saying it was a slow muddling pace though. Well so was the Nell Gwyn? The Nell Gwyn was a moderate early pace that allowed Fantasia to accelerate out of it and impose her dominance through class alone at a lower level etc. I'd be surprised if the Nell Gwyn throws up too many winners all season to be honest, and very surprised if it produces anything above listed

With a par that incorproates a group 1 (2.0) a April/ May 3yo allowance (0.8) and a fillies concession (0.6) for an expectation of 3.4. Elusive Way ran 101.29 which is pretty well spot on where she should be (about 1.25L's). It wasn't blistering, but neither was it a stand out performance. To put it in golfing paralance, it was about level par, or one shot under.

Strangely, Fantasia recorded an identical rating (just coincidence) in the Nell Gwyn when she also managed 101.29 but crucially, did so off a slightly lower threshold as this was a Gp3 race and so 'the bar' will have been lowered to 3.8 by virtue of incorproating the group 3 par (2.4) April 3yo allowance (0.8) and fillies concession of (0.6)

I equalise them all off against the all age Gp1 par too in order to level the playing field (it doesn't matter as the same rank order emerges, it's just a different way of expressing the same info). This secondary rating brings the Nell Gwyn winning performance out at 90.70 (and the best of those who finished behind her somewhere between listed and 0-110 handicappers).

Using the same all age line of enquiry for the Pouliches then Elusive Way has regsietered 93.35, and by proxy, Fantasia 91.35. One would normally expect an improvement of between 2 to 4L's from a trial to the target race all thing sbeing equal and Fantasia has improved by about 0.75L's which is a bit below, but wouldn't be enough to really have you crying foul. It was this that led me to believe she might have been caught out by a truer run pace, but it wasn't too far removed from Newmarket as I'd originally thought.

Dettori might blame a modest pace, but this would overlook the fact that these were seemingly the conditions that she'd looked so impressive under when winning the Nell Gwyn, and so was given a chance as things turned out (something Cumani might be acknowledging) but wasn't quite good enough to take advantage of. I'm not suggesting that the pace was indentical, but it doesn't appear to be the case either that there were violent differences, with the Pouliches being run quickly enough for it not to have been a tear up, and also with enough restraint to allow Fantasia to re-produce her Newmarket run if that was run good enough to win at Longchamp. My own figures suggest she's probabaly done just that, and improved slightly, but against better horses it wasn't good enough.

I think Beardo summised that Rainbow View would have won the Pouliches if she'd gone to Longchamp and reproduced her Newmarket run. Well these figures are hardly gospel, and aren't without fault lines, but the tentative indications are that he'd be right (although whether the likes of Elusive Wave might have responded for pressure etc) is a matter of conjecture.

Ghannati's 1000 Gns win was quite a bit faster than the Poluiches and Rainbow View ran 99.17 which suggests that she'd have won at Longchamp, with a degree of comfort. Fantasia by contrast would have been battered out of sight at Newmarket and finished 9th.

The hypothesis was that Strawbridge had them the wrong way round. Well with hindsight you'd say yes. Both were seemingyl over-rated and set tasks they weren't ultimately up to, where as Rainbow View might have been up to winning the easier assignment had they lowered their sights.

Fantasia will continue to have her followers who will be unable to erase the Nell Gwyn from their consciousness, and third in the Pouliches is hardly a disgrace, but I'm reminded of last seasons winner 'Infallible' who was sent of 7/2 second fav for the Guineas, 11/2 fourth fav NTO, and 7/2 and 5/4 fav for the rest of the season before ultimately failing to win again.

The Poulains by contrast seems to have been the equal of the 2000gns and I have Silver Frost marginally ahead of Sea The Stars (by about a neck) so not enough for me to say with any confidence that we'd see the French form prevail etc

I think Desert Orchid might have been lamenting how we'd all changed our opinions of the 3yo's on the back of the Guineas. Well at one level there's absolutely nothing wrong with doing that (and he knows that full well) as the bigger mistake would be adopt an entrenched position and refuse to reassess it. However, I'm still yet to be convinced that the colts (certainly on the back of the Guineas) are that good yet, although I believe the middle distances might be shaping up to be better (unfortunately, as I thought I had a cunning plan to win the Arc) until some pathetically stinghy bookmakers kyboshed me with prices which frankly they should hang their heads in shame at.

Stan James and to a lesser extent Ladbrokes, you are a disgrace
I have Silver Frost marginally ahead of Sea The Stars (by about a neck) so not enough for me to say with any confidence that we'd see the French form prevail etc

Same as me Warbs, I had them on the same rating but mine are rounded up a lot more than yours so the neck you mention is probably about right.

I agree you wouldn't have any confidence the French form would stand up but knowing how bookmakers seem to view French form as weaker than English form, we both know where the value will lie when the finishers in both races eventually cross paths.
Well perhaps bookmakers ought to be offering something slightly better than 7/1 about a French 4yo that's never won outside of Gp3 for the Arc then? If they think the form over the Channel is so poor. Alright Ladbrokes managed 20/1, but this far away, even that's a disgrace.

'High street bookies; the best advert for exchanges around'
Silver Frost is an average French 2,000 winner. Elusive Wave is not that good. I think The 2,000 Guineas are better this year, and the 1,000 just the same than ours. Royal Ascot will be a completely different story. I am worried about Silver Frost losing a shoe on Sunday and having lost a fair bit of his hoof in the process.
As for Derbies, honestly, do we have a clue ? I backed Black Bear Island after his Prix la Force show, then he went to 20s, and is now back to 13s (am I wrong ?). We do not have any Zarkava around, period.