Frost vs Dunne

I spent a lot of time in the company of NH Jockeys in the 80's and Guys like Alan Brown, Ron Barry, Mark Dwyer David Goulding, Tony Charlton, Jonjo and Don Nolan never stopped talking the **** out of someone/each other.

As I wasn't there I have no idea what to think to be honest other than I don't think it should have gone as far as it has and Dunne seems to come across as a bit of a dick.

Sounds like Mr. Dunne invited Ms Frost to come across his bit of a dick.
I only knew him because he rode for John Quinn who rode for me over the jumps several times

John got married to Tony Charlton's widow when he died and eventually took over running Bellwood Cottages

2 years later Gibbons won the Lincoln on Blythe Kninght at Redcar and 3 other major races for John plus he won at Royal Ascot for him.

I'm really surprised you don't remember him he won the Gimcrack a few years later and was on the go for years.

Despite his bad rep re drink he was like the **** of the north with Yorkshire based trainers,

Mind you grassy I never knew Ryan Moore was Goerge Moores son and Joshua and Jamie was his brothers until a few months ago.

Gary Moore. Hayley Moore dating Tom Queally apparently. Think P Mullins punching above his weight with B if that's true.
If I were Hayley Moore's father I'd be worried.

If you can't trust Queally to ride a horse...
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From the Racing Post.

Valets who gave evidence at Robbie Dunne’s disciplinary hearing last week allegedly refused to work for Bryony Frost at Fontwell on Tuesday, believing they were portrayed as accepting “bullying behaviour” in the weighing room.

Graham Piper, his nephew Lewis Piper and Mark Sinfield spoke last week during Dunne’s hearing into charges of prejudicial conduct and violent and threatening behaviour towards Frost between February and September last year.
Dunne denies all charges of prejudicial behaviour and two of the three charges of violent and threatening behaviour.
All three valets had been working at Southwell on September 3 when Dunne is alleged to have told Frost he “promised” to hurt her and that he was going to “put her through a wing”, an incident Graham Piper described as “bickering” and that Frost was “not upset or tearful”.
Lewis Piper drew attention to Frost remaining in the male changing room after the altercation, adding that “if she was distressed surely she would have gone to her own room and hid away?”.
Chris Maude, a valet employing all three men, appeared at the hearing on Tuesday and was asked by Louis Weston, representing the BHA, whether he knew his employees had refused to work for Frost at Fontwell.
“I did,” Maude said. “They're rather upset that it's been thought, and that it's been put in the press, that they condone any sort of bullying behaviour.
“I think they're very upset that their names were in the press and they found the whole thing quite harrowing to be honest, so they said they would rather not work for her today.”

They're not coming out of this at all well.

No need to sack them but any jockey worth their salt should refuse to employ them.
I haven't been in the weighing room for years but back in the day I was in and out like a yoyo because I was friendly with most of the lads.

The humour in the place as long as you were thick skinned was brilliant from asking a jockey after a softfall is he had picked up the cheque yet
to c'mon how much did te wife have on it, or should you fart the fav was take them off and we'll all have a shot in them..

I obviously can't mention names but after one race when they all took the wrong course
they were pulled up by the Stewards and BS was the jockeys spokesman.

BS was standing upright with his hands behind his back trying to present their case when a certain JF who was standing directly behine slippid his penis out and put it in BS hand.

That is about as nutty as it gets unless you count the only time The Jolly Roger cruise never completed it's tour in mexico is when it was full off NH jockeys terrifying everyone else with their antics.

Sounds far fetched,.......not a bit of it.

I just wonder if she had been around then if she would have hung herself:lol:

She is bound to have known from others long before she started riding what is was like.

It doesn't surprise me one bit the others or most of them don't want to speak out on her behalf and as much as I respect her ridng ability cry baby comes to mind.

You can hate me all you want for saying that but I have been there first hand and 99% of it is just said in fun.
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Unfortunately Bryony is the baddie as far as the weighing room is concerned.
Just watched the replay of the Southwell race and Briony did ride a shocker. The fatal fall was at least the 3rd time in the race she had crossed others' path.
Seems all the threats weren't in one direction, either:
it had been revealed during questioning of John Burgess, the BHA's acting head of integrity, that further threats of violence towards Dunne from an unknown party had been made on October 20 this year in messages left with the BHA and the Professional Jockeys Association, albeit investigations had not turned up any suspects.
Anyone who thinks Bryony Frost is the problem here, wants to have a serious word with themselves.

Despite all the misty-eyed horseshit about the sanctity of the environment, the Weighing Room is a workplace like any other, and there is nothing about Dunne’s behaviour which should be condoned.

As for Tanlic’s drivel, this is the same sort of pea-brained garbage you would hear in the 70’s and 80’s: “I was only having a laugh when I called him Nigger/Paki/Chink. He’s the problem - not me”. The world has moved on since then - thank fu*ck.
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Anyone who thinks Bryony Frost is the problem here, wants to have a serious word with themselves.

Despite all the misty-eyed horseshit about the sanctity of the environment, the Weighing Room is a workplace like any other, and there is nothing about Dunne’s behaviour which should be condoned.

As for Tanlic’s drivel, this is the same sort of pea-brained garbage you would hear in the 70’s and 80’s: “I was only having a laugh when I called him Nigger/Paki/Chink. He’s the problem - not me”. The world has moved on since then - thank fu*ck.

I'm waiting for the freedom of speech justification next, we've already had the "it's just a bit of bants" effort
I don't know where 'bantz' ends and abusive behaviour begins, even though I can appreciate a workmate not seeing the funny side of a colleague shaking a dick in their face.

But this is the replay of the southwell race and I can see no interference.

I can see nothing as bad as allaho or ferny hollow at the weekend, which passed without comment. If you can point out the fences where Bryony had a shocker or interfered with (causing the fatal fall) I'm all ears.

If that is reckless or dangerous riding, there should be no one riding today as all are culpable of killing animals. If that's dangerous, Gibbons is the first of thousands of payoffs.
Like any work place, when “fun” descends into abuse, ridicule and bullying, you’ve made yourself a problem. If women are going to be attracted into racing in increasing numbers, Dunne is going to suffer a harsh penalty.
Tanlic: I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that inferring a suicide solution to a (probably) bullied 24 year old woman and embellishing this with a laughter emoji was merely a thought that was clumisly typed.

Can you clarify?
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Despite all the misty-eyed horseshit about the sanctity of the environment, the Weighing Room is a workplace like any other, and there is nothing about Dunne’s behaviour which should be condoned.

As for Tanlic’s drivel, this is the same sort of pea-brained garbage you would hear in the 70’s and 80’s: “I was only having a laugh when I called him Nigger/Paki/Chink. He’s the problem - not me”. The world has moved on since then - thank fu*ck.
During my employment, over the years, I have worked with Afghans, Iraquis,Indians, Nigerians, Somalis,Yanks and myriad other Europeans and Asians, and over nearly 50 years, I can only recall 1 incident where it wasn't good natured banter (both were fired, on the spot).
That was, of ourse, before 'Politiical Correctness' reared it's ugly an indiscriminate head, and life was simpler and more rational, than your ilks current view of the world.
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I find it difficult to see how objecting to bullying, threats of violence and exposing oneself, particularly to a young woman, can be considered to be regarded as "politically correct." In my years of working such behaviour would not be regarded as acceptable, except, perhaps, by the perpetrators. To describe such behaviour as "banter" borders on the nonsensical.
Tanlic: I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that inferring a suicide solution to a (probably) bullied 24 year old woman and embellishing this with a laughter emoji was merely a thought that was clumisly typed.

Can you clarify?

I was joking but I was inferring it was a lot worse back then than it is now simply because of the way racing is monotoring