Banned member
Anyone who thinks Bryony Frost is the problem here, wants to have a serious word with themselves.
Despite all the misty-eyed horseshit about the sanctity of the environment, the Weighing Room is a workplace like any other, and there is nothing about Dunne’s behaviour which should be condoned.
As for Tanlic’s drivel, this is the same sort of pea-brained garbage you would hear in the 70’s and 80’s: “I was only having a laugh when I called him Nigger/Paki/Chink. He’s the problem - not me”. The world has moved on since then - thank fu*ck.
What experiece do you have to call my post drivel....I was there and every time Ayr was on over the weekend more than a few top Jockeys stayed in my house in Strathaven and whatwent on in the weighing room went on all weekend
People like Ron Barry Jonjo Davy Goulding Tony Charlton Don Nolan Phil Tuck Sammy Stringer Alan Brown etc. I used to always have a go at Alan Bown when he came up to Perth when he had a winner saying he was useless and the horse had run away with him.......belive me all in good humour he'd give it back to me big time..these guys took as good as they gave and no one but no one went runningto the stewards.......say what you want she should stay the fukc out of the mens weighing room if she cant handle the banter....the more she gets her back up the more the jockey involved would fire back at her....To be honest I don't know what went on I only know it went way to far when she lodged a complaint that no one else in the weighing room would have,,,,,for all the **** taking in the past who else has complained to the stewards in the last 30 years?
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