Galway Festival 2011

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gearoid
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And if you do, Luke, please express big condolences on the loss of his three, and best wishes for CARIBBEAN SEA. The RP was totally rubbish in claiming all the horses fell in their Analysis, and being too lazy to say they'd died.
We are on to apple tart and custard before we get to rewind the clock. The name 'Shark’ comes from the field of hurling. You are from Kilkenny, you play hurling, it’s a given. You breathe, you pick up a hurl. His dad tells the story.

“He was playing under-14,” he says, his son listening intently, broad grin on his face. “He was nearly as big then as he is now. He got four goals in one game, and sure he was hardly able to hurl at all. He was a foot taller than any of the other lads, and they just started calling him Shark. Actually, it was Pa Dillon, the great Kilkenny hurler, who first gave him the name.”
We have a lot of young guys here in Brighton who are brilliant at hurling.

Mostly on Thursday nights, with the results stuck to the pavements by Friday morning.
You been out doing research (again)? I'm not sure about your stats, Gears - Manchester is Gay Capital of the UK. You'll just have to broaden your field, and August 15 will be the perfect time for you start down here - it's Gay Pride Week.

(Actually, I think, pro rata, it's not "men in Brighton" who swallow more. It's gay men, unless you think the straights haven't been quite honest with themselves?)
Well taking your last point first Kri, define a gay man? There are plenty of straight ones who swallow too. My imital point is that pro rata there is more homosexual activity in Brighton than any other city in the UK.
WRONGGGG!!! We're only second to Manchester, darling, as I said. Believe me, Brighton wouldn't be the sort of place to not proclaim being No.1 about something!

A 'gay' man, as defined by the gays I know, is a homosexual, meaning someone who has a sexual preference for his own gender. I don't know any straights who practise fellatio, but if they do, they ain't straight! I do know a lot of gay guys who married and had kids with their wives, but who one day realised that wasn't quite what they wanted, cantered off after a bloke, and lived happily ever after. Now, they might've once thought they were straight, or tried to be in order to conform to their community or family's wishes, but they sure as hell aren't straight now, and won't be going back, so they're not switch-hitters, either, although we're well represented here with those, loads of lesbians who look like Bob the Builder, and transgenders.

The transvestites tend to be straight guys with understanding wives who loan them their clothes to dress up in, so they don't count.

Ok. When you're after doing in a monkey on the day and 8 pints of cider in, it's better to say Kri you're right!
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Dear God, Gearoid, it's not come to playtime with monkeys now, has it? For goodness' sake, lad, get out to a club! Mind you, some are very fetching, especially if suitably attired.
How does a thread about the Galway Festival turn into Gay men swallowing in Brighton?

It's left a bitter taste in my mouth
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I blame it on Gearoid, Chef. Unruly youngster. Give him a couple of minutes and everything turns to smut.

Bitter? Interesting. As a chef, I thought you'd say salty... :p