Giovanni D'oro

Hello Everyone,

Sorry I've not contributed much of late, as those of you who know me, I have little to no interest in the jumps game and there hasn't been much demand for talking about Orpsie Boy and other all-weather performers! Hopefully I'll be around a bit more from next Saturday

Anyway, just to let you know for those of you who are interested that Gio has had a long break after getting niggling injuries all last year after Nottingham. The long holiday seems to have done him good and he's in good form at home.

Mandy has given him an entry in the 8.20 Wolverhampton on Thursday night and Adam Kirby is booked to ride. All being well he should take his place. He'll probably come on for the run but he goes well fresh and it's easy to overwork him at home. He seems to have improved from last year so we're hoping for some fun from him this season.

Also, Mandy has her string in very very good order. She's had 5 winners and 9 places from just 21 runners in 2008! She's already passed 2007s achievements and it's early Marsh so we're optimistic for this year.

If anyone is interested, I still have a few shares in Gio if there is anyone who wants a horse to follow and be a part of for the upcoming flat season. Just drop me a PM if you're interested.
and I've just noticed he's entered in the 8.50 Kempton too on Friday. Mandy forgot to mention that one!
He's declared for Thursday with Adam Kirby booked to ride, draw in 7 of the 11. He goes there in good form at home and we know he runs well fresh. He's been off his food a bit over the weekend but Mandy thinks that's more him saying he needs a run rather than anything being amiss.
Very weak effort last time out, with no real explanation other than he was off his food a bit.

We've decided to step him up in trip as he travels well and a couple of work riders seem to think he needs further. He's declared over 1m3f in the 5.00 Southwell on Tuesday with Fergus Sweeney booked.

We're also putting blinkers on him this time as he lost concentration last time and didn't like other horses coming upsides and he had a glance at the gate to the stables at Wolves! We're planning on holding him up as he seems to be a lot more game when he gets the chance to pass other horses like at Beverley and Adam noticed it at Wolves too.

It's a very weak race and I'm not too confident but I'd certainly expect a better showing from him than last time out.
It's been pretty dire and disappointing stuff from Gio this season. After so much hope for this year, he's just let us down with 3 tailed offs now. The first time blinkers worked over 1m3f and he travelled very sweetly in them at Southwell but simply didn't get home over the trip. Last time out was awful, he wasn't even blowing afterwards and hadn't even tried.

We're a bit lost for ideas now and so is Mandy so we're giving him one last chance in a classified event back on the turf on Monday in the 3:00 Yarmouth. We've booked Jimmy Quinn to ride and hopefully he'll give us an honest assessment of his future. I'm just hoping the return to turf will bring a change in his fortunes.
Very frustrating - I sympathise entirely as all three of mine were like that! - lots of horses are unfortunately.
I hope for all your sakes he pulls his finger out on tuesday - shame you are going to Southwell not Gt Leighs! Cheaper on the boxing tho LOL
Fingers crossed for you GS! I know how much hard work, time and effort you have put into all of this. I really hope Gio puts his best foot forward this time for you and everyone involved.
Well Yarmouth was a bit better and he at least stayed on at the end and didn't finish last. Jimmy Quinn thought he had ability and recommended 1m2f, however he's now rated 42 and getting in races is very tough.

He had been off his food a bit but now Mandy is letting him stay in the field all the time and he's eating a lot better and has put weight back on. She says he's been working better than ever. :brows:

Anyway, with him not being able to get in flat races, Mandy wanted to school him over hurdles, which I reluctantly agreed to and it's something he's took "naturally" to (I'll probably eat my words there soon). He's now entered in a maiden hurdle at Hereford on Sunday and he should run all being well. He's not guaranteed to stay and not many Johannesburg's have gone over jumps.

I'm not keen on the jumps game at all but we've sort of come to a dead end with him and this is the last chance for him really. The chances are we'll be looking to retire him if this venture doesn't come to anything so if anyone knows of anyone who'd like a lovely well behaved speedy hack who can jump then drop me a PM.
GS, hurdling may do the trick and sharpen Gio up, and there is nothing to stop you reverting back to the flat if he starts to sparkle again. A change does work with a lot of the less successful flat horses, so fingers crossed for you and your syndicate on Sunday. You really do deserve a change of luck. Fingers crossed, and don't worry, hurdling was never my preferred choice but, that said, it's still given me some of my most memorable racing days out! :)
Declared for Sunday at Hereford in the 2:00 with James Davies riding. It's his last chance saloon really. However, I'm more concerned about having to step foot in a jumps racecourse. :what:

I wouldn't be rushing to get a supreme novices quote.
Well youve a great choice of jockey there - and you can be sure that James will tell you if its worth continuing.Hes a good jockey, vastly underrated (not unlike Jodi Mogford) and a really nice lad too.

Best of luck, fingers crossed everything all works out!!

Dont forget to cheer on my friend in the charity race for me - Ive told her to cheer Gio on too....!!

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Trudi, you will have to let me know who your friend is in the Hereford charity race, as the company I work for is sponsoring it! :D

Gamla Stan, fear not as I know exactly how you feel. I will come and buy you a drink to steady your nerves! We will have a great day!

Trudi is right, James Davies is a great lad and an excellent jockey. You definitely have the right jockey on board to give you an honest opinion of his ability and hopefully, not his lack of it.
Well he finished infront of all the other horses, only he didnt have a jockey on come the end. :laughing: Unfortunately, Gio decided he liked the look of the other horses to his right and ducked slightly at the first and James exited over his left-hand side. Gio then proceeded to race round Hereford causing chaos and swerving all the hurdles and jumping the dirt footpaths. He had a right battle to the line with the other loose horse!

Can't really tell much from that so we'll have another crack at the hurdles soon I think.

He at least seemed to enjoy himself!
Great to meet you at last, GS! I hope Gio was none the worse for his introduction to hurdles today. It was great to see him finish in front, but just a shame that he had parted company with young James so early on. :( Fingers crossed his next outing gives you a much clearer idea of his ability, if he has any, over the hurdles.

Storming Bathwick, owned by Wayne and Sarah Clifford arrived with David Pipe's horse box and went home in the Hero's box so that Grace Muir and her team can find out why he seems to dislike his racing so much and rehome him if required. I know Grace (and Sarah and Wayne) will want to get to the bottom of Storming's problems as although he ran alot better today than his previous attempts, there is still clearly something not right. Perhaps, he just doesn't want to be a racehorse? shrug::
8th of 13 finishers today at Uttoxeter,haven't seen the race but not disgraced by the looks of things.
I just watched it, not disgraced at all, they were strung out like the washing and he wasn't knocked about, you could see they were keen to just get him to jump round. His jumping was very novicey at some hurdles so it was good not to put him under pressure, he kept running on which was the main thing!
Much better from Gio today, he got round and jumped every hurdle which pleased me. He was ever so keen throughout the race and was a bit novicey at some hurdles but he was still on the bridle when they turned for home. He was in contention but after the third last the leaders got away from him and by the time he'd got going the others weren't catchable. Lee said he could possibly have got placed if he'd really gone for him over the last 3 but didn't want to risk him falling and we think he did the best thing.

We'll carry on with him now, Lee thinks if he learns to settle then he'll easily win a race over hurdles. I was very impressed with Lee too, he didn't panic at any of the hurdles when Gio made slight mistakes and kept a cool head after all the carnage at the first. Hopefully we'll be keeping him onboard next time out.