Glorious Goodwood

It was close, but he deserved it, always had an answer whenever Fiorente tried to pull out some more. As often seems to happen in races along the far rail at Goodwood, the horses coming widest seem to do best.
Well done Steve. Three bets, three seconds up to that point, so I was starring into the abyss! Bank from the brink for another few minutes!
I was in two minds about punting him, mainly because I never back Hannon's as a rule. Pips Pride was the last one that went in.

Didn't Hannon have something like nine winners at this meet last year. He'll use his big guns to similar effect this time.
Hughes is the best jockey there is IMO around Goodwood. He has so much confidence - I know hes on the good ones, but he doesn't panic when things get tight.
Going all in on Bridgefield in the second last tomorrow.

Nice knowin ya folks, neigh, racing forum, and all on talking corpses.:)
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Huge 'sorry' to Gus: I got your amusing texts, dearest, but unfortunately I don't know how to text back! I tried to find a way to call your number, but nothing seemed to happen - it just said 'this number is no longer available'! I lurked around a number of men dressed as you described and asked quite a few if they were Gus, until I thought I might be ejected for soliciting, so gave up. Really sorry - hope you didn't wallflower for too long, and had a successful day. I'll just have to get to grips with this texting lark.
How could anyone believe that?

Gus, I'm afraid the truth of the matter is the plastic flower was a serious mistake.
Hit it on the head, Grey!

I thought Gus said he was standing next to Barry Johnson, the bookie, too - so I loitered there awhile. Gus, your note of "I'm wearing a pale blue shirt and navy"... navy what? The navy? (Ambitious boy!) Navy romper suit? Trilby? Braces? Skirt?

I do hope there's a chance to say hallo to new friends from the forum in future, but I will issue an APB-style description next time!
Going all in on Bridgefield in the second last tomorrow.

Nice knowin ya folks, neigh, racing forum, and all on talking corpses.:)

The other day you said you sometimes felt like a 'lone wolf', but objected to my referring to it. So how are we supposed to respond to this... :blink:
Sorry, sorry, sorry, Gus! I'll make up for it if we do meet up - the first three rounds are on me! Hope you had a good day.
If there was a polite way to say Bridgefield was ridden today as if there was another day on the agenda I'd say it, but I'm not sure there is. A winner over 8F at Newmarket last time, he was ridden as if he would barely stay the seven today. Held up and too far behind to even know he was in a race.

Either he'll be running in sellers in a couple of years for some small time Newmarket trainer, or he'll win a decent race when he's a bit nearer the pace. I suspect the latter is more likely. Maybe pocket talk, and I'm pleased for Frankie after what happend on Saturday re-Opinion Poll, but that was not his greatist riding display, and I guess in regard to this post, in the real world most things do mainly revolve around people and their pockets.:confused:
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The other day you said you sometimes felt like a 'lone wolf', but objected to my referring to it. So how are we supposed to respond to this... :blink:

And I was referring to things that were said to me on another forum many years ago by a range of people, so don't take my comments out of context. Your intelligent quips on the Amy Whinehouse thread was one of the reasons for the post you've so elequently decided to quote here.
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So how are we supposed to respond to this... :blink:

And who is 'we'?

Are these quips of yours an attempt to prove your intellectual superiority? O.K I bow down, you're really clever.

Stick your grey matter where the sun doesn't shine.
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And who is 'we'?

Are these quips of yours an attempt to prove your intellectual superiority? O.K I bow down, you're really clever.

Stick your grey matter where the sun doesn't shine.

Bridgefield didn't win then?

Grow up, Grey has said nothing wrong to you, you've taken his posts completely the wrong way.
I know he has a terrible draw but Confront has got to be worth a bob or two in the Golden Mile at around 33s. Green Destiny is very layable as well. Totally different test than the John Smith's.
Sorry, sorry, sorry, Gus! I'll make up for it if we do meet up - the first three rounds are on me! Hope you had a good day.

Reminds me of a day at Glorious Goodwood when I was due to contact a certain forum member to find out where the picnic was and she had turned her phone off .....

I found the place eventually by going though every car park :whistle:!
Reminds me of a day at Glorious Goodwood when I was due to contact a certain forum member to find out where the picnic was and she had turned her phone off .....

I found the place eventually by going though every car park :whistle:!

They werent gonna get rid of you that easy!!

(some people cant take a hint....):ninja: