Post #10 on this thread, when only myself, simmo and Euro had replied:
" know..when you read the responses on this thread..there is no wonder very few newcomers would ever start a thread
talk about waste of time and what a load of glass half emptiers there are on this forum
depressing read really
i'm fookin amazed anyone new ever reads the board..ffs lads..deeply boring and depressing this your best work?..really?
fook me if it is"
If you are going to call three long-standing Members time-wasters and their contributions "depressing".......just because they don't fancy a particular race.....then don't bleat like a little girl with a skint knee, if someone chooses to have a pop back at you - especially if they have tried to rationally explain themselves in the interim.
You brought this on yourself. If you're fu*cking off, then good luck with whatever you do next, but you might want to reflect on the genesis of this and previous barneys you have got yourself involved in here.......because as far as I can make out, you have zero self-awareness of your culpability during such exchanges.
lets tidy this up with a few facts Grass..because when it comes to me you seem to be lacking in that department..i'll put that down to bias...which seems to be a real issue on here amongst a handful of "followers"
Firstly..there wasn't 3 long standing was you and Euro..Simmo wasn't part of that....and as i highlighted in that both seem to have a history of posting the same old tired stuff..when i post a race thread...that you can't its clearly demonstrated in that link.
and yes..those tired old cliches are depressing to me...they mean fook all..and on a October do you expect?..a betfair chase?..and yes..based on past experience the pair of you love putting that negative nonsense up on threads i start
I have no isisues with pop backs..but when it comes to a post like the most recent one from your rottweiller you think that is really a pop back?..really?....would you like to be on receiving end of that? you wouldn't..but on this occasion..i have let it ride..the issue of him lecturing me on "manners" is fookin laughable in the extreme..he must be the most ignorant poster on here..check out his last 30 posts..every one is a put down of someone or something or some vulgar comment that even makes a man want to be sick reading it..the long winter nights must fly by living with him.
You won't crticise him though..because in simple terms..he's one of the "lads" you meet up with..which is code for..he can say wtf he likes and you will never ever criticise him...and that goes for a few other connections on here..once you meet up with someone and get would never criticise them....and thats the sort of bias that really is unpalatable to me when you come on lecturing me about this or that.
I'm very sorry but i haven't brought a reply like that on me..posts like that are completely out of order...maybe you should learn what is and what isn't acceptable on a forum..Digger is a pig ignorant... crude, rude ands miserable so an so just on reading some his sickening posts on this forum..not once have you ever crticised you will have to excuse me not taking seriously for one minute any criticism of me you have..because when it comes to judgement of ain't very good at it. When a few pints with a muppet means your judgement ignores owt that person says..then your judgement is flawed.
You have a real issue with do a few others on here...and its patently obvious..if you read the "tells"..which to someone not actually involved..aren't obvious..but i can read them loud and clear..such as you and your pet Digger are pretty transparent..but i'll wager both of you think you hide your digs in a really clever way..well..they aren't hidden in a clever way..they easy meat to spot
I think you and a few others on here would like the forum to be a nice little reflection of the drunken meet ups you have..and that anyone not viewed as lesser fodder.
lets see how that pans out when the fodder ain't there to jump on and have a laugh at.
I don't care what views anyone posts here about racing..i'll chew the fat..if they play straight..but you and such as your buddy..don't...when people post like they have on this thread..its out of order...i'd be learning what that means tbh if i were you before lecturing me in any department....even if the person that is out order bought you a pint a few weeks ago..that don't make it right