Hebridean - Road To The Triumph Hurdle

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They couldn't go quick enough for him today, could they? My view of the horse is that he tends to travel strongly through his races only to be a bit one-paced when push comes to shove. He's never going to win a sprint to the line (as his previous run against Ainama rather turned into).

That said, everything went right for him today and, whilst the runner up is probably better than his bare rating IMO, he's still got a hell of a lot to find and it's hard for me to see him being involved in the Triumph tbh.
Felt that Helium set it right up for him today - and shot himself in the foot in the process by pulling too hard, setting too fast a gallop and flattening out close home. Think he may well reverse the form given different tactics at Cheltenham.
A few months on that Newbury Novice Hurdle looks some race.

Think thats the first time in years Ive collected on anything ante post. I was impressed by Zaynar. Not the biggest but true battling qualities.
ye big hand to chris for pointing this out before it ever ran, cleaned up when he won on debut & a little on the ante post thanks to you. cheers.
I liked Zaynar also Flame, had a bet on myself and he's got the heart alright. What do you think he'll go for next year?
NH has said he is going for the Champion Hurdle - Victor C has already priced him up, in theory at least LOL. I too picked out this horse on his breeding before he'd run over the sticks - I read about him somewhere and looked into him a bit, inc his French flat form. I hope he turns into a real star, though I don't like the cheekpieces! He's such a beauty without them
You didn't see Reve de Sivola then????? Trenchant is tiny in comparison.

I didn't mind Reve De Sivola, but I didn't like the way he was on his toes, and very buzzy. He looked a bit revved up to me. He has plenty of scope but to me was very unfurnished and looks like he'll be a better chasing proposition. I liked Trenchant as he was a solid type who is strong bodied. He hasn't a lot of growing to do, but he looked stronger at present than Reve de Sivola who still looked on the weak side to me.
I didn't ask if you liked the horse, Flame - I asked if you saw him when you stated Trenchant had the most scope of the field. Reve undoubtedly has more scope than most of the runners there - 'scope' encompasses size and frame with the ability to fill out; ie the animal also having the potential to grow and strengthen up. You can't really say an animal has less scope just because it has yet to fill out! Nor state that it has less scope than the smaller animal who has already done his growing and in all probability still has little filling out or growing left in him. Remember you're dealing with strengthened animals from the flat who are pretty much developed and matured having already been racing for one or two seasons on the flat and have been bred to be more precocious versus a NH bred animal who is still a blank canvas with plenty more strengthening, maturing and filling out yet to do.

Reve wasn't buzzy either - he may have had a little jog about at times, but buzzy he was far from; he's a very relaxed individual.
He was warm on a rather cold day, was with two handlers and continuously jig jogging. That would go down as buzzy in my book personally.
He didn't have two handlers - Jane led him up on her own! One of the women in the syndicate who is closely attached to the yard gave her a hand on occasion (washing down mainly) and walked the other side on the way to the track but wasn't leading the horse up with her, she was standing talking to me most of the time he was in the paddock. I don't know how long you saw him for to judge that he was jogging continuously but I can assure you he wasn't. He had a bit of a jog about - hardly buzzy. In fact I would make a point in stating that he is a very relaxed animal - as Nick and Jane were also saying, and you could see watching him. He hardly batted an eyelid whilst he was being saddled for starters, he might have been at home being tacked up.
He didn't have two handlers - Jane led him up on her own! One of the women in the syndicate who is closely attached to the yard gave her a hand on occasion (washing down mainly) and walked the other side on the way to the track but wasn't leading the horse up with her, she was standing talking to me most of the time he was in the paddock. I don't know how long you saw him for to judge that he was jogging continuously but I can assure you he wasn't. He had a bit of a jog about - hardly buzzy. In fact I would make a point in stating that he is a very relaxed animal - as Nick and Jane were also saying, and you could see watching him. He hardly batted an eyelid whilst he was being saddled for starters, he might have been at home being tacked up.

Not long watching him Dom, but in the time noted I noted what I saw, Clearly your connection to connections leaves you privy to know more about the horses character and so forth, but when noting notes on horses from the paddock, you state from the angle you see and for the duration you see. With 17 horses in a race, you may get 20 seconds - 30 seconds to view each horse.

As you said you know the horse better, but only wrote what I saw.
Fair enough - but he is far from a buzzy horse and didn't have two handlers, for starters!!

Besides which, the original question was to do with his scope!
Well I probably used the wrong wording in that sense. I liked him as a horse, but appeared still unfurnished, as you say has plenty of scope. He just looked a bit weaker than some of those in the paddock. When I saw him, he did had 2 handlers with him and was on his toes, was not too long before the jockeys mounted, I was late getting to Cheltenham on Friday so didn't get a chance to see them for the first in the pre paddock and had to view in the main paddock shortly before going out towards the track.

I thought Trenchant had more strength about him and is a solid horse who has more the frame of a chaser. I like a more full bodied horse, than a leggy sort and he looked a strong prospect who was stocky enough but not small in height.