Hennessy Entries

I have New Alco at good prices AP - but have now come to believe that Abragante is a good thing. Combination exacta for me.
Denman's job is only as big as it is being portrayed if we think that his OR is a true reflection of his actual ability. I think that there is more to come but Nicholl's words of caution concern me.

I think Knowhere could run a place at a decent price here.
That was really really impressive. Kauto Star, Exotic Dancer & Denman. The Gold Cup could be some race.
A stupendous performance, surely this is the Gold Cup winner.

I was reminded so much of Mill House watching him power round.
Apparently as he crossed the line Paul Nicholls was heard saying: "Imagine what he can do when he is fit"
Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@Dec 1 2007, 02:50 PM
How far out did he have that won?
For me, he had it won the moment Snowy Morning crashed out. I was willing him on from that point on and remarked with over a circuit to go that he had it won so long as he didn't blow up.

Super performance worth every superlative but it would have been interesting to see how Snowy Morning would have fared.
Simply awesome.

He wins the Lexus, Kauto wins at Kmp, what a position for Ruby to be.

Denman , Kauto and Exotic, has the look it had when Azerty, Moscow and Well Chief.
Even though i backed him ()earlier in week...wouldnt have today), i watched that open mouthed and probably looking completely gormless

Im stunned...
It was surreal looking at the race. Travelled so well and for me his jumping was the best he has ever produced. I would be a tad wary about going over board as plenty of the principles did not run their race but it would be churlish to question the authority of the performance.

Snowy Morning would not have beaten him, he was far too keen early on and would struggled to get home today.

Its a shame we have to wait for Cheltenham to see them all clash assuming they get there in one piece.
Always had Denman as my fav and would put him ahead of the other 2
Only my opinion though!!