Hennessy Entries

It is a big leap of faith, but at daft prices on ze machine he is worth chucking a few quid at! Not a lot jumps out at me in the race, tbh.
I think Alderburn will run well.

I can see Idle Talk running a big race, which is right up there with huge leaps of faith, and I want to know whos riding before I take it further!

Havent decided if Denman is going to run right away from them in the straight yet... ground on Friday will give clues.
I like Alderburn a lot but he'll prefer good ground, Daly won't want any rain at all for him and there is heavy rain predicted for tomorrow.
Snowy Morning looks to be turning in to a bit of a plunge horse, though was interested to hear Mullins worry that his lack of a run this year could be a big negative..

Gazza's Girl didn't do his Naas form any harm in the Troytown over the weekend either..
Abragante to win and have a look at longer priced horses to try to attain good EW value, Denman such a big weight and such a small price, No, he is not on my short-list, I would not back him with your money. :D
It's anything but a brave call and but I think the race is likely to involve Denman, New Alco, Snowy Morning and Character Building. I'll probably back New Alco and Character Building if the latter gets in. Really like the 4-miler form with Butler's Cabin and wonder if they'd held on to him for longer he might have won.
Right, HATF doesn't run (Wylie says he's not experienced enough to run in the Hennessy - which begs the question why bother entering in the first place?!) but Dom D'Orgeval does! I'm on at silly prices on ze machine, the thinking running along the lines that he'll stay and he'll go on the ground. It will be a tiring old race tomorrow, they were finishing tired today and it's still raining.

I still think Denman can win but at his price he's not backable, not least with niggling doubts over his fitness which are heightened by the ground conditions.

Am I going mad by thinking that D'Argent may run a big race, given that the conditions will be pretty testing? He's a massive price and if he finishes the race he could well be in the shake-up.

Not sure whether Knowhere is interesting or not - he's got enough weight, there are possible stamina doubts (especially on the ground) and it looks like Twiston's run has ended, so on balance he's probably not!
The Package and the placed horses in the finale where treading water from around 3 out. Very tiring out there, thinking that the weight may get to Denman on his first start of the season.

Nicholls talking about seems to be under the impression this will put him "spot on" for the Lexus. Certainly treating is a prep judged on that.
Would be great to see Denman win, but I think he much prefers good ground to softer, regardless of the weight he has to give away. It was getting very tough there today.
Denman is a lay for me, a drifter tomorrow I think. I'm on New Alco at around double his current odds and will take an interest in D'Argent & Bible Lord tomorrow. Snowy Morning seems to be the one for money at the moment.
The ground will be desperate tomorrow, they were finishing knackered enough on it today - the rain hasn't stopped and it's getting heavier and heavier.
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Nov 30 2007, 10:24 PM
The ground will be desperate tomorrow, they were finishing knackered enough on it today - the rain hasn't stopped and it's getting heavier and heavier.

In that case, I will abandon my meticulously compiled handicap ratings and focus instead on the sloggers with low weights. If conditions are atrocious, the good-ground-nancy-boys haven't got a prayer.

Sir Rembrandt - Rejuvenated by a change of stable last time and still well handicapped (in theory), but that race at Cheltenham rather fell apart and whether this old rogue will repeat that performance is anyone's guess.

D'Argent - Inconsistent and probably a shade high in the weights - but does stay and handles testing going.

Point Barrow - Spent the 2nd half of last season fannying about over hurdles in preparation for The Grand National and has seemingly become something of a forgotten horse - but is decent on his day.

Charactor Building - Not obviously well treated but unexposed and still young enough to improve. He'll do for me.
To save you yelling at me tomorrow, it has stopped raining for the moment. It did get very heavy for a fair while though over the last couple of hours and the ground was testing enough already before that additional downpour.
Well he will have a much better chance there! Would be even better if the race was still at Chepstow.

Indeed, heritage-tamperers at Newcastle decided to have some fun a couple of years ago and probably saw gaining the Rehearsal Chase as a bonus after giving up the Dipper Chase (now Cheltenham), Beeswing Stakes (now Goodwood) Virginia Stakes (now Yarmouth) and calling the Eider Chase the 'Northern National'.
The more rain there is and the more it will suit Snowy Morning in my opinion.

I think he could be a good bet for tomorrow.

I personally dont think Denman will win.

Abragante has impressed me in the past (last season) and has done ok this season too. The only negative would be the form of Pipe's yard at the moment, it isn't brilliant by any means.
With his new trainer, Patsy Hall has a right chance here. There's a big race in this boy and trip and ground should pose no difficulties. Look at what Burntoakboy achieved after leaving Cunningham.............
Certainly plenty of confidence behind Patsy Hall tommorrow FWIW..

I'd be more inclined to favour Snowy Morning myself tbh..
No sign of rain this morning - for the first time I can remember in years and years, Hennessy morning has dawned with blue skies! Usually it's hacking down all day....