
Nice write up, but for me State of Play won a terrible Hennessy and needs to be better than he was that day. My Will is tempting but he was too far behind in this last year off a lower mark (6.2 on the machine to place is a nice price though). I'm sticking with Killyglen and Denman.
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Me too. I think that Denman can win this well - the writing will be pretty much be on the wall after the first two fences though; I'd like to see him bowl off in front and if they prat around and drop him in I won't be especially confident. If they bowl off I will be pretty confident. I also think Killyglen will run a big race and is worth an each way punt. I've had a small bet on Gone To Lunch at 20 on 'the machine' but although I can see him running a big race to be placed, I'm not sure he can win it.
This is a good thread with some informative contributions from most of the forum's cognescenti.
Bringing things down to a lower level I'm with Rory DL on Joe Lively simply because I think his price is way too high at around 65 on Betfair. Denman as cover for me cos I like to see class win these big handicaps- who remembers Burrough Hill Lad winning this.
I'll be amazed if Denamn is able to win tomorrow, I think it will take some performance from him to do it, although I'd give him a better than Evs chance to place. I wouldn't put him in the back for a win lay for a place category as I could see him running a cracker, just not winning.

My (long) short-list contains Kornati Kid, An Accordian, Joe Lively, War Of Attrition & My Will - all of which I would give great place chances to, the prices attracting me most to their winning chance. I'd be far more confident about Barber Shop or State of Play winning the race and may play combination forecasts and tricasts around these (many) selections. Looks like Denman for 4th!
I like to see class win these big handicaps- who remembers Burrough Hill Lad winning this.

Like you TS I like to see the big handicaps go to classy horses.

I do remember Burrough Hill Lad winning, there certainly were a few classy Hennessy winners in the early 80s. Bregawn and Brown Chamberlain were two others that come to mind. The injury prone Bright Highway was another.

I really hope Denman runs a big race tomorrow, but I liked the look of Gone to Lunch last spring and think that he can go close.
For me is an almost impossible race

long list:

My Will 182
Barbers Shop 181p
Killyglen 179p
What a Friend 180p
Snowy Morning 178(++)
Cappa Belu 176++
Ballyfitz 181+
Kornati Kid 177p
State Of Play 181(+)
Denman as cover for me cos I like to see class win these big handicaps- who remembers Burrough Hill Lad winning this.

I was on BHL that day - couldn't see it getting beat - but I had him clear top rated. Denman isn't but he might be one of those horses that defies normal handicapping principles.
Could have done without Harry saying he'd be a backer at 5s on the Morning Line. The drift has gone the other way now.
My brother, who has an uncanny knack for these things, has been on to me to alert me to his two big 'gut feeling' horses today: Snowy Morning and An Accordion.
Absolutely unbelievable.......what a horse. It's cost me a right few quid, but I can't deny the brilliance of the performance. Truly outstanding.
That was one of the toughest perfomances and most astonishing performances i have ever seen. What a horse

And what a training performance....
There aren't many horses that have me out the chair screaming at the tele that are costing me money.

Excellent effort from Paul Nicholls and his staff, and I'm not really one for giving him credit.
Wonderful, wonderful stuff.

I was willing him home all the way up the straight too.

I couldn't bring myself to back him but well done to all those who did.