I can't believe I'm doing this but hey here goes


At the Start
Jul 22, 2005
Well it's been a funny weekend and some hard decisions have been made.

In order to move forward I'm gonna stop what I've been doing the past two years and restrict myself to just writing up gallop reports and horses to follow books.

I tonight resigned from an online column I write, and announced I would stop paddocking for some big punters I used to deal with.

Some of you may ask why, but I made a decision today having had a long chat with Holly that I've applied to be her agent. She want's me to do it, and I really want the challenge to put a new face on the map of lady riders.

I have total confidence in this girls riding ability and I really think she will make it, so I'm sacrificing a few things to do my best to help her out.

It's gonna be a big change for me, but I really want to do it and focus myself on this, with that I can announce Star will have 3 more runs 21st, 23rd Jan, 2nd Feb in which she will ride each time. He comes home after that run.

Just need to be approved by the BHA but hopefully that won't be a problem.
No harm in giving it a go, Chris. There is nothing worse than one day thinking... I wonder what would have happened if.....

Best of luck to you and to Holly and let's hope Stargazy continues to put his best foot forward for you both.
You're obsessed, Flame!!! So she's still not agreed to sleep with you?! :p

LOL - youre a meanie !!!! Its not like that, and even if it was - with all the shenannigans that go on in Newmarket and Lambourn, its common practice!!!

Very very best of luck to you Flame, you know what I think,(god knows weve just spent hours chatting about it (and the other stuff!) I hope you have a lot of success.
Well, I guess it's not quite like apprentice jockeys moving in with her trainer employer who is twice her age I guess - Newmarket, eh!?
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Kylie Manser was looking for someone to act as her agent last year. People on a forum said I should do it as I was doing her website for her. I know absolutely nothing about being an Agent although I was intrigued how people got started and what was involved. Kylie has an agent now, but I am sure if you were going to make a career out of it ie. becoming an agent for other jockeys, there would be a few of the newbies (and some of the oldies:)) looking for someone like you to help them out.

It would be great if you could keep us posted how it all goes, as I for one would love to know how it works out for you both. Purely on the professional level in my case.
Go for it Chris - putting her up on your own winners has got to be a good start surely? ;)

Interesting topic given our discussion last night Trudi :)
Good luck Chris. I think you'll need it with just 1 7-lb claimer on your books and a girl at that. You'll need a pretty thick skin the number of times you'll get told to piss off!
Chris will get more - he has enough contacts in Newmarket and I'm sure Holly will be able to sort you out with a few jockeys. She could be the new Hayley Turner and you'd be on to a real winner then :)
You're obsessed, Flame!!! So she's still not agreed to sleep with you?! :p

She's actually a good mate Dom, and I actually think she can make it.

I'm looking to just deal with her, I have other means of income and I think it will be great fun trying to establish her.

I've been offered two other jocks who I used to work with, but I just want to concentrate on Holly for now.
The bitching (again) about Kylie is tiresome and childish. When the same people (yawn) want to criticise other peoples lives (especially where affairs of the heart are concerned) they really should look very closely at their own before they set about bitching about others.
No bitching at all - I believe congratulations are in order and all the best to her in her new relationship, I hope they will be very happy together.
Anyone anything else to add?

I am hopefully meeting up with Kylie Manser and Gay Kelleway for lunch this week (possibly) at Lingfield where Kylie has a ride as my company is sponsoring Kylie this year and I need to get some photos of her in the sponsored attire for her website and for the companies website that is sponsoring her.

Please continue. I will print out the thread before I go. I also have the "real" names of the people who are making the comments, so don't be shy be as brave as you dare behind the safety of your keyboards.
No bitching at all - I believe congratulations are in order and all the best to her in her new relationship, I hope they will be very happy together.

I'll be sure to pass your congratulations on, Dom. I don't suppose Kylie will have a clue who you are but I am sure she will have met or seen your other half especially at Kempton. I will ask Gay if she knows him as well. Perhaps they will be able to get some cheap deals on photos if they mention your name. If I don't meet Kylie at Lingfield it may well be at Kempton. Wouldn't that be grand.

You have no right whatsoever to drag this forum through the mire because of your personal issues with someone else. All users are entitled to their opinion on anything racing or non-racing related. Threatening to reveal a person's name is completely out of order. Grow up.

I'll post this here rather than a pm for transparency reasons and also because of the number of pm's received complaining of recent events.
Print away, Kathy - I note you don't say you will be showing it to them at this lunch meeting ? If you are, I am sure all of us are more than willing to provide our 'real' names as there's nothing in this thread that is in any way libellous. It's great having done two years of law at University alongside my other degree!

Please let us know how they reacted, won't you?

Sorry that your thread got hijacked, Flame. I sincerely hope that you have great fun promoting Holly and that she builds on her win and starts to get a lot more work.