I can't believe I'm doing this but hey here goes

Oh and just for the record for those of you who seem obsesed about the websites I do (and the lack of updating at times) I do 99% of them free of charge. The one I did charge for I charged at cost (at their insistance I charged them) although all the updating I continue to do for nothing. I put the sites together, I take the photos and do it all in my own time as a favour for people I like. I don't always have masses of time spare especially with so much else going on in my life.

You can continue slating what I do as much as you like but just in case you felt people may be being ripped off (ie they were being charged for a service) I thought it only right to put the same old faces in the picture.
Hamm, references are being made in a rather nasty way about a jockey who has no way of responding on here. I did not say I would reveal the real names on here.

This jockey is a personal friend of mine which is why she is probably getting attacked.

Songsheet, I am not saying any of what is being said is libellous but when people are happy to slate off people they do not know, and who are not here to defend themselves, do you not think that is a little cowardly?

This is a horse racing forum where members are entitled to discuss horse racing and air their opinions as they see fit, once they are not libellous, in bad taste or using unnecessary language.

It is irrelevant whether you know the jockey/trainer/horse; if you don't accept other member's rights to their opinion without resorting to a threat and personal references, i suggest you go elsewhere.
Kathy - I genuinely wish the pair of them good luck and if they're as happy as I am then fair play to them.

The only one who perceives nastiness is yourself I'm afraid.
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Btw, the jockey is not getting 'attacked'. What is happening is people are giving their opinion on said jockey. There is a rather large difference.
Kathy - why don't you just stop, take a deep breath and read a little more carefully what other people write - rather than what you think they write?

No one has 'slagged' Kylie off - it appears she and Gay are in a relationship which - as far as I am concerned - is great. No one is preventing either Kylie or Gay from having a right to reply if they want to on here - I am sure they wouldn't be barred from becoming members! No one is bitching about them either - however, even you have to agree that Kylie will presumably benefit from picking up rides on horses trained by Gay in exactly the same way Alex Greaves did when she hooked up with Dandy!

So try and be a little more objective and less emotive (no one was being at all 'nasty' about Kylie/Gay - that's purely your subjective opinion and not 'fact') and if you don't like such comments, why not refrain a little more from shifting what was a topic about Flame becoming Holly Hall's agent to one about you turning down being Kylie's agent. It rather detracts from Flame's news in my opinion anyway.
I do not want a dialogue with you publically about this Hamm. (have you changed your name?) I know what has been said on here and why certain people have said what they have said.

I have made my point, and you have made yours. Let's leave it at that. I will comment no further on this thread.
Best of luck - should be a really interesting venture for you. Sometimes that's just what you need if you've been feeling flat for a while. Hope it works out well for you both :)
Anyone anything else to add?

Please continue. I will print out the thread before I go. I also have the "real" names of the people who are making the comments, so don't be shy be as brave as you dare behind the safety of your keyboards.

I have something to add

Hamm, references are being made in a rather nasty way about a jockey who has no way of responding on here. I did not say I would reveal the real names on here.

They have a perfectly good way of responding, register and post, not exactly the hardest thing in the world.

Making veiled threats isn't the way to solve your differences, so have a week off.

From the Terms & Conditions

* Posting inflammatory comments (commonly referred to as "trolling")
* Posting information that may invade the personal privacy of any other person
Go on then Flame, but be aware I've never voted for the winning side in an election of any description I seem to think
I'm sure I've missed the chance to make the "it's not the first time that someone has suggested that Gay Kelleway isn't straight" gag here.
I voted for her, so I expect a pint when you come to Dublin, Flame :p

I also thought Sean Flanagan did really well on Penny Bill in the Pierce Hurdle.
For anyone who is genuinely interested, Gay Kelleway is doing a Question and Answer thread on The Final Furlong Forum. Anyone from this forum is more than welcome to add their (sensible) questions to it.

Once it is all finished I will be posting all the Q & A's onto her website.
