I can't believe I'm doing this but hey here goes

Just the sort of response I half expected I suppose. Anyone who wants to ask any sensible questions is welcome to post them on Final Furlong.
Could the moderators please close this thread as clearly a the same old few are either trying to bet me banned again or sadly think their comments are funny.

Kathy it wasn't your thread to close, neither was it an appropriate one to bring up about a Gaye Kelleway Q&A to be honest.
Why should I start a new thread, Chris when there is already one open? :confused:

Not everyone has a problem with Gay, just the same people as earlier on in the thread by the looks of things.

I don't mind if it's left open to be honest - just thought it would save anyone else leaving yet another tasteless comment.
this thread is a particulary good example of what I've discussed on the Denman thread

..no sarky comments like " a post worth ignoring"..whats up Grey?..don't you like having a go at the clique?

quite a bully mentality going on here

a lot of sheep who hide behind each other..never criticise each other...never get moderated....and love taking taking the piss out of selected members

I can take the piss too...if thats what this board is about
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You seem to be having some serious issues with people on here. All through the Denman thread you have been going on about being ignored, people using the ignore facility, cliques etc etc... Is it any wonder? Relax, discuss the racing, get on with it.
Is it any wonder

not sure what you mean there Del,

you seem to have things in reverse tbh..over a period of time I get a little tired of the cliquey stuff..my being relaxed doesn't realy come into it..been relaxed for ages:cool:

over the weekend..I crack a few jokes about it..I didn't moan..just cracked a few jokes...then the only replies I get are snidey bolloxy ones

the only reason I am speaking out is..coz I like posting about the game...but I get a little tired of the cliquey shite on here

so you are saying put up with it and say nowt..so it continues..well I can't so I have had to have my say on it

no it don't make good reading...then again threads like this don't..but not one of the clique have criticised anyones behaviour here...can you imagine if it had been me making snide cracks..I would have been told by PM and had half the TH worthies telling me how to behave

anyway...had me say on it...simply..this thread is a fookin disgrace...but it don't matter due to who is making the smart comments
My point was Kathy, there was nothing on this thread, that was really about Kylie or Gaye except when you tried to convert the thread from about me getting my jockeys agent license out and was hoping to take on Holly hall. You then tried single handedly to covert another thread to Gaye and Kylie, Dom then posted about their relationship and you turned it into a botching thread. The thread was never created to advertise Kylie or Gaye and wasn't intended to do so in any way. Hence why I stated it wasn't really a thread about them, so no need to add the Q&A on this section.

That was my point, thats all.
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Back on topic,

I must say Holly Hall judged the pace on General Tufto like an expieranced rider and showed a nice rythem driving the horse to the finish, I was suspect about her abilities after one winner but after that ride at Southwell she deserves a lot more chances, a long way to go yet. How old is she btw?
22 IS.

She is quite an experienced rider. As long as her hooves stay on the ground (debatable) she'll do well.
The Holly Hall and Gay Kelleway connection is now confirmed.... Holly is riding one of Gay's horses at Kempton on Thursday! In fact the one that won at Wolverhampton today.

You need to trust me, Chris!:p