I can't believe I'm doing this but hey here goes

Solerina has got a good heart really and she had a lot of family problems to contend with. I received a few very late night/early morning calls from her at work when I was on nights as well - interestingly enough every now and then I'd come into work and find a message that she'd rung for me about 3am!
No, I know, hence the :whistle: Songy! She's a cracking lass, but yes, beset by family-oriented problems (at the time, anyway), which I hope might be now resolved.
8st 10lbs?!?!? Crieky, no wonder she doesn't ride much, any apprentice who could only do that sort of weight will struggle, let alone a girl.
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I didn't realise Solerina was banned either. Then again, I didn't pick up the fact Kathy was banned for about 6 months.