I Need A Man!


Senior Jockey
Sep 15, 2003
Hurry up and move!!
Come on you lot - explain this one to me.

I met this lad at a bonfire party. I was absolutely hammered and had just been dumped,so I was using the age old formula of more vodka,less tonic,and floods of tears.

New years eve, I saw him at another party (i was sober this time!) had a conversation with him where he said he wanted to ask me out before, but as i was in a bit of a state (understatement!!!) he didnt want to capitalise on it.BUT would I like to go out sometime.... we swap phone numbers....

next few days we text each other a bit, arrange to meet up. :)

Get a text - he has to work late, cant make it. - Fair enough,shit happens. :rolleyes:

Silence <_<

Couple of weeks later - texts start again - would I like to go out - make plans - get to the day - he gets sent to Wolverhampton(hes a contract electrician so he works wierd hours and all over the place), phone runs out of charge, gets stuck in traffic on way home, cant let me know till two days later - when I text him... :unsure:

another couple of weeks, he goes away for the weekend - texts me to say really sorry, likes me, can we meet up....

( I reckon you can guess the next bit....)

Then - do I want to go round as has house to himself for a change ( I cant - got to go racing with Knockrigg, who at least had the decency to win!) OK - lets meet up tomorrow.......

Sunday - I am at Warwick, he goes to the Arsenal game.He wont be back till at least 9pm, suits me fine cos want to watch teh crufts final - thats not over till 9 anyway... at 7.40 hes still in London, by 8,30 hes only just on the M25 :brows: not only got to get back to here, but has to get his car from Stroud before he would get to me - at 10.30 I tell him not to rush to see me - its late and Im knackered and sure he must be too.


THEN - completely out of the blue he texts me tonight - how am I what am I up to - is going out tomorrow,and too tired to see me tonight ( just finished a week of 14hr days)to which i pointed out hes never up for seeing me when we actually get to it (followed by apologising for being pissy, but he should try looking at this from my point of view!)he tells me to "take care,have a nice life x"
I ring him. Rins out -0 I text with "incredible - 2 minutes after you text you suddenly cant answer your phone??!!So much for all the "I really like you"s - you blatently dont.I want to see you, but surely you can see how frustrating this is??"

(everyone keeping up??!!)

I then get

"I do like you - okay,where are you,I'll pop round for a drink if thats OK?" :brows:

to which i said if he gave me 20 mins I could go to him,cos if he was tired i dont want him driving himself down a ditch or anything.Told him to meet me up the lane right by his house,i was nearly done with the horses,but as Id gone out in my nightie and jogging bottoms, I should get dressed first !!

To which the answer ( 10 minutes after saying hed come round) was " Actually,I think it would be best if we called it a day" :confused: :confused: :confused: :brows: :brows: :confused: :rolleyes: :angy: :brows: :brows:

I rang - switched off. :angy:

Sent him two more texts....

1) "Why(apart from you must be scared of something)?Is that why youve switched your phone straight to voicemail?Was I right the first time you stood me up when I asked if you get some kind of wierd kick out of doind this?"


2) "U can come here if its that important, I just dont want you to have an accident on my behalf,I wasnt being funny when I said about falling asleep."

Now as far as Im concerned, Thats it - NOBODY has had as many chances to win me - EVER !!!!! Im not giving him any more chances.I'm not upset - nothing had started to be able to finish - I'm just very very confused!!!

Need a man to explain this one.....
Definitely not a blokes reply but I'd say he's a closet gay.

Not into those that play headf**k games myself - I'd leave well alone - his loss.
Kirsty - I wouldnt mind if it was Tommy Phelan or Charlie Parkin messing me about,they're worth it, but hes not anywhere near as nice as them!!!
Yes, but where are they Colin??!!!

I'm not that bad ( at least I dint think I was!!)

Im 32,going on 20

Ive got a great job,I'm nearly always happy,Im very laid back (usually!) and Im not that ugly!!!!

where am I going wrong??!!

Can I be adopted by the E-Dead group as a vestal virgin ( I'm sure I can renounce all my sins somehow...)??

There must be someone nice out there who isnt repulsed by me....
(and that I dont feel sick when I spend time with!)

Hes 24, and still lives with his parents....
Bin him and spend the extra hours watching Prison Break (well the guy who plays Michael in it. (but he's only on loan mind!)
TRUD being that you first met at a bonfire party!!! I would give him the ROCKET!! :o or it could end up in FIREWORKS!!! sounds like a first class tosser to me? plenty more fish in the sea cast your net further......................... ;)
Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Mar 24 2006, 11:00 PM
TRUD being that you first met at a bonfire party!!! I would give him the ROCKET!! :o or it could end up in FIREWORKS!!! sounds like a first class tosser to me? plenty more fish in the sea cast your net further......................... ;)
This is really gonna cheer her up isn`t it? She could be contemplating suicide and cheap puns are the best you can do :ph34r:
Troods - how desperate are you, for God's sake? :blink: After the second 'sorry' that would be that with me, especially as you hadn't even got his tee-shirt off! He's 24 and lives with Mummy and Daddy. You're 32, you're a proper adult, which is like saying he's 3 and you're 40, in mental/social terms. He's a little boy, he got all fwighted about bwinging a gwowed-up lady home - quite possibly he's not ALLOWED to know any girls over the age of 17! Get yerself a real man, darling - real men do NOT tit about texting real wimmin. Leave this one to become a serial killer, or whatever repressed, parent-dependant 24 year-old men become.
Sadly, I have to concur with Krizon. The guy's a sad case needing time and space to grow up. I'm surprised you felt the need to spend so much time telling us all about it.

Nobody can need a man that badly, surely. We're not worth it.
Oh Maurice - how bitter are you sounding??!! :lol: I put it up on here for two reasons,first, cos I am ( for the first time ever!!) completely confused by his actions! Not the ones from the lead up, but the ones from last night - why would you say you want to see someone, tehn TEN MINUTES later say actually, its all off and theres no chance? There was no other contect at all - and there wont be - if Id done it, I would have at least tried to say why ( we havent even got off the blocks, i dont see that we ever will etc etc) - surely thats just polite?!!
and second - I actually think its quite funny,and though you might too!!!!

Jon - Never fear - normally lads only get the benefit of the doubt once - to be honest. I dont normally mind what goes on as long as they tell me - far as I am concerned, I'd rather they say "dont fancy going out tonight, or xyz has arranged a lads night out,can we go another time" than go out if they dont want to or just not turn up!!

P.S. - to all of you who think the same as MAurice - I am not desperate :brows: - I've gone most of the last 16 years without a regular man,and I have still got 2 knocking around at teh moment,but not boyfriend material,I am not settled in myself enough to want anything permanent!!

I dont go rushing off to meet anyone that I chat to on the intermet like some people I know...... :blink:
There is something going on with this guy tthat he hasn't told you about. He's using your texts in some way, either for self satisfaction or to make a point with someone else (mother, boyfriend who knows). The sudden change to not being interested might well occur immediately after his 'satisfaction' is achieved if you get my drift. Try your best to just forget him but I suspect he could become a real pest if you're not careful. Lots of young blokes get a thrill out of the idea of an older, more experienced woman(sorry, but in his case you are), but can't actually carry out the 'ordeal'. Oh, by the way, you're not actually doing anything wrong.
This guy sounds like a total idiot, is hiding something from you like Diver says or is terrified of commitment and is just really confused.

Either way there are a lot of nice blokes out there you just need to meet the right one and the chances are it'll be when you least expect it.

My first thought was that he was married, Trudi! Then I saw his age and that he lives at home and I'd have to agree with Krizon I'm afraid m'dear. Sounds like a little boy to me!
Originally posted by trudij@Mar 24 2006, 10:21 PM
Sunday - I am at Warwick, he goes to the Arsenal game.
If you'd stopped here, we'd surely all been able to tell you he was a wrong-un!

Originally posted by Ardross+Mar 24 2006, 11:48 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Ardross @ Mar 24 2006, 11:48 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-trudij@Mar 24 2006, 10:40 PM

Hes 24, and still lives with his parents....

Says it all [/b][/quote]

A fool and his mummy are soon parted. The Italians have got it right IMO.
I'm with Steve T on this. The Arsenal thing should have set an alarm bell off in your head.

Anyway, if you're still desperate for a good seeing to, PM me a semi-naked picture of yourself and I will consider it.