I Need A Man!

Originally posted by Maurice@Mar 26 2006, 12:57 AM
Speed dating? Dating agencies?

What's happening to the world? Are people so socially inept they have to go down these routes??
Honestly Maurice, that is a totally crass remark and I am surprised at you of all people.

Believe me, it's not just confined to the under 40's - try being over 40, on your own and living in a very rural environent - plus having to work from home. I'm of the era when women just don't walk into pubs or bars on their own and around here, speed dating is almost exclusively for the 40 yo and under.

I don't consider myself to be socially inept but trying to widen my social circle down here is well nigh impossible, sadly.
I'm another one who isn't a fan of the whole dating agencies/speed dating rubbish. To me you may as well paint "I'm desperate and after a man" across your forehead. I'm sorry but I just can't get my head around them - I'd rather lop off a limb than join a dating agency, I see it as the last stop for the very desperate or somewhere that lunatics and married men lurk.
I think 'not being a fan' of these organisations is ok but to 'rubbish' them is a bit harsh. I've never had to resort to using them and I never will but there are people who, for one or more of a multitude of reasons, some of which have already been covered, need assistance in meeting the type of people they may want to team up with.
SL - Why no mention of married women 'lurking' around there. I find your remark sexist and offensive.
Ok Diver - married people then!!

To me they're rubbish - maybe actually putting rubbish was a bit harsh though. I really wouldn't ever entertain the idea of using one I'm afraid.
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Mar 26 2006, 10:04 AM
I see it as the last stop for the very desperate or somewhere that lunatics and married men lurk.
Paul which one are you? :o
I have no objection to dating agencies especially internet ones and have recommended several of my friends use them. I think in this day and age it can be hard to met new people. Many people just don't have the social life/time whereby they can meet someone they have something in common with. By stating your interests first there is a common link whereby you can start up a conversation - how easy is that in a pub without being thought of as loose if you are a woman. Many that use them do not have that sort of confidence where they can just talk to anyone.

Of course you have to take sensible precautions when meeting people you have struck up a cyber relationship but many of the initial barriers can be broken down first. I would have thought it was 50 times easier than going on a blind date. If you don't gel with them then you move onto the next one and so long as you don't give out details of your address/home phone then you should be able to walk away fairly easily.
Serves me right for not using emoticons. I deserved the criticism brought about by my remarks. I didn't intend the comment to be taken seriously. Honest.

Agencies and speed dating wouldn't be for me, though. If Mrs Mo flung me out tomorrow (fat chance <_< :rolleyes: <_< ) I'd imagine I'd try to enjoy a bit of independence for a wee while and take it from there. If I felt I needed female 'companionship, perhaps more' I'd probably travel a lot more, go racing a bit more and hope to bump into a like-minded woman. (It might help if she was a blind nympho who owned an off-licence.)

Mind you, Bobbyjo's perspective on the situation has fairly pricked my interest...
Originally posted by Bobbyjo@Mar 26 2006, 04:32 AM
I've never speed dated Maurice but I can imagine you would love it.

Imagine, you could take one particular woman as your benchmark. Say, a middle of the road girl with a moderate personality.

You could rate her at around 140..and base all future speed dates around her. Therefore, you could have the shy but secretly witty one as, say, 143+p and go from there. You could even have the butter face with a wicked sense of humour having a couple of stone in hand of the handicapper. Say, 134 ++. Indeed.
With out a doubt the funniest post I have ever read on here.

Class :D
Trudi, I'm with Brian - a total wanker. 24 going on 12 - which is about right for most men. If you feel so inclined to text him back - tell him to ring you and SPEAK to you instead of hiding behind the phone. One 'proper' conversation may lead to a resolution - one way or another.

Sonsheet - absolutely right - nigh impossible to widen social circle being a certain age, single and living anywhere!!

One of my friends joined a internet dating agency with a friend of hers to give morale support. Although divorced and in her mid forties my friend had plenty of male friends, and 4 particular ones on the go at the same time. The third guy she met she fell for - 18 months later, married - so happy I take a bucket when I meet her to be sick in!
Sorry Hunnyb - who?? ;) :lol: (the irony here is that i didnt even want him that much - it became a matter of principal - now he can just go play with his teddy)
Im all for internet dating and dating agencies, as long as they are reputable and you are sensible, then i dont see any harm. I dont know that there are many blokes that go in any of our pubs that i would consider spending the rest of my life with - and i dont have the tiome to go anywhere else!! (and I cant afford to join Racing Pulses - though they would give you the best chance of meeting a like minded person i think, even though they arent a dating agency!!)

But I would be very very wary of tehm too.
Originally posted by tetley+Mar 26 2006, 11:43 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (tetley @ Mar 26 2006, 11:43 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Shadow Leader@Mar 26 2006, 10:04 AM
I see it as the last stop for the very desperate or somewhere that lunatics and married men lurk.
Paul which one are you? :o [/b][/quote]
:lol: :lol:

Worrying isn't it!!

Dating agencies a no-no but horse racing forums are OK!! :confused: :confused:
Yes, there we are: "And how did you two meet up?"

Dom: "Oh, you know, we share similar interests, we like horses, we... "

Paul: "We were the only two people still in their 20s and not hitched on this Internet forum, and a couple of the oldies on it kept shoving us together. There wasn't much I could do about it, really, if I wanted to keep posting. OWWW!"
Originally posted by Hunneyb@Mar 26 2006, 04:56 PM
Trudi, I'm with Brian - a total wanker. 24 going on 12 - which is about right for most men.
Isn't it about time you dumped Brian, then?
:o I don’t think that there should be a large common denominator!! A small interest would suffice and the ability to chat about anything and everything would in my eyes be one of the main objectives to most relationships.

But if you were to eat, drink, and talk horses daily! I would think that it’s like thinking one can make love 7 times a day? Its o/k starting off!! But it soon wanes down to 3 times a day???? :) So it’s actually difficult finding that one person to live happily ever after with.

No rows or arguments are paramount, and when they meet you, they like what they actually see, but spend years trying to alter your ways to how he/she wants you to act/look............. :lol: :lol:

Signed The ex Italian Stallion a divorced father of three :lol:
But if you were to eat, drink, and talk horses daily! I would think that it’s like thinking one can make love 7 times a day? Its o/k starting off!! But it soon wanes down to 3 times a day???? So it’s actually difficult finding that one person to live happily ever after with.

I'm completely puzzled. Are you saying that eating, drinking and talking horses is equivalent to having sex seven times a day? In that case, well, things aren't as bad as I thought.
It starts off (any relationship) like that at first but would not last long; you would soon be or get bored if you had nothing else to chat about!!..............

The love making part was supposed to be funny?????? :rolleyes:
But that’s not guaranteed I can assure you! Headaches backaches etc etc :huh:and that’s just you!! Complaining :lol:
Bobbyjo - aha! So that's why we're all on here for hours at a time - and no wonder I feel knackered by 2.00 a.m. ... :blink:

Mo-Mo: :lol: :lol:
But if you were to eat, drink, and talk horses daily! I would think that it’s like thinking one can make love 7 times a day? Its o/k starting off!! But it soon wanes down to 3 times a day???? So it’s actually difficult finding that one person to live happily ever after with.

I'm completely puzzled. Are you saying that eating, drinking and talking horses is equivalent to having sex seven times a day? In that case, well, things aren't as bad as I thought.

No wonder Im so bloody knackered all the time!!!