I Need A Man!

Are you going to send trudi a pic back ? She surely must be aware of what she might be getting herself into !
Originally posted by Relkeel@Mar 25 2006, 12:28 PM
I'm with Steve T on this. The Arsenal thing should have set an alarm bell off in your head.

Anyway, if you're still desperate for a good seeing to, PM me a semi-naked picture of yourself and I will consider it.
Don't listen to him trudi. He works for Blue Square. You'll be looking for 30 minutes and you'll only get 5 seconds.
Trudi, your dedication to this situation is a result of your seemingly overwhelming desire to be with someone. That desire is very natural.

Allow me to hazard a guess at this scenario.

The guy may have thought (and hoped) he had a good chance of having sex with you. However, from the texts you sent he may have realised that your intentions were not exclusively sexual (there may have been an element of sexual desire in there but not 100% exclusive which is what I believe he had), thereafter his interest diminished.

Not being straight-forward with you was clearly not the way to go about it, but that's probably the way it was.

I have no advice to offer.
So, to recap, Troodles: you picked a wanker tied to his Mother, who only wanted you for a quick bit of sex before getting back home before bedtime and his tuck-in glass of warm milk, your texts probably sent him off to the loo for some digitally-enhanced relief, he's far too immature for any sort of socially-based relationship, and if you're really desperate for some boudoir action, Relkeel's your man. You can't say this forum isn't helpful, can you?
Yes, of course you would - you're a man. I say the hell with it, Relks - you put yourself up on here along with your compadre's bare arse - nice...
Hi Trudi,

He sounds a right bore to me.

I think he might be using you to make someone else jealous. It could happen something like this:

Bore is having an argument with his new girlfriend.

Bore: 'You aren't half as nice as my ex-girlfriend, Trudi. I really miss her'.

New Girlfriend: 'She obviously doesn't like you much, or you'd still be seeing her...'

Bore: 'She will see me any time I ask'.

New Girlfriend: 'Rubbish!'

Bore picks up his phone and selects Trudi's number:

Bore: 'Hi Trudi, I've missed you darling. Can we meet?'

Trudi: 'OK'

Bore switches off phone and turns to his girlfriend.

Bore: 'See? I'm off to see Trudi now.

New Girlfriend: 'You'll have to be quick, your Mummy will be very cross if your're not home by 10.30.'

New girlfriend storms off.

Bore looks at his watch and realises it is 10.25. He picks up his phone and selects Trudi's number:

Bore: 'Hi Trudi, sorry I can't make it tonight, it is nearly my bedtime...'
Just how stupid does he think I am??? would you believe i had another one today - "Im really sorry, I didnt mean it, I want to see you - Ive cancelled my plans for tomight, can we meet? xxx"

Have a guess what the reply would be (if I could be bothered to reply which,to be honest, I cant!!)


Relkeel - you go first then.... ;)

Phil - what
overwhelming desire to be with someone
?? The only person I want to be with most of the time is myself - I am really selfish, and like my own company best. I have no problem getting a spin (when I want one) - I think this lad intreaged me,and it became a matter of principal- I havent had anyone do this to me - ever!!

Still think its quite funny!!!!!!

Brian - pay you later :D

Jon - we live and learn eigh!!! Im old enough and ugly enough to laugh about it!!(though I am harbouring a tiny childish desire to bombard him with text messages, just to piss him off :ph34r: hat and write wanker all over his car.....!)

Maurice - apologies - I must have read it wrong. :)
Originally posted by BrianH@Mar 25 2006, 02:07 PM
I have met trudij.

I have also met Relkeel.

If there are to be nude photos flying around I would prefer to see one of the former.

Would it change your mind if I shaved my arse?
Originally posted by trudij@Mar 25 2006, 07:51 AM

I dont go rushing off to meet anyone that I chat to on the intermet like some people I know...... :blink:
And who would you be talking about there??? :lol:
Trudi, please take Auntie K's advice: do NOT respond in any way, shape or form. You surely have other, if not better, things to do with your time than play at this overgrown child's 'guess-my-mood-now' game? Leave him to someone around his own mental weight - say, 12.
Perhaps he does like you but not enough to go for it, friends/ mother might be winding him up or giving him grief because you're older, and he hasnt the strength of mind to ignore what others think or make his own decisions, he does seem immature and perhaps it would be better to kick him to the kerb.
Hope things get better for you.
My theory is that he's not too keen on you or feels that he can take you for granted. He's not particularly interested in anything long term and is looking for the short term fix but he could live without it.

Harsh, perhaps, but more than likely true.
My theory is that he just gets some wierd kick out of it! Makes you wonder how many other girls hes sucked in!

Ice Age and a bottle of ( sorry Ardross!) fair trade Shiraz works wonders at helping you forget, can thoroughly recommend it as an alternative!! :D

Plenty more turds in the park....
Troods - 'helps you forget'???? :o The only things to forget right NOW are his damn phone number and his name! And be POSITIVE, girl, be positive - there are turds in the park, but you are NOT going to step in them! Look for confident, outgoing, socially-able men around your own age, and who share at least one interest in common with you - if you have to try speed dating or signing up to a dating agency to meet them, then DO IT! ;)
Speed dating? Dating agencies?

What's happening to the world? Are people so socially inept they have to go down these routes??
Maurice, it's another world out there for the under 40s, especially, south o' the border! You are, may I say, in the happy position of having been well settled for many years with the one you love. There are plenty of attractive, socially adequate, solvent, pleasant, interesting people who because of falling into a 'difficult' age bracket, living in an isolated area, working long hours, getting over a divorce or bereavement, having moved around a lot or come back from abroad, etc., don't have the network in place to meet appropriate, potential partners. Not everyone has had the same easy opportunity to link up that people who married their school sweethearts had. Speed dating and agencies are just outgrowths of the 'personal ads' which have been around for decades.
JON - I meant generally!!!

I am not going to delete his number - but only so i can ignore him if he rings again - at least i will know its him!

and foir the final time -


If i had one, i wouldnt be able to do what I do now, and I am quite happy with my current arrangements! It would have been nice if i hadnt wasted time on him, but i did. Not to worry- its not going to happen again.

Anyway - Im too shy to do the speed dating game!My speed dating is when they turn up, you take one look across the pub/resteraunt/car aprk, and scarper!!!
I've never speed dated Maurice but I can imagine you would love it.

Imagine, you could take one particular woman as your benchmark. Say, a middle of the road girl with a moderate personality.

You could rate her at around 140..and base all future speed dates around her. Therefore, you could have the shy but secretly witty one as, say, 143+p and go from there. You could even have the butter face with a wicked sense of humour having a couple of stone in hand of the handicapper. Say, 134 ++. Indeed.
I did speed dating once but despite being a sell out, there were 20 blokes and only 7 women. I went with a woman from work and it worked out fine as we just went off on our own and got lashed!! I also joined dating agencies online and found that there were indeed a few weirdos on there (you get them everywhere don't you??) but also many people like me who simply don't have the time to meet people outside of the "pissed in bar" environment, which isn't my scene at all.