I Need A Man!

In one respect I suppose I was lucky in that I met miss Right early in my life. However, it was unfortunate that it took me 24 years to learn that her her first names were " always f*cking".
Trudij, word of advice never try and work out what that bloke was on about - he probably doesn't even know himself. I have met my fair share of weirdos in my time, and I found it far easier to walk away and leave them in their own little world until they have grown up enough to communicate with adults, by which time, you will (hopefully) be somewhere else. There are some good guys out there, it's just finding them! It took me 35 years to find mine, but it was worth the wait. :)

You do come across as a really happy go lucky girl and when the time is right, some chap is going to be very, very lucky!

Don't rush though, have as much (legal) fun as you can before then. :D
Crikey - look at this - THREE pages when all I acutally wanted was to know how someone can change from "i'll come round" to "actually i think we should call it a day" in 10 minutes! I've had cars that do 0 - 60 slower than that!! ( well, maybe thats a slight exaggeration!)

Kathy - I stopped worrying about him the evening he did all that - dont you go fretting about me, it just means im down to the ones that i actually see every so often!! ( Im glad I have met him face to face though - otherwise I'd be seriously starting to wonder if i was hallucinating about him! :lol: ) he just pissed me off cos I never usually give blokes more than one more chance - as you rightly say, life is far too short to go wasting it on prats.

Who wants a prince? theres a lot to be said for frogs..... ;)

Frog Legs with Garlic & Parsley Sauces
Bernard Loiseau
La Cote d'Or- Saulieu, France
Series- World #182

"This is my favorite specialty in the whole world," exclaims an excited Chef Loiseau, accompanying the exclamation with wide gestures. Frogs legs are unusual in America, but if you are ready to try them, this preparation is simplicity itself and pure flavor.

Serves 4

Garlic Purée
1 head garlic, broken into unpeeled cloves
2 tablespoons milk

Parsley Purée
1 large bunch parsley

Frogs Legs
24 pairs frogs legs
all-purpose flour for dusting
1/2 cup clarified butter
1/2 cup unsalted butter

To prepare the garlic purée: Place the unpeeled garlic in cold water to cover and bring to a boil. Drain. Peel the garlic (this is easier now that the garlic has been brought to a boil). Place the peeled garlic in cold water to cover and bring to a boil. Drain. Repeat three more times. The garlic will be cooked, but all the flavor is still inside. Pulse the garlic in a food processor with the milk until a rough purée forms. Keep warm.

To prepare the parsley purée: Bring a large saucepan of salted water to a boil and add the parsley. Boil for 7 minutes. Drain and place in ice water to cool. Drain again. Purée in a blender with a little water until smooth; add water as necessary to create a smooth, thick purée.

To prepare the frogs legs: "French" each frog leg by removing the foot and taking off the upper muscle connecting two legs to divide them. Press the meat up toward the thigh portion to bare the lower leg bone, like a lamb chop; these are called "jambonettes" because they resemble tiny hams. Toss the legs in the flour, shaking off the excess. Heat the butters in a deep saucepan large enough to hold all the legs over medium-high heat until flour sizzles when sprinkled on the butter. Add the frogs legs and let cook until browned all over, 3 to 4 minutes. Remove with tongs and drain on paper towels, patting dry.

To serve: Cover the bottoms of four serving plates with parsley sauce. Place a large spoonful of garlic purée in the center of each plate. Place 6 pairs of frogs legs around each plate, with the meat portion in the parsley sauce and the leg bones of each pair crossed.
must be awkward to walk with but o/k in water I suppose???????????? :o

If you want a plate of SICK try serving them to me!!! the thought of them make me wanna reach............and call for hughie........ :rolleyes:
Oops ironically that recipe is from the Michelin starred chef Loiseau who shot himself in 2003 after he went from three to two stars
Originally posted by Ardross@Mar 27 2006, 06:04 PM
Oops ironically that recipe is from the Michelin starred chef Loiseau who shothimself in 2003 after he went from three to two stars
Who shot him !!!LEGS!!! Diamond !!! that well known hoodlum????? :huh:
Originally posted by trudij@Mar 26 2006, 05:03 PM
....I cant afford to join Racing Pulses - though they would give you the best chance of meeting a like minded person i think, even though they arent a dating agency!!)

But I would be very very wary of tehm too.
Interesting question ~ how many here are, or have considered becoming, members of racing pulses? I joined when it started as I had just taken redundancy and wanted to go racing more, but would have been on my own. No thought of the dating aspect to be honest (but who knows, eh?) but thought it would be sociable. Unfortunately I can only do stuff midweek (which they can't, ironically)and haven't found it to be terribly stimulating anyway (with some exceptions). I'm surprised they haven't picked up on the fact that their core audience are to be found on the likes of Talkinghorses, Theracingforum, Final Furlong etc.

The only person I've struck up a relationship with through Racing Pulses is Luke Harvey!!
....and he's not so bad!!! :lol:

My ma went to one of the Racing Pulses racemeets at Newbury when it first started, I paid for it as a present for her - I'm an old friend of Colin's so knew it would be reputable. She had a great day out, not least as Colin really looked after her for me, taking her around and introducing her to people (she can be quite shy). She enjoyed the day as a day out but couldn't afford to join up and go regularly and she also said there were a lot of women there and not many blokes so it wasn't like a dating day out really anyway as a lot of the women stuck together.
A couple of the women I met during Peter Gehm's last Velka Pardubice decided to join after they got back from the trip. The next RP meeting was at Fontwell, when I was working there, so I had a good oppo to ask how it was going. The turnout was very low, it was something like 10 women and 2 men, one of whom was awkwardly geeky, and the wife part of the couple who started it was one of the women, anyway. I don't think they found the experience got their pulses racing!
It wasn't a couple who started Racing Pulses - not in the strictest sense at least. It was set up by Colin Brown and Caroline Styles - the pair are certainly not a couple!
Oh, must've either misheard or been misinformed, Shadz, although I suppose I heard 'couple who set it up' and probably misassumed!
I looked into this recently - the whole concept has been very cleverly marketed because although they use words like 'singles', they don't actually claim to be a dating agency as such, so therefore that aren't really duty bound to inform prospective members about the male:female ratio... It represents itself as somewhere where you can make friends - very much like any club, I suppose.

And at £150 joining fee, £14.99 per month and only about £20 - £30 quid off the actual event prices, I think it's very expensive!

For those who are under 45 and aren't averse to internet dating, try www.lovehorse.co.uk for like-minded horsey folk. I think it's very difficult for those of us over that age to actually successfully end up with a partner that way!

It's completely genuine, Simmo - they also run sites for those interested in flying and sailing, I think. A good idea, if you think about it, because - well just like here really - having a common interest is pretty essential for most relationships to survive.