I Need A Man!

Originally posted by Songsheet@Mar 28 2006, 09:17 AM
having a common interest is pretty essential for most relationships to survive.
I know a couple whose common interest is fireworks and setting things alight; most notably their pubic hair. The surprise they registered when we informed them that "a forest fire" was not normal behaviour was a sight to behold. :D
:lol: :lol: :lol: You have some interesting chums, simmo! Love the remark about putting in 'lovehorse'... :lol:

I bet no-one on here will 'fess up to setting fire to their pubic hair, or lighting their farts. I must say they're two interesting activities I've swerved, but I can see the charm in attempting them. On the other hand, why set fire to pubes? I once accidentally frizzed some of my head hair, which made it look like an errant pubic tuft, so just how frizzy would one want it?
Theres nothing wrong with internet dating agencies, apart from the women on them, my last 2 girlfriends were both met on dating agencies and neither of them were exactly sane. the last one was a full blown wacko (this is not hyperbole, ask PDJ how bad she was)
My main problem is that I move around a lot for work so I often end up in places I dont know and with no friends around me so a dating agency is a good start in getting to know people and forming a circle of friends
Trudi, was his car in the parking lot per chance???



Contract Electrician? working 14 hour days? should have told him you're a Health and Safety Inspector Trudi.

Do you know for certain that he lives with his parents? (afterall it's hardly the sort of thing you'd admit if trying to make an early favourable impression). He's clearly led you a merry dance, so if there's one thing you do know about him, is that he's more than capable of telling lies, and then telling more lies to cover the ones he's already told. Also a decent sparky shouldn't be short of a few bob, so it's not as if pleading poverty should enter the excuse book. The only thing you can be certain of is that he's hiding something, which tells me you're possibly in a position to cause him a bit of embarassment, were you ever bothered to dig a bit. In no particular order I'd say;

He's a fantasist who's spinning a persona for other peoples consumption, (possibly to reinforce his own ego/ standing if there's a third person, or peer group involved?). Couldn't discount the good old carnal motive completely, (typically it's never far away in the way we think!!!) but he hasn't gone through with it? so for what ever reason somethings gnawing away at him regarding developing the opportunity he perceives to have carved out. If I had my money on anything it would be the existance of a third person, or an outside influence. However, It could be that he's an out and out under confident of course, who's scared that he's getting himself into uncharted water, and doesn't really know what to do? but my best guess would nearer what has previously been described
Yes Gal, everything's fine and dandy......at least it would be if there were a few less cowardly tossers in the world...
The cowardly tosser that made me start this thread phoned me last weekend.... :angry:

on my old number..... :brows:

Which is now my mothers...... :lol: :lol:
the conversation went

" hi - how are you? Im really sorry for pissing you about so much before - can i try to make it up to you?"

mothers reaction ....


"thats really nice,Im very well thankyou. yes you behaved like a complete tosser before, and i would love you to make it up to me. who are you and why are you phoning me at midnight???"
